1973 arab israeli war research

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Politics

Document 1

The disagreements between parties on an international scale provide the foundation of war since it breeds a series of causes that eventually get sparked by a provocation to either party hence a full-scale confrontation. The understanding of international conflict weighs in tremendous impetus towards providing insight on conflict theories and possible resolution mechanisms for averting massive loss of life and property. The paper will take an analysis of the 1973 Arab- Israeli conflict which was pivotal in creating a new dimension on the United States of America’s foreign policy in the Middle East. The past 45 years in October the world witnessed an international conflict between Arabs and Israelites that led to the substantive loss of life and destruction of property all the spirit of the warring factions desire to preserve nationalism.

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The war was an indication of how devastating it becomes in the aftermath of a war that is largely premised on the desire to demonstrate superiority and failure of embracing a diplomatic mechanism. The different theories of both the radical and realist approach demonstrate the motivations for war such as the Arab-Israeli conflict that require the liberal theory to avert or end the war. Origins of the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 The war involving three countries with Egypt and Syria on one side against Israel were bred over time before is sparked into a full-blown war in October 1973. International conflicts are often inspired by a number of causes that have persisted over time but it takes one form of provocation to kick start the actual confrontation in the battlefield. The foundation of the conflict could be traced to events that happened six years before the war.

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In 1967, Israel was responsible for an attack in Jordan, Egypt, and Syria through the June War that so the conquering of a substantive portion of historic Palestine together with the Egyptian Sinai Desert and Golan Heights from Syria (Ovendale, 2015). Unfolding of the Arab-Israeli Hostilities The Egyptians and Syrians developed a strategic move to launch an attack on Israel at a time when they would not be prepared for such an occurrence. The surprise attack took place on October 6, 1973, during the Yom Kippur religious holiday of the Judaist believers that dominates the Israeli population (Laqueur, & Schueftan, 2016). Yom Kippur holiday was marked with minimal activities that were characterized by radio and television broadcasts together with the closure of shops and limited transportation. The religious holiday focuses on meditation and calmness where Egypt and Syria looked at as the perfect opportune time to launch an ambush to ensure they attain their objective of reclaiming their territorial integrity.

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The Egyptian and Syrian armies attacked Israel at 2 pm on October, 6 through putting up a two-front offensive from the north and south equipped with Soviet weapons. The role of Americans and Russians in the war was depicted from the airlifting of arms that included weapons of mass destruction such as tanks and heavy artillery that would support their allies. The challenges of the war included the need to keep on fighting without having to surrender due to limited military tools to enhance the combat power during the war. The ingenuity of the Israeli forces was evident by October 16, 1973, when they managed to subdue the offensive by Egyptian forces under the stewardship of Ariel Sharon (Ginor, & Remez, 2017). The Israeli military power after the ten days into the war had turned the tide of the war through establishing substantive control of the enemy that believed they were going to recapture their territorial integrity (Byman, Cohen, Cook, Zureik, Lyon, & Abu-Laban, 2014).

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On October 17, 1973, the Arabs realized that it was time to change tact on their war strategy and use oil as a factor to help destroy their enemy and stop the expansion of the Israeli control. The subsequent developments after the Egypt-Israel peace deal were the May 31, 1974 ceasefire deal between Israel and Syria with the United Nations peacekeeping mission creating a buffer zone between the hostile nations and exchange of prisoners of war. The oil embargo was eventually lifted in June 1974 hence making it a definitive tool that helped stop a war which would have Egypt and Syria lose more to the Israelis. Political Ramifications in the Aftermath of the Arabs-Israeli Conflict The Camp David Accords that brokered the peace deal between Israel and Arabs had far-reaching consequences that contributed significantly to the disunity of the Arab nations.

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The political atmosphere of the Arab nations has been catalyzed by a feeling of elusive unity thereby becoming a contributing factor to the rise of jihadists’ movements around the world (Gerges, 2012). Egypt equally shifted their allegiance from the Soviets to the United States of America since they felt did not get adequate support to win the war. Korany, B. Noble, P. Eds.  The many faces of National Security in the Arab World. Springer.  Perilous Prospects: The Peace Process and the Arab-Israeli Military Balance. Routledge. Gerges, Fawaz A.  The Transformation of Arab Politics: Disentangling Myth from Reality, in Louis, Wm Roger & Shlaim, Avi, eds.  The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences(Cambridge University Press) pp.  The Origins of the Arab Israeli Wars. Routledge. Reich, B. Powers, S. The United States and Israel.

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