Breast Cancer Annotated Bibliography

Document Type:Annotated Bibliography

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Park, B. Choi, H. Depression in breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomy: A national cohort study.  PLOS ONE, 12(4), e0175395. doi: 10. The results also indicated that the younger adult populations overcame depression faster during the post-operative period compared to the older adults. The findings of higher depressive symptom occurrences among the breast cancer patients compared to the control groups can be attributed to the coping and adjustment following mastectomy. Another perspective to the increased depression incidence among the older persons was the increased prevalence of comorbidities among this group which also contributed to depression and hampered recovery from depression. The higher incidence of depression in the initial 3 years post-operative is associated with the likely recurrences of the breast cancer within the period.

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The case study indicates that Mei Li has undergone a double mastectomy. doi: 10. Arroyo & López aimed to study the psychological reactions and experiences of women following mastectomy. The study studied the psychological reactions of women through the stages from the diagnosis of breast cancer to the period of mastectomy. Arroyo & López aimed to analyse the psychological concerns that affect the woman following mastectomy and more so due to the loss of the breast which is culturally viewed as a significant part of the woman’s body image. The study was a qualitative study. The results from the study which indicate an initial period of fear and intense emotional implications following the loss is so because of the associated functions of the breast and its role in the social context.

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The development of distress and social isolation or fear and increased sensitivity to addend attention, sympathy and the experience of sharing their predicaments creates an environment of mental torture and discomfort for the woman. The case study indicates that Mei Li has undergone a double mastectomy and her reactions noted from the case study include outbursts to providers who show attention to her and attention to dress her surgical sites. The research identifies that the women post mastectomy may be over sensitive to attention on the breast loss. She exhibits dislike and social isolation from both family and other social functions which from the research is congruent as it explains that post-operatively mastectomised women may had difficulties returning to their previous jobs or social circles due to the affected self-image.

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Ho, Rohan, Parent, Tager & McKinley aimed to identify the longitudinal relationship of the purported depression, fatigue and sleep alterations. The research also aimed to establish the individual course of the cluster symptoms as well as identifying the possible correlations in the symptoms. The study design was a quantitative study. The study was done in two phases of two independent studies with study 1 population being postmenopausal women aged 45-70 36 of the women received adjuvant chemotherapy treatment while the other half receiving surgical treatment with no adjuvant chemotherapy. The second group consisted of premenopausal participants. Ms. Li being 42 years of age can be according to the study placed in the premenopausal group whose outcomes indicates that the occurrence of fatigue and depression share common pathways.

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As per her case study, occurrence of these symptoms is depicted by Ms Li, refusal for social participation which indicated depression, she reports lack of energy to participate in day to day activities which indicates occurrence of fatigue and her refusal to take medications may be a sign of distress following the surgery. This according to the research study is supported by the findings that in premenopausal patients, fatigue and depression have a common pathway and fatigue predicts the occurrence of depression in breast cancer patients. Ms Li fits within the age group of the premenopausal patients and aligns to the characteristic findings of occurring depression and fatigue following breast surgery.

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