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Unfortunately the Big Box vehicle crashed into another car, seriously injuring a passenger in that car. Big Box Stores, Inc. only has the minimum liability insurance coverage that Washington State requires on vehicles - $25,000 per person injured. If the victim of the crash makes a claim against Big Box Stores, Inc. the victim will only be able to recover from the car-insurance policy, not from the assets of the company. Mariella should get everything, just like Mark wanted. b. The judge should rule that the Will is not valid, and should not be enforced. The state “intestate law” should govern Mark’s estate. Mariella will have to share the estate with Mark’s brothers A 3. Jasmine dies unexpectedly in a car accident. Nelda files a copy of the video-will with the probate court, and asks to be confirmed as the Personal Representative.

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Susannah asks the court to throw out the video-will, and name her as the Personal Representative. Who should the probate court name as Jasmine’s Personal Representative? a. The judge should rule the video-will as being a valid Will under Washington law, and confirm Nelda as Jasmine’s Personal Representative, as Jasmine clearly expressed her desires in the video-will. True or False In Washington state, in order to sue someone for payment of a real estate sales commission, the plaintiff must be licensed as a real estate broker. You may want to read some of the following RCWs: 18. for assistance in answering this question. True 7. Nelson, a resident of the State of Washington, in 2010 had his attorney set up a Revocable Living Trust, and he transferred title to all of his real estate holdings into the Trust.

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b. Monica gets the real property. Bro gets all of the bank account. Gabby gets the painting and everything else that didn’t go to Monica and Bro. c. C 8. Bridget needed to buy a car, so she went to a car dealer (Reasonably Honest Bob’s Used Cars), and signed a contract to buy a 2005 Honda for $10,000 total price. She had saved up $2,000, which she used as a “down payment” on the car. Then she went to her bank, and asked for a loan for the $8,000 balance on the contract. The Bank only asked Bridget to sign a Promissory Note to promise repayment of their $8,000 loan. Whichever creditor completes their lawsuit, and gets a court Judgment against Thomas first will have top priority. b. The mall will have top priority in claiming the proceeds from sale of the inventory.

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c. Second National Bank will have top priority in claiming the proceeds from sale of the inventory. The annual license fee to the Washington Secretary of State, Corporations Division, to renew the corporation’s existence for another year, is about a. b. c. d. B 13. of the Revised Code of Washington). Joshua (who is of Irish heritage) has just started a new small business in Seattle, and only has one employee so far, and it turns out that person also has Irish heritage. For his second employee, he is thinking of just hiring a person who is also of Irish heritage. It would be legal for him to only interview prospective employees who have Irish heritage. Joshua only plans to have a total of five employees. C 19. Robert was hired for a full-time teaching position at NSC in Art, starting Summer Quarter 2018.

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He was highly qualified (having both a Master's degree in Fine Arts, and many years’ experience in the art world). Just before the quarter starts, Robert comes to school in a wheelchair - he has been injured in a car accident and will be in the wheelchair for about a year while he is healing and going through “rehabilitation. ” The Humanities Division Dean is concerned that Robert will not be able to effectively teach the class, maneuver around the Art classroom, etc. C 20. The facts are the same as in question 19. However in this case, the special ramp that Robert would need to be able to teach would cost $100,000. Is NSC obligated to provide this special equipment, as a reasonable accommodation for Robert? a. Yes, this would be a reasonable accommodation.

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He has to use a "metal-stamping" machine that applies pressure of 2,000 pounds per square inch (psi) to bend flat metal into the appropriate shapes. If Fred's fingers get injured by the machine while he is stamping metal parts, he will A. Have to sue his employer to receive any compensation for his injuries. B. Be able to get compensation from the State Worker's Compensation program (sometimes called “Labor & Industries”). True/False True 26. Donald Trump wants to buy your property, located in downtown Seattle, to create his newest private hotel development, to be called “Trump Tower Seattle. ” You do not want to sell to Mr. Trump. A. Trump is out of luck – you do not have to sell to him. D 27. An “S-Corporation” can have up to 200 shareholders. True/False True 28. Duc has promised to wash Anh's car this next Saturday.

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Marnie has never liked Johnny, and has refused to give Johnny any money from the account. If this matter goes to court, how should the judge rule, according to the law? a. Johnny is entitled to half of the account as a matter of law. b. Johnny is not entitled to anything. If Manuel sues the Valet Parking Service for the value of his stolen vehicle, how should the judge rule? a. The Valet Parking Service was legally responsible for returning the vehicle, under the legal doctrine of “bailment,” regardless of what the claim ticket said, so Manuel will win. b. Manuel had a “license” to use the property – and the claim ticket clearly stated that the Valet Parking Service was not responsible for theft or other loss, so Manuel will lose.

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c. b. Donald has a valid legal claim against Richard for Patent violation. c. Richard has the legal right to sell these posters, as he is now the owner of the painting, and he created the photographs of Donald’s painting to use on the posters. C 32. Minnie then talked with two of her friends from NSC (Lynn and Leila), and rents them each one of the extra bedrooms and use of the common areas of the apartment, for $1,000 each. Lynn and Leila each sign a one-year sub-lease with Minnie, for the June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 time period. On June 1, 2018, all three of the women move into the apartment. All is well until January 1, 2019, when Lynn moves home to Nebraska (she had flunked out of NSC, and was quite depressed!). Minnie is later able to rent out Lynn’s bedroom to another friend Paula, but just for 3 months (March 1 through May 31), for only $800 per month.

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The head cashier (a woman just a couple of years older than Ramos) constantly makes statements to him like these: "Ramos, baby, bring that beautiful body of yours over here and lift this box of books for me. and “When are you going to come over to my place for dinner - and stay for breakfast?" etc. Ramos already has a romantic relationship, and is not interested in the head cashier. He has asked the cashier not to make such comments, as it is embarrassing to him, but she just won't stop. It is bothering him so much he is starting to get a stomach ulcer. Rupert’s Will stated, in part: “I give nothing to my lazy son Chris, and I hope he learns how to work for his living!” Chris thinks this is unfair, and wants to challenge the legality of the Will.

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Likely result? A. In Washington, it is perfectly legal for a parent to “disinherit” a child, and leave nothing for them in his/her Will. So the judge will probably enforce the Will as it is written. B. The rental income is deposited into a KeyBank account that Keith owned before marriage that provides Keith with enough income to pay all the expenses for the rental property, and all the expenses for the home they live in. From the KeyBank account Keith had prior to marriage, he pays for a $200,000 term life insurance policy that names their son, Jin, as the Beneficiary. The KeyBank account had about $20,000 in it when Keith died. Keith never changed the titles to the houses when he and Estelle got married. Keith and Estelle are both working, and they deposit their wages into a Joint Tenancy (JTWROS) bank account with Umpqua Bank, from which they buy their groceries, bought a car, pay for car expenses and vacations, pay for medical and life insurance for both of them, and pay for clothing and household furnishings.

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True/False True 40. Jin will have a 50% claim on the $20,000 KeyBank account. True/False True 41. Estelle will receive the $100,000 life insurance policy proceeds paid for from the Umpqua Bank account. True/False True 42. A 44. Meltzer Corporation has thirty employees as of the beginning of 2017. They are about to hire two more employees in June. They have received way too many applications (500!) for the jobs, and are trying to think of some way to “weed out” most of the applicants, so they can get down to a reasonable group of qualified people to interview. One of the people on the hiring committee has suggested that they just toss out all the applications that are from men, because twenty of the existing thirty employees are men, and that would “even things up a bit” for women.

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Illegal to pay more to a female nurse than a male nurse, if they have the same qualifications and are doing the same job. B. Illegal to pay more to a female nurse who has more years’ experience than a male nurse who is doing the same job. C. Illegal to pay more to a male nurse who has more education than a female nurse who is doing the same job. b. Kazuki would have to operate it as a sole proprietorship, as he is the only owner. c. Kazuki can choose to operate as any of the following: sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, LLP, LLC, S-Corporation, or C-Corporation. d. This would be described as a gift of the car, by Zelda to Zack. c. This would be described as a mutual-benefit bailment with Zelda as the bailer, and Zack as the Bailee.

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C 49. If, during the time Zelda is traveling, Zack leaves the garage unlocked, with the keys sitting on the driver’s seat, and her car gets stolen, does Zack have any liability? a.

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