Camara Education Case Study
Document Type:Case Study
Subject Area:Economics
Camara Education is an educational organization that is devoted to conveying genuine effect through innovation by motivating and engaging youthful ages to enhance their own life opportunities. They do this by sending revamped PCs and by supplying the digital literacy training to schools and other educational institutions in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Zambia, Uganda, Lesotho, Tanzania, Jamaica, Haiti, and Ireland. Company Overview The company usually places its improving education system at the forefront of its objectives. The company is involved with the collection of used computers, refurbishing them and then installing them in educational facilities when called upon to do so. The operation costs of the organization are often financed through revenues that are collected through the process of recycling wastes. These four values are being: committed; they deliver results, caring; the watch over their kin and those they serve, creative; they enhance to tackle issues, and collaborative; they accomplished more by cooperating with one another.
The meaning of the word Camara is borrowed form bantu language which means a person who techy with experience (DIT, 2011). The philosophy we what drives the social enterprise. Notwithstanding its center targets, Camara positively affects sharing difficult employment skills and the environment through the reuse of technology. The huge exchange of abilities happens through the volunteer projects; This has enhanced volunteer ranges of abilities and employability. Since 2011 come on Tanzania has impacted 20,693 learners, string 957 educators, supported 19 educational institutes and delivered 1050 devices. Camara Education Zambia was formerly in Kitwe, Zambia but then relocated to Lusaka, Zambia. It is an officially registered social enterprise, which exists to reduce poverty amongst Zambian youth by providing educational outcomes through the provision of computer hardware and software altogether with digital learning content and teacher focused training.
Since 2012 Camara education Zambia has impacted 24,831 learners, trained 580 educators, supported 465 educational institute, and delivered 2555 devices. Camara education Ethiopia is an organization which is registered locally with the Federal Republic of Ethiopia charity Society Agency. Camara Lesotho has impacted 12 416 learners, trained 73 educators, supported 21 educational institutes, and delivered 295 devices. Camara Education Ireland is a social undertaking which attempted to enhance education in schools and youth bases on the nation via preparing and supporting instructors and youth specialists to utilize ICT and digital technologies in their training. In 2016 three projects were conveyed one of them being The Tech Space program which trains instructors to encourage computerized media, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and applied math), and inventive technology exercises through youth improvement standards with youngsters. This enables instructors to benefit the yearly open doors, inventive technical support, and pathways to upskilling.
Camara Ireland has impacted 80,693 learners, trained 358 educators, supported 250 educational institutes, and delivered 1404 devices. Scale; Camara planned to prepare 20,000 teachers in the utilization of ICT to dispatch 60,000 PCs to instructive foundations and built up 12 sub-center points in the five African nations it works in. These things were basically accomplished. Camara Education had another exceptionally fruitful year in 2016, creating and raising revenue. The cost of raising assets depicted 5% of assets produced by fundraising exercises. Moreover, for each €1 Camara Education spent on raising support, it produced €21. The learning program that is offered by Camara Education is based on six pillars. The first pillar is equipment. The foundation sells the computer packages at a subsidized rate. In most cases most of the refurbished computers that are supplied by the foundation contain a Pentium processor (Foundation, 2006).
The computers often contain content that is educational in nature which can be shared with other computers once the networking is done. The pillar is one that is directed towards making sure that there is continuous improvement of the service and products which will enable the company to tailor its service for its specific customers. The last pillar of the car initiative is the process of recycling. Camara uses a technique MIS that is used to track most of the computer that are refurbished by the social enterprise. Once the computers reach their end life the companies take the computer back upon which they recycle some of the parts while they dispose the parts that are not useful. Achievements of Camara Education The social enterprise has been able to record a lot achievements and especially in the area of refurbishing machines.
The hard drives are then formatted after which a new operating system is installed. Camera’s staffs who are located in Africa work hand in hand with the African teachers in the process of installation. In cases where the computers become useful the computers are then managed by Camara through the locality partner that they have already stabilized in the various countries that it operates in. Another notable achievement is that Camara education has led to an educational related impact where each and every reused computer impacts on nineteen children in Africa each year. It is on this note that governments have supported the work of Camara education as it has also led to reduction in the carbon emissions that are as a result of poor disposal of computers. It has a goal of improving the education quality through increasing more computers that will be able to serve another 3 million student in Africa by the year 2020 (Simpson, 2018).
The company is also looking for more sponsors to sponsor computer installation in Africa. Conclusion Camara education is a social enterprise that is involved in a worthy cause that is directed toward improving the education status of the disadvantaged child. The organization recognizes that the world is quickly being digitalized by technology and that no child needs to be secluded from the process of digitalization (Amin , 2013). As such the process of refurbishing computers has managed to make sure that even the disadvantaged poor children in African nations are able to get in touch with the technology. DIT. September 12). DIT and Camara Education in Race Against Computer Waste. Retrieved March 25, 2018, from DIT: http://www. dit. February 23). Case study: how Camara Education has sparked a digital revolution. Retrieved March 25, 2018, from CIPS. Org: https://www. cips.
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