Case Study on The Preoperative Care of a Patient
Document Type:Case Study
Subject Area:Nursing
This will include identification of the reasons that brought her to the hospital, an analysis of the procedures that take place during handover to the hospital nurse on duty, examination of preexisting conditions that the patient had and their implication on the impending methods. The final part will analyze the potential patient problems and how to manage them before the patient goes into the theatre. The emergency care unit stabilizes patients in critical conditions before they are admitted to a hospital for specialized care (Chalfin, Trzeciak, Likourezos, Baumann and Dellinger, 2007). Medical personnel useISBAR when admitting a patient to a hospital. ISBAR (introduction, situation, background, assessment, and recommendation) framework is a useful communication tool that aids in the efficient handover of a patient(Thomson, Collet, Langbart, Purcell, Bod, Yuminaga and McCormack, 2011). K has a history of hypertension that she is managing through lifestyle modification.
Furthermore, she gives her assessment of Mrs. K and what she believes to be the current issue at hand, and the best possible recommendations that should be implemented, from the situation and background analysis. The handover nurse believes Mrs. K must be having an episode of haematemesis and melaena due to vomiting blood. Haematemesis involves the bleeding from several points like stomach, esophagus, and duodenum. Persons with haematemesis vomit blood while those with melaena pass blood-stained stool, a black tarry color caused by acid in the blood. Melaena is less-fatal as compared to haematemesis. Patients may go into shock when they lose about 20% of their blood and, consequently, may need resuscitation by emergency care personnel. Common causes of such bleeding are peptic ulcers and varices(Holster and Kuipers,2011). Circulation (C) stage is where nurses check for pulses and bleeding and involve CPR where relevant.
The next step is the disability (D), an assessment of motor and sensory deficits to establish consciousness. The pupil’s shape, size, and reaction are assessed. Also, response to stimuli and movement abilities are factored. Adjustments include proper patient positioning and splinting of deformed limbs. K’s medical history comes next whereAMPLE (allergies, medications, past medical history, last meal and event surrounding injury) (Bower, Cartwright, Barlow, Hendy and Steventon, 2011) is studied to understand the patient better. Mrs. K has a history of aspirin prescription for the past eight years, and this could be part of the cause of the current problem. Moreover, she follows radio advice by taking 20ml apple cider vinegar mixed in warm water. However, she did not use up all the tablets from the previous prescription, and close monitoring should be done to ensure she clears her current medicine nonetheless.
K that she should only take prescribed medication by a qualified physician. The third knowledge deficit is Mrs. K failing to finish the prescribed doses. She did not clear the doses after the back surgery. The nurse should explain to Mrs. Its side effects include drowsiness, depression, uncontrolled movements like shaking, twisting of the body or also muscle contractions, feeling weak, depression, restless, and diarrhea. Furthermore, convulsions and confusion may occur in patients, particularly those with epilepsy (Leksowski, Peryga, and Szyca, 2006). Mrs. K takes a half aspirin per day at the moment, for eight years now. This was said to prevent heart diseases and stroke for such patients in the long run (Hohlfeld, Saxena and Schror, 2013). It doesn't involve consultation with another doctor, and consequently, no medical records kept. Complementary therapy does not include therapeutic drugs, and most are purely natural (Fernandez, Jimenez, Santamaria, Gunnard, Soto, Kalapanidas and Konstantas, 2012).
The proponents of such methods claim the methods have been in existence since the ancient times. However, the two trends have their implications. Self-prescription may lead to misdiagnosis (Ruiz, 2010) when an individual purchase and uses drugs that are not for the current ailment suffered. The patient should have an identity band on the dominant arm with printed information. He/she should be given an appropriate medical gown to be worn during the operation. During the preoperative care, there is a possibility of patient problems. Three of the potential patient problems are outlined here. The first one is Nil by Mouth (NBM). This is when a patient has a recent medical history that he/she feels will get in the way of the planned operation. For instance, a past similar surgery. Previous treatments should be studied, and their effect on the scheduled maintenance analyzed (Fluegen, Jankowiak, Foehrding, Kroepil, Knoefel and Topp, 2013).
Doctors in charge then give their feedback on the concerns raised and decide on the viability of the operation. In conclusion, the proper care of patients by nurses is critical. This is beneficial to Mrs. K considering that she had used aspirin without knowing its side effects and that she should stick to doctor’s prescriptions only. Any operation concerns raised by a patient should be addressed during the preoperative care stage for smooth operation to commence. References Boult, C. Wieland, G. Steventon, A. A comprehensive evaluation of the impact of telemonitoring in patients with long-term conditions and social care needs the protocol for the whole systems demonstrator cluster randomized trial. BMC health services research, 11(1), 184. Buurman, B. M. Chalfin, D. B. Trzeciak, S. Likourezos, A. Baumann, B. Wong, S. K. Ng, E.
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