Communication gaps in strategy and technology firms

Document Type:Dissertation

Subject Area:Technology

Document 1

The study seeks to address the research questions by reviewing various literature work which include examining various communication gaps that exists in the strategic and technology firms, factors that contributed to the communication gaps, impacts of communication gaps in strategic and technology firms, and the importance of effective communication in an organization. The theoretical knowledge got applied to assist in the deep understanding of the communication concept in an organization management level. The study applied the use of social constructionist theory, mechanistic theory, and psychological theory to capture significant about communication. The study got designed to apply exploratory inquiry research to answer the research question on how communication gaps affect the effectiveness of the strategic and technology consulting organizations, the way the employee interact with the management, and how the solution of the identified communication gaps.

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The explanatory inquiry research adopted a qualitative design to address the research questions through management theory and weigh them with employee view of communication. These gaps ought to be considered and addressed fully (Goetsch, & Davis, 2014). This study will highlight the communication gaps that present problems with many firms. The senior management of such firms have considered various ways to effectively fill communication gaps. Tremendous effort and man hours have been expended to address the problem; yet, more work needs done to ensure that the problems have been resolved, and in methodologies to effectively help in the effective resolution of the problem. Furthermore, in line with the identified communication gaps, there are factors which contributed to the gaps which the study shall examine into detail. This tendency creates communication gaps due to the way employees of different generations and cultural backgrounds perceive the meaning of different instruction.

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Miller & Holstein (2017), also noted how communication gaps adversely affect organizations among employees such as large turnover, lowered production, and unclear priorities. Some impacts for organizations from communication gaps are obvious and some are not, however; minor disruptions have negative affects to organizations (Miller & Holstein 2017). Communication is essential for achieving organizational goals and meeting deadlines for international strategy and technology firms. Harter & Adkins (2015), noted the exchange of effective personal communication is essential to organizations in a knowledge society. These authors noted teams are effective vehicles for communication. Improper team structure is one issue leading to miscommunication or the lack of communication in strategic and technical firms, (Falkheimer, 2014). The general problem is that if employees are not satisfied with the effectiveness of communication within their organization, they may not perform their job as well and have a lower level of organizational commitment (Best 2017).

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The specific problem is that communication gaps can appear due to a lack of visual presence of the source of information or real-time access to the receiver of the information. Best (2017), noted that physical distance is an issue that may be resolved using social software tools in knowledge sharing. After understanding some of the different studies that have been undertaken, consulting firms have a lot of communication gaps that have not been addressed adequately. Despite the efforts that have been laid down, communication effectiveness have not been outlined. There needs to be proper considerations of the various management inadequacies that makes communication impossible (Falkheimer, 2014). By addressing the problems that occur with communication gaps, the effectiveness of proper communication can spread throughout the entire organization. The study will be able to look at both management and organizational inadequacies in adopting a suitable communication pathway.

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According to Rahi (2017), the purpose of exploratory inquiry study is to identify and determine which issues contribute to communication gaps in strategy and technology firms. The study will use knowledge management theory to considerably identify the different communication gaps and bring out clearly some of the key things that can be used to reduce the problem (Tetnowski 2015). The central phenomena for the study is inter-organizational cultures and communications which contributes to communication gaps such as lack of physical presence, lack of communication satisfaction, scheduling problems, and the lack of formal communication delivery. Achieving such proper communication channels will help strategy and technology firms understand how resolving communication gap issues will help meet goals and enhance production (Hao & Song (2016) The study will adopt an exploratory inquiry research design to understand some of the components concerning the knowledge management theory and comparing it with employee perceptions of communication.

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The sampling of non-numerical data will effectively gather the proper aspects of the study (Coombs, 2014). Communication involved human beings with feelings and different thoughts, and therefore, psychological theory considered relevant in that sense. Psychological theory view of communication holds an opinion that, communication involved feelings and therefore, theory addresses the communication gaps by applying the peoples’ feeling to get the meaning of the information passed (Trevino, & Nelson, 2016). The theory attached the relevant meaning to every interaction at any particular time. The theory get applied to make the organization leadership understand and find ways of filling the communication gaps. Knowledge Contribution The knowledge and understanding of the communication gaps concept in strategy and technology firms shall get enhanced by this research study. Online scholarly work of literature such as journals, articles, and peer reviewed articles, and books get used to as primary sources of information to the study.

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The most current and updated sources highly recommended for the research study. Methodology Research Design The study get used exploratory inquiry research design to address the research questions for reliable and sustainable conclusions. The designed illustrates a series of action such as formulation of the problem questions, establish a working strategy, data collection and sampling, and finally, appraisals get done. Also, the data to get used must get collected from variety of sources for standardization purposes to filter the most appropriate information, and that followed by effective evaluation of the key principles of the study (Trevino, & Nelson, 2016). The research design provide measures to curb bias data from leaking into the study through the applied methodology, and that the study will have independent and objective data. Moreover, a supplementary research design like ethnographic may get considered to track the real-life scenario interaction for planning purposes (Ruben & Gigliotti 2017).

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The exploratory research design is quite promising in the sense that it will ascertain study effectiveness and development of the major parameters to ensure that the study apply the right measures. Ethnographic research design is another significant design, however; the best research design to be adopted in this study will be exploratory inquiry research design. Several researchers use exploratory inquiry case studies to get a better grasp of the situation where the involvement has no outward results (Dai 2018). The random selection of the samples from the defined population, warrants a high degree of precision as well as elimination of any element of biasness (Roztocki & Weistroffer 2015). Therefore, the selected samples will get preferred as the most relevant in connection to the population in question (Creswell, & Poth, 2017). Also, the representation sample of the population will be a crucial step as the selected firm outlined, and the management leaders get sampled.

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Similarly, the firm selection will be subject to random selection to ascertain an effective recording of the appropriate sections for the study. Nature of the study The decision to use qualitative method got based on the fact that the method guarantee a in-depth and detailed understanding of how human behave. Specifically, individuals will usually give independent information about what they pass through when subjected to certain situations. When proper considerate inquiry is done in previous years to understand some of the problems in communication, establishment of arising gaps will be outlined. It will be easy to understand some of the key issues that have been affecting the consulting firm. Through this design, proper concerns will be raised and appropriate outcome outlined. It will be easy to understand the different ways that will eventually bring out the right prospect that will yield to positive concerns.

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Communication is a key element that should be considered and appropriately undertaken to ensure that various key components have been established. It is always appropriate to understand the right approach that could yield a positive research design to meet the purpose of the study (Best, & Kahn, 2016). The study will effectively use exploratory inquiry research design as the primary method to undertake the research. It will considerably highlight key components that might be essentially important in the entire research process. This study basically drives most of its proponents from the research design highlighted. The different organizational proponents that contribute significantly to the adverse communication problems will critically be evaluated (Jenifer & Raman 2015). To a greater scale, the study will identify different communication gaps that have become a proven issue in the effectiveness of implementing organizational goals in strategic and technology consulting firms.

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Also, it will seek to understand the visual presence of the source of information or real-time access to those receiving information resolve communication gap issues. However, the best approach on how the identification of communication gaps resolve management issues within strategy and technology firms will be considered. This are the key concepts that will guide through the study and ensure that every basic element have been considerably accounted for (Jenifer & Raman 2015). The assumptions drawn from the study will provide the best option that could be adhered to and ensure that the right proponents have been undertaken to address communication gaps. It is through the specific assumption that different aspects of the company are understood and considerably outlined. Limitations The study also seeks to encounter with a lot of limitations that ought to result in a lot of proponents required for the general effectiveness required by employees.

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The firm will only be operational if it is not limited to a lot of managerial inefficiencies. It is the duty of most firms to understand some of the key aspects that will help them to undertake most of the prospects that will eventually make the firm in good standing (Jenifer & Raman 2015). Also, the study is able to enhance the knowledge as well as understanding factors that may contribute to communication gaps in strategic and technological organizations together with the remedies. Jenifer & Raman (2015), noted that collaboration and communication between teams in organizations leads to highly functioning teams. A central phenomena for the study is inter-organizational culture and communication which contributes to communication gaps such as a lack of physical presence, lack of communication satisfaction, scheduling problems, and lack of formal communication delivery methods (Amendola et al.

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The study objectives include identifying the issues communication gaps have on the objectives, deadlines, and productivity in strategy and technology firms and how the issues could be resolved using a communication workflow diagram as a theoretical model. The study will employ survey as a data collection instrument. Communication Communication is the process of sharing information from one party to the other in an organization with a view of making a return in investment. Organizations also shares information with other firms and consumers in the process of business communication and product promotion. Strategy Strategy is an action plan designed to make the firm achieve the desired goal. It can also be described as the art and the science of making the initial plan and channeling the resources in a manner that guarantee the organization efficiency.

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Exploratory inquiry Explanatory inquiry is a type of research designed to know more about a research question that not so many scholars have answered. Social Constructionist theory The social constructivist theories concerned with the communication technology in firms’ states that, the employees of a specific organisation normally embrace a similar behavioural and cultural ways of doing things about communication technology issues (Loseke 2017). According to Smith (2017), the rationale behind the social constructivist got justified by the group consisting of scientists and engineers when studying electronic mail use. Human beings’ morale to handle technology get ignited when they concentrate on their duties (Miller & Holstein 2017). The idea of emerging the concept of social constructionism in the communication discipline got fueled by the definition of the communication as a process by which meaning of words get derived (Best 2017).

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People get meaning about realities and knowledge of life through social interaction, and therefore, communication applies. In a marketing field for instance, the marketing director is compared to sender, who holds the mandate to transfer the information which in the marketing discipline is the massage about the firm’s statements of accounts, the corporate strategy, the management plans, and the strategic objectives formulated by the management (Ruben & Gigliotti 2017). On the other hand, the medium normally is the projector that displays the message to the other junior staff. The feedback from the receivers of the information confirms that the message was correctly relayed and well understood. An effective communication is a two way communication type which also guarantee feedback. In most instances, the receiver encodes and sends the message to the sender who decodes it to create a meaning out of it (Ruben & Gigliotti 2017).

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According to Boyle (2018), culture refers to shared values, practices, beliefs, traditions, and behaviors which define organization’s unique identity. A culture which a firm adopts determine the general direction of its functions and environmental alignment. Boyle (2018), argued that, the cultural approach convinced most of management scholars due to the fact that, it is dynamic in nature, and that, it gives comprehensive knowledge about communication. For instance, the management scholars were keen to understand the explanations of the adopted practices and behaviors among the companies that fell victims during the periods of declined performance of the American corporations. According to Al-Saqqaf (2015), features of excellent cultures at high profiled corporations include employees’ empowerment, mutual trust, customer oriented, shared behavior and practices, and lean management strategies. Our thoughts and feelings come through the act of communication.

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In communicating, we not only transmit information but also common understanding between each other (Quirke 2017). The communication process entails expressing, listening and understanding (Banerji & Dayal, 2005). Additionally, communication is social in nature and being at the heart of the structure of every organization, seeks to steer the course of relationships between teams and organizations (Quirke 2017). Communication has always existed in business Obeidat et al. Similarly, emphasizing the social aspect of it, communication established a clear and reliable social concept that helps individuals to understand and form an efficient organizational structure which helps in conducting a good relationship between groups and organizations (Amendola et al. Communication is also that process that entails transmitting the details about the job and the firm to its workforce or members. Business goals are established and disseminated through communication (Amendola et al.

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This is important because whereas employees might possess the requisite skills and competencies for the performance of a particular task, it is important for them to align these appropriately towards organizational goals and expectations (Ansoff et al 2019). At the base of a successful management is communication; it helps greatly in coordination of different components of the organization as well as in the interaction amongst employees (Dai 2018). According to Creswell & Poth (2017), communication is the principal activity in any organization as it is the way through which human get to start a relationship. The connection is inevitable and that organizations are duty bound to foster working relationships with people and teams through communication. Best (2017), opined that communication is the vehicle for coordinating groups and individuals for common goal achievement, human intermingling, decision-making process, formulation of solutions, and management change strategy.

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Significantly, internal communication is the key in the dissemination of the required information concerning the employees' job areas, the firm, the surrounding environment, and interaction among themselves. According to Best (2017), communication is the bridge that connects the employees to motivation, trust building, mutual identity, and engagement as well as providing a pathway for people to express their feelings, opportunity to share hope through experiences and ambitions and celebrate the achievements. Having strong persuasive skills is just another matter while being flexible and analytical is all part of the game (Wenzel & Koch 2018). Culture for Communication The communication culture of a firm get portrayed by the ways in which a firm creates and manages communication during processes like planning, staffing, budgeting, and policies formulation. According to Hao & Song (2016), described some of the vital factors that facilitates culture for communication to include; ongoing two-way system of communication, participatory environment to empower employees, less formal and decentralized communication structure, and incorporation of gender and equality programs.

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As a result, the full implementation of these employee motivational and organizational successful factors not only make the firm to achieve set specific goals, but also creates an environment where employees are open to share information about work ideas, useful suggestions, and opinions. With that in mind, the employees get motivated and enhance their work understanding, cultivate trust, engagements, and become diversified in nature. Communications Challenges in strategic and technological Firms According to Theaker (2016), strategic and technology organizations are vulnerable to communication problems in the current dynamic world because technology keeps on changing and upgrading on a daily basis. Therefore, achieving effective communication calls for these strategic and technology firms to consider making continuous changes and aligning themselves with demographics, adoption of the emerging structures, embracement of modern technology, management of knowledge and learning, and employee diversification and involvement.

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Jacobs & Chavez (2016), effective internal communication is as a result of offering adequate solutions the latter issues, while the management supports the organization solves the communication challenges by focusing on the major strategic, tactical, and leadership roles in line with communication. The following are some issues that may cause communication gaps in a contemporary strategic and technology firm. Organizational Identity The disorganized world and volatile nature of organization’s boundaries posed a significant challenge of identification to most current firms. Also, the firm’s leadership must work to improve their listening, organization verses organization communication, and most likely employee and customer interactions. Employee Engagement Employee involvement in their job lines of duty is a significant issue most of the organizations encounter of late. According to Obeidat, Al-Dmour, & Tarhini (2015), engagement is the ability to make people use their full expertise and energy when performing their work duties.

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The employee involvement was a major issue in the past when employees had insufficient information at their disposal, and that, the work place had problems of trust and moral which lead to frequent work restructuring and more management problems (Roztocki & Weistroffer 2015). However, in the current world, information is with the employees and the organization leaders have the mandate of finding ways of managing the excess information and align the words of mouth to an action plan. Reduced cycle time for company changes concerning strategies like mergers, acquisitions as well as other culture change strategies are rarely applied, however, very significant return on investment measurement tools. Measurement is one of the communication fundamentals in any given company. Kaplan‐Hallam & Bennett (2018), confirm the usefulness of applying different measurement practices because they help in problem definition, track the both individual and overall progress, value evaluation, and future projection and planning.

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Therefore, an organization must make measurement knowledge and practices as a going concern management need. Social Media Social media is a general term used to describe new electronic and web-oriented communication channels like blogs, podcast, discussion forums, and chat rooms, among others (Jaakkola at al. According to Lin et al. February), the modern world demands for that the managers and leaders to let go the tradition politics of communication in organizations and instill free, open, and honest conversations among the firm’s stakeholders. Collaboration Software Collaboration software encompasses deliberate group activities and a software to support the same actions. According to Storey et al. the modern collaborative software uses the available technologies to support groups’ activities such as communication, sharing, coordination, cooperation, solve problems, and negotiation with a common purpose of achieving a particular objective.

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Also, the location dimensions enable users to do work collective in a single place, and also, permits them to enjoy working together from various places. Benefits of Collaborative Software According to Rocha et al. understanding the benefits of collaborative software will certainly assist in convincing and proof to the Strategy and technology organization management to implement its technologies and availed the structural support to enable the employees adopt it. Therefore, the successful collaborative software integrations offers a company a number of below benefits Save Time Time is the most lucrative resource in any life setup. An organization which reduces time wastage avoids unnecessary expenses and delay in the information flow. Notably, he ascertains the programs get meant to increase confidence level of each participants develop trust. Organization Improvement The designed collaborative programs helps the strategy and technology firms to manage their entire supply chain management for quality and efficiency in service delivery.

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According to Rayan (2011), the integration of a company supply chain demands a well-coordinated workflows which is only possible through an effective communication systems. Clougherty & White (2016), asserted that, collaborative software gives a real-time communication among the employees regardless of the geographical locations. Therefore, strategy and technology firms are not exceptional, and that, collaboration culture guarantee an improved and a going concern organization. They include tools such as online forums, social media team charts, video conferencing, IM conferencing, community boards, and application exchange. Finally, the coordination type collaborative software helps the organization teams to handle activities, timetables, and responses. According to to Rocha et al. the coordinated tools get applied to address complex interrelated processes meant to achieve a common singular goal. For instance, the software tools serve the purpose of informing the members about deadlines, coordinating and monitoring of the ongoing projects through time management and project management.

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Communication plays a very significant role in preaching a company business strategy information to the employees and management Clear communication about the company’s vision and mission, objectives, core values, and the business model keeps the stakeholders focus towards achieving them since workers would only engage in relevant value added activities. According to Grace et al. employees have the duty of demonstrating the willingness to understand and practice the core values as indicated in the business strategy document for an effective work delivery. The corporate management does not only keep abreast of the stipulated strategy but also draw clear communication pathways for the dissemination of information down the lower level of the organization’s structure (Ansoff et al. Effective communication enhances employee involvement which is the key strategy to cultivate operationally motivated, self-driven, and productive workers.

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There are different prospects of the study that will open a new pathway that will effectively bring a clear understanding of the entire process and steps. This is key proponents that will open new platforms and other alternative ways that will bring people into considerations of the manner in which they undertake different components. One significant term to be critically evaluated is strategy and technology firms. With this being the central aspect of our study, it is significant to understand and document all the things about strategy firms. They are firms that undertake different consultations and give appropriate advice and offer solutions to other companies and individuals (Royle, & Laing, 2014). Effective communication boosts the general workers’ productivity since there existed clear job designation, business strategy, and each worker’s target clearly stated with a reward.

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Therefore, a motivated employee normally go extra mile to meet the set targets for both the organization and individual benefits (Royle, & Laing, 2014). Communication is one the key components of an organization such that its management determines the success of failure of the same organization (Grace et al. According to Jenifer & Raman (2015), management of the consulting firms are duty bound to consider and address all communication prospects to facilitate accomplishment by defeating barriers to effectiveness. Conflicts and misunderstanding within organizations get solved by appropriate communication channels and for that matter, strategy and technology firm’s management must scrutinize for any form of communication challenge along the established channels to make the organization prosper. According to Grace et al. communication is the key in constructing and explaining life’s meaning. Therefore, the level of professionalism and competency of an individual get evaluated on the basis of how they handle communication of several of life encounters.

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When employees of a technology firm plan to take up an assignment, they will depend on an effective communication flow from the top management to the lower management (Roztocki & Weistroffer 2015). This will give them clear directions and possible aspects that are required to undertake the assignment. Communication gaps usually come about as a result of inefficiencies caused by different individuals with the aid of helping the entire system understand various proponents that will help them overcome different milestones. It is necessary to effectively know the right approach that will help them to overcome the problems that come as a result of communication. Having a proper internal communication is one of the key elements that hold organizations in the right organizational positions (Stark, Whitlock, & Cornett, 2014). Failure of a reliable and independent internal communication structure will bridge a lot of communication gaps (Stark, Whitlock, & Cornett, 2014).

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With the lack of effective internal communication, a consulting firm just becomes a system with people who are disconnected and does not coordinate the operations of the firm. Failure to get this help will result in many inconveniences that will affect the manner in which they perform their operations. Communication is a key component that a company cannot survive without its proper use. Gaps in communication usually come with a lot of problems that entirely makes the firm even collapse. Some companies have never been able to revive from their problems due to ineffective communication that they have outlined. According to Jenifer & Raman (2015), there are key aspects that are usually significant for each company to adopt. A serious company should have serious personnel who can make effective implementations on time. When people do not consider some of the key communication structure as important, it will lead to communication gap.

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Employees ought to understand the manner in which various aspects should be considered and ensure that proper guidelines have been followed. Most of the workers miss out to perform what was required of them due to the delivery of wrong information (Pirkkalainen, & Pawlowski, 2014). When the right information reaches individuals at any time, they tend to make rational decisions concerning their allocated duties to and meets the set targets with ease (Pirkkalainen, & Pawlowski, 2014). People are now not able to make their views concerning a particular major change effective because of the way in which the top managers react to their issues. Most of the decisions that the lower management obtain have already been decided, and they are not given any form of responsive considerations (Jenifer & Raman, 2015). Even though they might be having a major issue that needs to be implemented, no proper platform can help them give out their opinions.

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Furthermore, this current development has led to a lot of problems between the top and the lower management. There is completely a large communication gap that exists that ought to be considered considerably. Workers happiness on the job and performance is attributed to various organizational communication practices that include regularity, openness and accuracy, the giving of feedback including performance feedback and the availability of adequate information on an organization’s policies, procedures and practices. Communication is also important in giving recognition to employee contribution hence having a direct bearing on how committed they are not only to the organization but also to its values and policies. The practice of providing feedback and suggestion should be highly encouraged. Content Conceptual Framework Background This study is based on different approaches that try to understand different communication gaps.

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The starting point in the study is to understand the communication principles that support different management crisis and establishing appropriate concepts that give solutions to the crisis (Bolin, & Skogerbo, 2013). Communication as an integral function in creating action plan network Communication can be seen as a promoting tool for action plan network. It is through communication that different implementations are facilitated within a firm. Without clear and proper communication, the functions of the firm will be considerably affected. According to Inayat et al. it is quite imperative for the management and the entire organization team to comprehend and formulate an action plan that may foster open communication process. The current studies seek for important materials from the former primary studies, and that, they offer continues knowledge seeking under a given field of study.

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According to Gordon & Perrey (2015), primary sources make the research easier since they are readily available. Also, the primary sources give out credible first hand reliable information that is suitable for thorough anticipated framework. The review of various primary studies offer development of knowledge by new interpretations and summary. Also, different scholars formulate different conclusions, opinions, and recommendations which give logics to the work of literature. For example, to effectively understand some of the communication principles that should be changed or adjusted for there to be effective communication, it is necessary to argue all the necessary claims for and against such components (Gordon, & Perrey, 2015). No complete process can be undertaken without first looking at various key principles that will ensure the firm operates most appropriately. In fact, it will ensure that the right procedures have been followed and that all the necessary frameworks have been considerably considered.

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Having an effective and reliable literature methodology is a necessary component that is essential in undertaking any form of research. Literature review gives a clear and reliable guideline that can be followed to ensure that the entire process is effectively done. Most firms have reported a high rate of communication barriers that causes a lot of business downfall. There is no way a company can operate when they are experiencing a lot of communication problems. For the systems of a firm to operate normally, there should be a constant and reliable flow of communication from the top to the bottom management structure (Guerrero, Andersen, & Afifi, 2017). People need to understand the implementations that the managers and other company stakeholders have and desire to be implemented. On the other hand, for the problems of the lower employees to be addressed, there should be a constant and reliable outline of the manner in which they undertake different activities (Hyvarinen, & Vos (2015).

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The organization’s leadership and the top corporate management are the key icons who must lead from the front to inculcate free and open communication within their organizations (Jenifer & Raman, 2015). The organization culture and leadership structure embraced by the top leaders contribute immensely to determine the effective information flow within their relevant firms (Inayat et al. For instance, leaders give directions to the junior staff, they preach the undying communication gospel to the employees, and educate their juniors on the importance of welcoming the spirit of communication. The structure of the organization defines a type of leadership style that is capable of influencing the staff to make the right decision aligning to the firm’s mission and vision (Hyvarinen, & Vos, 2015). For example, managers of a firm charged with the responsibility of conducting thorough value chain analysis to identify existing communication challenges and any situation that may threaten the flow of communication, and device means to get rid of them (Hyvarinen, & Vos, 2015).

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On the other hand, the management might choose not to respond to the problems raised by the workers. This becomes a very big problem as the workers will not be contented by the manner in which the processes of the company take place. There are different factors that arise that could result into a lot of other external problems to the firm that could be possibly reduced in due course (Hyvarinen, & Vos, 2015). Instead, lack of effective and precise feedback leads to communication gaps and misunderstandings. The company cannot be in a position to effectively perform most of its activities if the manner in which communication is carried out is considered not to be effective. The design ensures that the processes and procedures are well developed and executed effectively. For example, some of the key design concepts of the study got retrieved from a relevant former research that showed an effective framework.

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Also, the research made use of variety of articles to formulate major design strategies as well as incorporating the right elements that relate to communication problems (Nebo et al. The study incorporated society and the civil society through a model to explain their responsibilities in the development of effective communication. As a result, a better understanding of the procedures and principle elements that should get evaluated, as well as necessary core aspects and considerations get considered (Guerrero, Andersen, & Afifi, 2017). The research conducted will provide appropriate data and gauge the major factors which provide the required studies. Therefore, the readily available sources will make the process of conducting research more workable by examining the key requirements of the study and how they affect the various proponent of the study. Besides, the established design will act as a vehicle to reach credible materials and provide appropriate procedural elements (Guerrero, Andersen, & Afifi, 2017).

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Generally, the literature design will offer the best understanding of the procedures followed to provide the key study elements. According to Gordon, & Perrey (2015), the reliability and appropriateness of the study justifies the effectiveness of literature design that got applied in lign with the most appropriate communication elements. Rumors abound when there is open favoritism and double standards. When pronouncements are not part of organizational standards but are used for the moment to get back at people or punish and at another time the same pronouncements mean the opposite. It is therefore important that an organization clarifies issues and makes things clear for everyone in an open environment that breeds confidence in the system. There is also need to give credible information and be as truthful with information as possible. Thus an organization is obligated to give the true picture of things, without withholding certain realities or distorting facts.

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There must be put in place a vibrant communication plan that takes care of everybody and reinforces respect for lower level employees to feel free in communicating their feelings, ideas and concerns. They will also feel valued hence leading to increased productivity for the organization. To also foster job satisfaction and hence better performance, communication must also build trust. It is impossible to share every aspect of information about the organization to all employees but they should be able to partake of what they are entitled to know so that trust increases enthusiasm for the job and hence increased performance. In order to overcome communication gaps in consulting firms, communication must also be instructive. The other way is to create an organizational culture where employees are treated fairly in the eyes of everybody.

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This promotes open spaces and people will be free to discuss their issues. The springing up of factions will greatly be curtailed. People talk in hushed tones when they are suppressed. Overcoming Communication gaps also entails making communication a two-way street. They need to communicate the strategies, the organizational goals both to the line managers and to the general employees so that everybody moves in sync with each other towards a common purpose (Asamu, 2014) Equally important for the business leaders is being conscious of what to communicate and to whom. This brings in the issue of relevance so that different categories of employees get to know only what they need to know for the performance of their duties. Strategy firms handle critical information that is given to them in trust by their clients.

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They hold other companies’ secrets on finances and market strategy. They can therefore not afford to be as carefree with information as to communicate it to everybody. In order not to create a gap in such a communication, it is important for business leaders to make that clear to employees to improve the flow of communication. Open communication lines such that everyone is able to share their feelings and concerns regarding the job. Strategy firms being client oriented need continuous flow of communication that also gives feedback and fact checking. People feel comfortable if they are free to share and allowed the freedom to ask questions and seek clarifications. Managers also need to ask questions to ensure everything is clarified and everybody moves on the same page with regards to information they are supposed to be privy to.

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This must also go with choosing the right channel depending on the time, urgency, the message to be disseminated, the availability of technology and the number of people being communicated to. With the current technological revolution, most employees will prefer the use of technology because it is convenient and fast. Team members should also feel free to communicate more amongst themselves and with the management. Because communication is everyone’s job in a strategy firm, it then follows that all employees must improve in their skills for communication. Employees should seek clarifications where necessary and give feedback to management too. This is a more strategic view in defining communication tools and methods, not just as commodities but as assets that contribute to the growth of the business. There has to be that link so that a strategy firm employs the best communication methods that drive growth and contribute to its profitability.

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Here, information technology will define a lot in terms of determining whether the organization has the requisite components required to drive growth. And if the organization has communication tools that don’t contribute to its growth then that is the right time for the firm do away with them and ensure employees are well equipped with the right tools for modern day firms. Here, an effective plan is necessary, so that information technology defines what tools and techniques are relevant, not just for the whole firm but for specific units in the firm depending on their intended outcomes. Proper and effective communication will always increase the productivity of the firms. In fact, the firm has the right operational proponents due to the existence of effective communication. Most of the successes are built form the manner in which communication is undertaken.

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Strategy and consulting firms usually consider different proponents that are mandatory in the effectiveness of the manner in which different speculative frameworks are considered. This study establishes different aspects which have facilitated the manner in which different aspects of communication is effectively adopted (Kasper, & Kellerman, 2014). In overcoming communication gaps, deliberate efforts must be made to overcome the natural barriers to effective communication like distance. The current globalized business environment demands so. Chapter Summary The chapter explores different components that have been used to critically understand the different communication problems faced by strategy and consulting firms. To date, different proponents have taken place within a firm that needs to be considered, and proper evaluation is taken to bring out this issues. Through this literature review, such components have been identified and proper key principles stipulated.

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Communication has long been considered a key component and contributor to the success of any organization. Without it, not much can be achieved. According to Theaker (2016), strategy and technology firms are basically client-oriented and therefore communication becomes a strategic contributor to their success. Even though other exploratory studies have focused on communication gaps in business setups, not much is known with regards to strategy and technology firms, hence the decision for this case study (Haumann et al 2015). This exploratory research therefore sets out to conduct a case study with a focus on these firms, and with the following questions forming the basis: RQ1: What communication gaps can appear in a strategy and technology firm due to leadership oversight that instill a dynamic for the culture of communication? RQ2: Is lack of real-time access between the sender and receiver of information a contributing factor to communication gaps? RQ3: How will the identification of communication gaps and the use of software collaboration tools resolve management issues within strategy and technology firms? METHODOLOGY Research methodology highlights the processes involved in carrying out a research.

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This would bring in new knowledge which is regarded as such because the theories utilized in arriving at the findings and interpretation might be different from those that already exist in the sphere of organizational communication. Lindlof & Taylor (2017), this will go a long way in bringing in new information critical to defining communication culture and the utilization of different technologies in achieving a communication framework in different organizations as well as the manner in which gaps in messaging can be reduced to the minimum level possible. In carrying out this study, the processes will involve synthesis and analysis. Tetnowski 2015). The primary and secondary sources of information will form the core part of the sources of data. Therefore, through the explanatory research a researcher is in a better position to add more details to an idea with little information.

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At the preliminaries of the design, the researcher must concentrate on either secondary or primary information search and strive to interpret their concepts in line with the study (Tetnowski 2015). According to Tetnowski (2015), the explanatory research allows the researcher to conduct informal and unstructured information gathering, and also to use qualitative and quantitative approaches without any restrictions. In the study of communication information technology, explanatory approach aims at getting a better understanding of the communication gaps existing in strategy and technology firms (Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault 2015). Even through numerous works exist on the area of communication gaps within business setups, little if any, has been done with a specific focus on strategy and technology firms. In essence, every aspect of the research question is explored in an in-depth manner. This is done while exploring huge volumes of data that is non-numerical in nature.

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Lindlof & Taylor (2017), the qualitative researcher more often appear to prefer finding out meanings and generating data in the form of words and images. These are derived on the basis of natural occurrence. This is in sharp contrast to the use of (scientific) experimentation or inductive, hypothesis-testing models common with the other forms of research (Glaser & Strauss 2017). It must be understood though right from the onset that this approach is not completely faultless. It is impossible to attain complete objectivity because by its design and mode of administering, it gives participants the leeway to express their thoughts and feelings some of which may be logically incorrect or unpredictable (Bleske-Rechek, Morrson, & Heidtke 2015). Nevertheless, this approach will still be used because it underpins the basis for understanding and interpreting the nature of organizational communication, of which strategy and technology firms are bound to as a duty.

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It is considered appropriate for this study because views will be sought from staff working for strategy and technology firms regarding communication gaps in their work settings and the manner in which this affects issues in the management. The qualitative study is of essence in getting the opinions of staff of strategy and technology firms regarding their perspectives of communication gaps and their perceptions of management of such firms (Haumann et al 2015). For the researcher, an exploratory case study only serves to bring in the component of the data that is of interest to the study. General research questions are going to lead to specific questions during the data collection process so as to let room for the exploration of different aspects of communication. In utilizing the case study approach, it will enable this research to be inclined towards smaller samples with an eye on detail, depth and the context of consulting firms (Kimmelman, Mogil & Dirnagl 2014).

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Strengths and criticisms of the case study approach Case studies particularly when designed in the form of an exploratory inquiry, seeks to get an in-depth understanding of a phenomenon. Issues contributing to communication gaps will be explored as well as the ways of overcoming them in order to achieve better results, more so in a customer oriented environment of the nature of strategy and technology firms. Staffs who don’t understand how communication is supposed to run in an organization may for instance give their own biased account of what they consider a best practice even if in the nature of the circumstances of such a firm, that may not work. These studies also allow a small window of generalization scientifically because a limited number of subjects are used. Narrowing down to communication gaps in a small number of strategy and technology firms to generalize on the whole industry or even on problems encountered in communication for businesses is only too subjective and might not give the entire picture of the situation either for the particular industry or generally for businesses.

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Other critics also look at it as too lengthy and pose difficulties in carrying out while leaving a trail of numerous documentation as the outcome thereby brining in lots of confusion if not well organized. Exploratory research Exploratory approach, in this particular case, aims at getting a better understanding of the communication gaps existing in strategy and technology firms (Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault 2015). Qualitative researchers believe that to get a deep understanding of a situation, it must be explored in totality. The experiences of staff working for strategy and technology firms will be sought as well as other related information that is of essence in answering the research questions. In essence, every aspect of the research question is explored in an in-depth manner. This is done while exploring huge volumes of data that is non-numerical in nature.

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The qualitative researcher more often appear to prefer finding out meanings and generating data in the form of words and images. It is understood that in communication, a gap can exist when the recipients’ own prejudices bars them from understating the message, something they might not be able to admit. The sender might also not be so open about their own mistakes in communication thereby leading to biases. As such, such findings are not usually good in making decisions that require practicality. The small sample considered for such a study, ideally 20 to 30 employees might not be representative of the entire consulting industry or other business enterprises. Population Population constitutes the totality of the components which provide data for a study. This is what constitutes a sample (Bryman 2015). In arriving at the sample from the population, a definite procedure will be drawn up so as to determine elements of the population that can be easily accessed.

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When a sample is taken from the population with a lot of care and precision, it provides data that can be used to represent the population from which it is gotten. This study will be conducted among current staff of the selected strategy and technology firm dispersed throughout the United States. Among those workers of the strategy and technology firm to be reached in this study, most of the respondents will be people I am familiar with as well as friends of colleagues who form part of the population for this study. Sampling procedure Sampling of the participants for the study will be done as follows: • The researcher will seek the assistance of acquaintances in identifying potential participants for the study. In this respect, the researcher will particularly ask for those participants who could be familiar with the subject of communication and who can be helpful in identifying issues in communication within firms.

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• In doing so, the researcher will be guided by the set criteria of what forms the population for this study, that is, current staff of the selected strategy and technology firm. • The researcher will then explain to the participants the nature of the research and seek their informed consent before the onset of the study. If no informed consent is assured, the researcher will move on to search for other participants through the snowballing sampling method. It will be explained to them that that the information they will provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality and the particulars of individual responses will only be discussed with the supervisor. Obviously, the supervisor and such participants are not likely known to one another. Even so, if need be, the final report will omit the identity of the participants and they will be replaced with pseudonyms.

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If there will be need to record the interviews, permission will be sought from the participants and recording will only take place if they give consent to it. Also, it will be important to point out to them that the identities of the organizations they are working for or are affiliated to will not be disclosed. It will also be important to share my own personal experiences of the communication gaps I have witnessed elsewhere so that this builds trust and acts as a catalyst for fostering good relationships with the participants (Malterud, Siersma & Gussora 2016). In the case of surveys, the researcher will engage the participants in a postmortem of the interview process and its impact. This is to ensure participants are engaged and a relationship built for any future engagement such as when there is need for clarification on certain aspects of the interview and validation of the data collected.

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Survey questions i) Do communication gaps exist in strategy and technology firms? ii) If so, have they become an issue? Explain how. iii) Does inconsistent and inadequate communication or lack of communication have a bearing on the way employees perceive the management? iv) Is the management always concerned of the manner in which they communicate? v) Does the management show concern when there are gaps in communication? vi) How do communication gaps affect the inflow of work? vii) Given that strategy and technology firms are to a very large extent client-oriented, is the relationship affected by internal communication issues? How? viii) What do you consider best practice in ensuring smooth flow of communication between management and employees in strategy and technology firms? ix) What is the role of employees in exacerbating the flow of communication in strategy and technology firms? x) From (ix) above, what do you see as the impact of this? xi) Do you see a remedy for this? Explore further.

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During one on one interview poor lighting, unfavorable temperature and noise may have a negative impact on the outcome of the interview. For phone and Skype interview, there may be issues with the network. This will be overcome by choice of a well lit room with good ventilation, appropriately arranged chairs and placing of a ‘do not disturb’ sign in the interview area. Biases out of individual leanings may also arise out of failure to understand the nature of organizational communication or deliberate efforts to misrepresent facts particularly with regard to individual responsibility in ensuring smooth communication in the organization. Participants may also tend to agree with everything from the researcher or give extreme responses or perhaps while responding, only give what they think is socially acceptable while withholding the facts that might greatly help a given research (Elo et al 2014).

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Role of the researcher in the analysis of data As the researcher, I will rely on reflexivity, bracketing and intuiting to ignore any preconceived ideas I may have about communication gaps in strategy and technology firms. Because quantitative research allows the researcher the leeway of being a participant as well as being part of the subject of study, a research must therefore on an ongoing basis reflect on their predetermined observations as well as those that participants hold about the subject of study. For instance, the participants’ perception of the researcher will determine the collected data (Little & Rubin 2014). In the process of conducting this research, I will be able to reflect on my personal actions, thoughts and encounters I come across in the research process. It will be important for me to offer self-criticism during the study in order to make it more credible.

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I will therefore have to carry forward any preconceptions while getting participants’ experiences’ of communication gaps in strategy and technology firms. I will have to achieve intuiting by getting totally involved in the research with an open mind, free of any outside ideas I might have of the process (Goodell, Stage & Cooke 2016). I will also have to avoid criticisms, prior evaluations and listen closely to the descriptions being given of the communication gaps. I will also study the transcriptions and review participants’ descriptions as well as their opinions. In a qualitative research, data analysis data analysis goes hand in hand with its collection. Aside from just the theoretical knowledge of participants, trustworthiness be achieved by putting aside any preconceived ideas about communication gaps in strategy and technology firms and by getting back to the participants to verify the validity of the descriptions presented as to whether they truly portray their experiences as brought out during the data collection process (Elo et al 2014).

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Credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability are the elements associated with trustworthiness. Credibility In order to generate confidence in the data being collected, participants’ perceptions on communication gaps must be captured and recorded consistently. When the realities of communication in firms presented by the participants are described in detail, the reliability and validity of the data is arrived at. The concepts and theories learned in understanding the nature of communication in organizations will therefore be generalized and transferred to other similar situations. Conformability Under conformability, the principle of inquiry audit under dependability can be applied to trace the data back to their sources (Gordon & Rajagopalan 2016). In this study, whatever the outcome on communication gaps within technology firms will have to be from the participants and not from the researcher’s own assumptions.

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In carrying out this study, the process can be audited with the confirmation of the supervisors. Transferability (Anney 2014) opines that transferability makes research findings to be relevant to such related situations or with the same participants. The concepts developed for this study of communication gaps will have to be relevant to similar future studies. Nakayama, T. K. Martin, J. N.  Human communication in society. Anney, V. N. Ensuring the quality of the findings of qualitative research: Looking at trustworthiness criteria. Ansoff, H. I. Lewis, A. O. Helm-Stevens, R. Ansoff, R. Implanting strategic management. Austin, E. W. Pinkleton, B. E. Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns. Binder, J. Global project management: communication, collaboration and management across borders. Routledge. Bleske-Rechek, A. Morrison, K. ICT Networking in Vietnam: The Limitations of an Information Needs Assessment.

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Routledge. Goetsch, D. K. Practical qualitative research strategies: training interviewers and coders. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 48(8), 578-585. Gordon, E. W. Andersen, P. A. Afifi, W. A. Close encounters: Communication in relationships. Technology-driven strategy and firm performance: Are strategic capabilities missing links?. Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 751-759. Harter, J, & A Adkins, "What Great Managers Do to Engage Employees. in Harvard Business Review,2015, <https://hbr. org/2015/04/what-great-managers-do-to- engage-employees> [accessed 1 October 2017]. Güntürkün, P. Schons, L. M. Wieseke, J. Engaging customers in coproduction processes: How value-enhancing and intensity-reducing communication strategies mitigate the negative effects of coproduction intensity. Marczak, S. Daneva, M. Shamshirband, S. A systematic literature review on agile requirements engineering practices and challenges. Computers in human behavior, 51, 915-929. D. Raman, G. P. Cross-cultural communication barriers in the workplace.  Internafional Journal of Management, 6(1), 348-351.

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Kasper, G. Kellerman, E. Communication strategies: Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives. Routledge. Kessler, S. Dirnagl, U. Distinguishing between exploratory and confirmatory preclinical research will improve translation. PLoS biology, 12(5), e1001863. Kornbluh, M. Combatting challenges to establishing trustworthiness in qualitative research. February). Why developers are slacking off: Understanding how software teams use slack. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (pp. ACM. Lindlof, T. John Wiley & Sons. Loseke, D. Thinking about social problems: An introduction to constructionist perspectives. Routledge. Malterud, K. Holstein, J. A. Constructionist controversies: Issues in social problems theory. Routledge. Mishra, K. Hollenbeck, J. R. Gerhart, B. Wright, P. M. Y. Al-Dmour, R. H. Tarhini, A. Knowledge management strategies as intermediary variables between itbusiness strategic alignment and firm performance. M. Global social knowledge management–understanding barriers for global workers utilizing social software.

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K. Nelson, K. A.  Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. Wildner-Bassett, M. January). Applying Theories in Language Programs. In Modern Language Association Convention 2017. Zhang, W.

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