Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Politics

Document 1

This movement has also been referred to as out shopping and has several implications that are both positive and negative to the economy of the regions that are affected. In this case study, the research aims at finding these positive and negative effects that cross-border shopping have on the people of Canada and the United States. In this sense, some questions might come up, for instance, What effects does cross-border shopping have on the economy of the Canadian government and the United States in general? There are various variables involved in the conducting of the shopping between borders, not only nationally but internationally as well. When viewing the different perspectives that have been shared on the international cross-border shopping between the United States and Europe, there is need to focus on the issues that might demote the need for the shopping.

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For example one might be influenced by the taxations that occur between different countries to have a negative or positive attitude towards the shopping. The historical background of the river being a borderline between the two countries has been dated from as early as the 1840s. During the period the area that covered the north part of the river did not belong to the United States, however, through history, changes were affected that made the region part of the United States. Research Hypotheses Borders have been implemented to ensure that certain policies and jurisdictions are respected and observed throughout the world. For example, there are various customs that are shared by the people of the United States not experienced in other parts of the world as well as laws that govern these citizens, and as such require to be respected by the other people of different diversities in the globe.

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It is therefore, the duty of borderline securities to ensure that these autonomies are adhered to and observed. The Canadian border has been highly diversified and subjected to the cross-border shopping for a long while now. According to a study conducted in 1980 by a Canadian researcher named Papadopoulos found out that in Canada out shopping expenditures amount to about 20% of the state’s economy. He used a city in Canada that was separated by hundreds of miles from larger cities to carry out his hypotheses upon. It was evident from these previously conducted studies that the Canadian border was experiencing a lot of cross-border shopping mainly from those who travelled to other parts of the United States to make their purchases. The security offered to the people and the availability of policies that were entrusted to this effect ensured that the completion of the trading processes between the different geographical positions was effective.

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Among the studies that are considered for the research are the models proposed by Koiter and his fellow authors in 2004. According to this model, there are functional and technical constricts that determine the quality of the products that influence motivation in the shoppers. For instance the natural resource that influences cross border shoppers to travel to other regions for product purchase. In the aim of growing Canada’s economy certain policies and regulations concerning outside shopping are implemented in the Canadian borders that govern the cross-border shoppers on the different taxes that they should pay for the goods purchased. These taxes are imposed not only on Canadian who shops from other regions but those from other regions shopping in Canada. How long did it take for the products to be processed for purchase and what were the tariffs experienced? 4.

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What experiences were perceived at the border protection and customs offices? 5. To what extent were the regulations, restrictions and laws fair or unfair during the process? With these research questions, the authors would have a well analyzed and articulated concept of the implications that cross border shoppers had on the Canadian and United States governments. Conclusion This research would highly play an important role in giving guidance to the experiences those cross-border shoppers from Canada and United States have while shopping in other regions as well as give an overview of the borders between United States, Canada and other regions. It would offer findings that limit the literature on the implications imposed upon shoppers from the United States to others borders. psu. edu/viewdoc/download?doi=10. rep=rep1&type=pdf>.

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