Decision Making Process in Relation to Digital Consumption

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Marketing

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Digital Marketing tools empower consumers through cognitive psychology 7 Cognitive Psychology Research aligns Marketing with the consumer decision-making process. Psychological Context in the Perspective of Consumer Behavior and Cognition. Conclusion 10 References 11 Introduction According to Zhong-Lin Lu and Barbara Anne Dosher (2007), cognitive psychology refers to “the scientific investigation of human mind. ” In its simplest perspective, cognitive psychology seeks the perception, learning, reasoning, thinking and understanding different aspects of human mental abilities. For a significant period, cognitive psychology and marketing have been quite inseparable. The understanding and appreciation of the use of cognitive psychology in the improvement of digital tools by marketers can be understood by taking consideration of the decision making in digital marketing and application as well as the psychological context in the perspective of consumer behavior and cognition. Decision Making in Digital Marketing and Application.

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According to an article The Consumer Decision Journey by David Court, Dave Elzinga, Susie Mulder and Ole Jorgen Vetvik, the process of consumer decision making is quite interactive. Most of the consumers have significantly changed the techniques of researching and buying of products by responding in a completely different version in relation to what existed before. Ideally, according to recent studies, there is a significant proliferation of the media as well as the products which require new digital marketing techniques to ensure the significant evolution of new ways of product branding. The active evaluation phase describes the entire process of applying digital research tools to evaluate the potential purchases. On the other hand, closure phase is when the consumers make their final decision to buy the promoted product brands while the in postpurchases, the consumers have the choice to experience their purchased product brands.

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This is a vital improvement in the entire ideology of digital marketing. Nevertheless, how do some aspects of cognitive psychology influence the choice of consumer decisions with respect to product brand and fashions? Basically, individuals consistently frame impressions of brands from touch focuses, for example, ads, news reports, discussions with family and companions, and item encounters. Unless consumers are currently shopping, quite a bit of that introduction seems squandered. In a case where a consumer has a decision to make about buying a car, for example, the consumer has to consider the fashion of the brand they want to purchase. In most cases, the current marketers use fragmented media to ensure the active proliferation of their products by reducing the number of their brand outlets. This can be achieved in different ways by incorporating aspects of cognitive psychology in the use of digital marketing tools such as advertising the product brands on social media platforms in attractive ways and also playing with the psychology of the customers in the pricing of the products.

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The latest development in the tools for digital marketing supports the adoption and use of such techniques in mobile phones, televisions, twitter, YouTube among others. This is sufficient evidence that the marketers have been using research from cognitive psychology to improve digital tools which consumers use as the basis of their decision-making process. Showcasing used to be driven by organizations; "pushed" on consumers through customary promoting, coordinate advertising, sponsorships, and different channels (Kumar & Bezawada, n. d. p. At each point in the funnel, as consumers whittled down their brand choices, marketers would endeavor to influence their decisions. This loose approach frequently neglected to achieve the correct consumers at the opportune time. Different marketers may need to retool their faithfulness programs by concentrating on dynamic as opposed to detached followers or to burn through cash on in-store exercises or informal projects.

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The expanding multifaceted nature of the customer decision excursion will constrain for all intents and purposes all organizations to embrace better approaches for estimating buyer states of mind, brand execution, and the viability of showcasing uses over the entire procedure. Without such a realignment of spending, marketers confront two dangers. To start with, they could squander cash: when income development is basic and subsidizing tight, promoting and various speculations will be less successful because consumers aren't getting the correct data at the perfect time. Second, marketers could appear to be withdrawn—for example, by attempting to push items on clients as opposed to giving them the data, support, and experience they need to achieve decisions themselves. If brand’s advertisement receives positive emotions from the consumers, then this will make the products to gain more consumers due to a high level of satisfaction it has to the consumers thereby improving brand loyalty (DUAN & ZHANG, 2013, p.

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Therefore, it is important that marketers take into a consideration how their online marketing and products influence the emotions of a consumer so that they can make wise decisions concerning the purchase of the products. The interests of many marketers majorly depend on the cognitive interpretation of the consumers. This differs from one individual to another, one country to another and from one culture to another. Some advertisements are seen as appropriate by some individuals while to another category of individuals, a similar advertisement is seen as inappropriate. Consumer expectations affect consumer interpretation. Most consumers consider some brands more important than others; for example, luxurious brands are believed to produce products with higher quality than those less expensive products. For this reason, once a consumer has established his expectation, it becomes more hectic to change.

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Conclusion In conclusion, the use of research from cognitive psychology in improving digital tools used by marketers based on how consumers take their decisions online is quite evident and cannot be underestimated (Gordon, n. d. Cognitive Psychology, 34(3), 287. Digital marketing in the service of a brand and business development. n. d. How to Measure Digital Marketing. n. d. The Roles of Corporate Marketing Strategies and Brand Management in the Global Retail Industry. Digital Marketing and Consumer Engagement, 294-325. Kumar, A.  J. n. d. Online Privacy and Marketing. Online Consumer Protection, 256-268. Singh, S. n. d. Digital Marketing in Online Education Services. Digital Marketing and Consumer Engagement, 757-766.

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