Delivering Performance Excellence

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Law

Document 1

Job Performance Job performance is consistent behaviours of the workers with expectations of their roles which in the end contributes to the effectiveness of the organization. Individual performance is of importance to the person and the organization: when one accomplishes the task with high ratings, it brings individual satisfaction. Those who perform highly might get honors, rewards and promotions. Those who peform well have many career opportunities compared to those moderately performing (Sonetag, Volmer & Spychala 1). Job performance is therefore considered as a multi-dimensional construct because it attaches performance to behaviour and outcomes On behavioral aspect, performance is attached to specific behaviours for example, conversation with a sales man to a customer. Generally, task performance is the raw materials transformation into goods and services in regard to job specification (Motowidho et al.

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Task performance therefore fulfills the requirement the worker was employeed for (Sonetag, Volmer & Spychala 2). In itslef, task performance is a multidimensional construct. By linking task performance and goal setting theory, attainable but difficult goals is likely to be achieved in comparison to less difficult goals. Task complexity is very important in determining human behaviour as it can affect motivation. Contextual performance is a combination of work behaviours that contribute indirectly to organisational performance: the behaviours support the psychological and the social environment of the organisations. Contextual performance includes doing duties not included in the job description. The five categories of contextual performance include: assisting others, activities volunteering outside the job requirement, enthusiasm, and persistence when required to complete important tasks, defending organization’s objectives openly and following procedures and rules to the latter even when it is inconvenient.

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The contextual performance has two aspects: Counterproductive Work Behaviour (CWB) and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB). OCB refers to intentional behaviours of the employees to discretely improve organisational functioning (Sonetag, Volmer & Spychala 3) while CWB is employee’s intentional behaviours that are very harmful to the legitimate organisations interests (Colquitt, Lepine & Wesson, 5). Human resource activities are geared towards the following. i. Affective commitment. This is the positive emotional attachment of the employee to the organisation. A strongly committed employee recognises with the goals and values of the business and with a strong desire to permanently be a member of the organisation (Jaros 12). It is evident that employee’s higher organisational commitment has high ability in contributing to the success of the organization and in the end experience maximum job satisfaction. With a satisfied employee, withdrawal behaviours is controlled and performance is guaranteed.

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Motivation Employee performance is related to employee motivation. Motivation directly influences goal oriented action. Motivation determines the duration and the effort intensity direction (Colquitt, Lepinne & Wesson 12). A highly motivated employee on the other hand will be committed to the organisation and in the end understand the procedures and the values of the companies while a less motivated individual will show signs of withdrawal thus reduction in performance. Section B: The Case of Robert Parson at Morgan Stanley (A) Robert Parson is a young banker hired by Paul Nasr for his energetic attitude and outstanding performance. Paul Nasr is a newly hired managing director in the Market Service division at Morgan Stanley. Robert Person had a very quick success with Morgan Stanley. He placed Morgan Stanley to position 3 from the 10th position.

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How do we measure performance? Having read and assessed Rob Parson on performance and clients’ relationship, values and culture of Morgan Stanley, I recommend promotion deferment. The inputs of the colleagues and peers in the 360 degree performance evaluation should not be ignored. The performance evaluation showed great dissatisfaction on Parson’s professionalism level. All his colleagues complain of his sharp tongue and volatile personality. If Rob is promoted then the performance evaluation lever becomes useless. He breaks a lot of eggs. Not a team player. He likes to accomplish things alone contrary to the company’s values and culture Poor interpersonal skills inside the organization. Parson is lacking in the interpersonal skills among his colleagues and peers. Performance Objectives for Next Year Business Goals The firm targets to be the best among equals in the banking sector, a darling to its shareholders, clients and other people associated with it.

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My goal would be to first do away with the ambiguous culture and values of the firm that hinder performances. Investment on employees increases organisation’s economic performance (Assaf 3). Employee’s motivation would be part of my goals. Due to this, I will raise an issue with the 360 degree system feedback because of its incomplete evaluation of the workers performance. This point will be raised by first acknowledging the importance of the organisations culture and values in order to massage any view of ill intention then delve in the problems of evaluation system and then give an alternative that is based on employees’ performance. Everyone that interacted with Rob had a chance to air their views about him. From the many sources of views, there is no way the subject can brush it aside.

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Rob Parson had no way to ignore the feedbacks from his employees on his character and performance. By accepting, his flows, Rob was ready to change on his character be less aggressive. The feedback identified development opportunities for him. ” European Scientific Journal (2015). Becker, Howard. “Notes on the Concept of Commitment. ” Journal of Sociology (1960). Brewster, Chris. “Meyer and Allen Model of Organizational. ” The Icfai Journal of Organizational Behavior (2007). Motowildo, Stephan J. Walter C. Borman, and Mark J. Extraversion and adaptive performance: Integrating trait activation and socioanalytic personality theories at work. Personality and Individual Differences 116 (2017).

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