Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Engineering
The burning of fossil fuels has attracted multiple public reactions and increased concerns. Besides, individuals propose specific mechanisms to eradicate burning of fossil fuels. This is because the results of global warming are acknowledged as significant risks to human beings. Changes in climate-related with the burning of fossil fuels occur faster than the levels estimated by scientists in history. As a result, the climate change linked with the burning of fossil fuels has adverse effects on the environment (Nordhaus, 2014). Despite solar power relying on weather and season conditions, it is always a renewable source of energy. There are various green aspects associated with solar power. Solar energy is referred to as a “green” source of energy because it lacks harmful environmental side effects linked with its use. Whereas burning of fossil fuels emits greenhouse gases and other components into the atmosphere, Weitemeyer et al.
propose that producing energy from solar power is a zero-emission process which takes places provided the sun shines. One way of overcoming these emissions is by installing solar panels at homes and other places which can efficiently be supported by solar energy. The use of solar panels to generate power in various places can decrease significantly carbon emissions which occurs when using non-renewable energy sources. The power supplied by solar panels decreases the number of power people have to depend on standard utilities, which end up burning fossil fuels that pollute the environment (Ozin, 2015). The reduction of carbon emissions will enhance the air quality for human beings and other animals. Through the use of solar panels, recycling will be encouraged to reduce CO2 emissions which threaten to destroy human life and the entire social ecosystems.
As a result, as illustrated by Weitemeyer (2015), generating energy from solar powers assists in improving river ecosystems and public health in general. The use of solar energy does not pollute water resources since the solar cells do not depend on water to generate power. This means that people can obtain clean drinking water for the family without contaminants. Solar energy reduces global warming by reducing air pollution. The production of greenhouse gases when burning fossil fuels reduces air quality and increases contamination of the atmosphere. According to Smith (2015), among the propagators of global warming are increasing carbon dioxide emission. However, the use of solar power helps to restrict such pollution. Since the demand for energy keeps on rising in the country, people should consider using solar panels as their source of electricity.
Being a clean source of energy and renewable source, it does not encourage pollution (Smith, 2015). The assertion is depended on the aspect that pollution is entirely controlled during the manufacturing of the solar cells and use of the cells to generate electricity. Hence, individuals need only the initial cost and little amounts of money to maintain and repair the solar panels when necessary (Breyer et al. This contributes positively toward the economic growth of a country because the savings are used in investments which enhance the development of the country’s revenues and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Solar energy is capable of reducing greenhouse gases and offer an increase in energy efficiency. Solar energy systems are viewed as the most available electricity sources which appeal to organizations and individuals, and this makes it the most suitable energy source.
Solar energy is efficient in providing electricity. this results in the greenhouse effect within the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is the situation when radiation from the earth’s atmosphere heats up the surface and attains a temperature higher than which it should be in the absence of atmosphere. These systems are disadvantageous to the environment and often lead to geologic instability, erosion, and ecological issues. It might also end up depleting the fossil energy source. When the sources are exhausted, it might become health hazards to humans and animals living around them. At the beginning of 2014, approximately 78% of global warming in the United States was related to the emission of carbon dioxide. In addition to this, about 42% was compared to oil and other liquids, 32% from coal, and 27% from natural gas. At this instance, it is illustrated that the use of solar power presents little or no threat to the emission of carbon dioxide (Crutzen et al.
This is because the use of solar energy contributes to less than 1% of the emissions related to the production of energy. The utilization of fossil fuels in transport is associated with approximately 30% of the global warming emissions in the United States. note that even tough fossil fuels encompass high amounts of energy, they are rarely found in their pure states. Since the fossil fuels require appropriate refining and purification, leaving high quantities of waste materials requires proper disposal. This way, the economic cost of using fossil fuels is adverse. This is because handling and disposing of the fossil fuel waste poses community health and costly environmental issues. The other economic cost of burning fossil fuels is that it requires vast amounts of water. Also, for individuals who desire to live in an environment free from pollution, it is recommended that they implement solar energy systems in their residences.
This is based on the aspect that the only form of pollution which emanates from solar energy is during manufacturing and transportation of solar cells. Afterward, additional pollution is not incurred. Hence, it is recommended that people should use solar panels since they assure an environment free from contamination. To solve the issue of increased levels of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere, the use of solar energy would be appropriate. Review of fossil fuels and future energy technologies. Futures, 69, 31-49. Breyer, C. Bogdanov, D. Gulagi, A. WW Norton & Company. Crutzen, P. J. Mosier, A. R. Solar Energy: Application, Economics, and Public Perception, 99. Dickinson, E. W. Solar energy technology handbook. CRC Press. Ozin, G. A. Throwing new light on the reduction of CO2. Advanced Materials, 27(11), 1957-1963. Smith, Z. Agert, C. Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in future power systems: The role of storage.
Renewable Energy, 75, 14-20.
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