Personality traits Agreeableness and Conscientiousness
Agreeableness mirrors a person’s differences in regard to cooperation and social harmony while Conscientiousness indicates how individuals control, regulate, and direct their impulse. Agreeableness How a High Score on Agreeableness has been linked to being a good employee Bestowing to the research done by Yu-Hsien (2015, p. it indicated that agreeableness poses a highly significant correlation between catering industry workers and quality of services provided. The study stated that agreeableness would positively affect the quality of services in the staff catering industry. Also, the researchers suggest that catering workers with high emotional labor enhances clients’ trust and cooperation within the uncertain emotional labor environment and positively promoting teamwork to improve the quality of services. How High Scores on Agreeableness has been linked to being a good manager Good management has been linked by agreeableness personality trait within the construction industry.
Managers who are associated with this trait are said to meet the construction project goals of cost targets and therefore become awarded of the higher score as a manager. Bestowing to the study done by Clarke (2010, pp. it is evident that for a successful project the construction manager must show sociability that is a character trait that is made up of firmness, emotion controlling, and social consciousness. Agreeable individual as previously seen value getting along with others. S. showed that, certainly, Conscientiousness accounts for substantial variation in gratification and that it as well accounts for exceptional inconsistency within a single aspect of organizational citizenship behavior. Conscientiousness persons embrace qualities as hardworking, careful, systematic, trustworthy, well thought-out, and determined. They symbol out syntactic association pacts with the organization. Zanon et al. Thus, conscientious 25 people might have a clearer picture of organizational goals and be more likely to strive toward them.
What is more, some other studies have reported an appositive connection between Conscientiousness and continuance commitment. Highly conscientious workers are said to be careful, through and responsible. Whilst assessing their cost and benefits of leaving the organization, due to the high level of Conscientiousness, the workers become more loyal and hesitant to leave the duty and in turn creates continuance commitment. Therefore, Conscientiousness is positively connected to continuance commitment. on supervisor-subordinate dyads in large Chinese state-owned enterprise. The studies indicated that servant leadership (manager) is positively related to subordinate organization citizenship behavior. Building on the previous work, Newman et al. pp. revealed that conscientious servant leaders (managers) make followers go beyond their job role to show organization citizenship behaviors stated as a discretionary behavior that is not identified through formal rewards system and promotes the effective functioning of an organization.
To achieve more on this trait, I would make my team score better by taking them through a personality test. These tests provide me with an opportunity to identify those individuals who are reliable by looking at their performance conscientiousness score. A high score on conscientiousness indicates a strong will and a determined character and as a result getting individuals who contribute to good performance and satisfaction for the team. References Ahmad, J. Athar, M. Projects are emotional: How project managers' emotional awareness can influence decisions and behaviours in projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 3(4), pp. Heck, D. W. Thielmann, I. Journal of Management & Organization, 20(4), pp. Judge, T. A. and Zapata, C. P. Organizational citizenship behavior and the good soldier. In Personnel selection and classification(pp. Psychology Press. Sood, S.
Puri, D. Yu-Hsien, C. H. O. U. Effects of Personality Traits on Quality of Service of Service Staff in Catering Industry-Aspect of Emotional Labor.
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