Women in Art Essay
Document Type:Model Answer /Exam Revision
Subject Area:Arts
Dibutade’s lover was to go on a journey where she traced the silhouette of his face on a wall (Tinangli, n. p). Even then, women art has remained unrecognized perpetuating exploitation; a cross-examination of the Renaissance period (1300-1700), enlightenment art era (1715-1789) and the Victorian period (1837-1901) reveals women exploitation at different levels even though the exploitation has lessened from the former to the latter. Women have been misrepresented as sexual beings and inferiors of men and underrepresented in an equal measure. In the fourth B. Kartz in the picture shows only the head of a woman suggesting some developed intellect because the head is known to carry the human brains. The subject has a long black hair, simple pictures and pursed lip that heighten the status of a woman while maintaining her womanish appeal (Broude, n.
p). Chimamanda Adichie Ngozi also reveals that women’s role and viewership has changed in her widely read, “We should all be feminists,” 2014 (Adichie, n. p). However, Louise made it through art and became very influential. It is this influence that saw her become a friend of the French courts although she would not enjoy this privilege for long. She was forced to run into exile during the French revolution for the fear of being attacked due to her artistry and friendship with the courts (Applin, 350). Another woman artist, Linda Nochlin in her, “Why have there been no Great Women Artists?” narrates how at one time she was denied a place for exhibiting art in a Boston Museum in 1990. The story is not any different from that of Lee Brant who in 1974 lacked space in a Brooklyn museum with all the space going to the male gender (Applin, 380).
Even then, there are notable improvements; her misrepresentation as a sexual ‘thing” and her underrepresentation are slowly dying. Even then more needs to be done because the male gender still dominates the artistry scene. There is a need of modern day female art activism and a rationality that will be reflected in research. Works Cited Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. We should all be feminists. Tinagli, Paola. Women in Italian renaissance art: gender, representation and identity. Manchester University Press, 1997. Appendix Description: 4-color linocut on Rives de Lin USA, 2014 Alex Katz (b. – American New York School artist ‘Diana’ Signed and numbered in pencil lower left ‘Alex Katz 19/20’ Printed by Christopher T. It apparently shows the pain of being a woman not only in art, but in nearly all the aspects of life during the 19th century when Picasso drew the Weeping woman in 1937.
Three women by Fernand Leger Analysis Legers depicts three nude women taking some coffee at a chic restaurant. While they are nude a common representation of women in art and something that continues the sexual violence against women, they have tough looking, smooth and beautiful skin complexion. Women are thus shown as strong but still are so viewed as sexual beings.
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