4Fingers E marketing Plan
The food industry where 4Fingers operates in and is located has dramatically experienced change due to the significant rise in online ordering of food and delicacies. Internet advancement has resulted in the rapid rise in ordering of foods online and making reservations for parties too and this has thus brought lots of competition since most of the food joints and restaurants now have their systems online and are selling their foods online. Consequently, this factor led to the rise of E-marketing platforms for restaurants all over Australia. Situation Analysis The major problem which arose is the emergence of many food joints online which were selling their foods for low prices hence this affects the giant food joints which have invested heavily in the E-Marketing platforms and also have employed highly qualified chefs who are paid lots of bucks.
This is a challenge to 4Fingers being one of the giant restaurants who are also facing this same problem which is now affecting many. Website is not effectively optimized as compared to other competitors. The opportunity of increase in popularity of ordering foods online by many of the clients who prefer to save time and continue with their work rather than going to restaurants. Preference is given to the well know restaurants and food joints than the upcoming food joints like 4Fingers. Culture of good customer service by 4Fingers Lack of being recognized online as a food company and also lack of reputation. Change of rules governing ordering food online which has led to the closure of unlicensed food joints and giving room for the licensed food restaurants like 4Fingers. For the case of demographic segmentation, the major target market is the upper and middle-class people and other clients who like ordering foods online like the Pizza and other types of food delicacies.
The gender also is to be targeted more so ladies who like ordering foods online and other individuals who may be decision makers in their families and groups they are to play a great role in this target. Psychographic segmentation will be targeting will be individuals that make decisions for their families or group of friends who like ordering food online during their working hours like they can eat the food during working hours for instance. Majority of the individuals who like using their tablets and other non-desktop devices in socializing can be also targeted since they can order using their devices faster. For the case of behavioral segmentation, the benefit sought by the target market will be convenience and delivery of orders. Coughlan, A. T. Anderson. Stern, L. W. Working to have minimal online operating profit of about 18%.
Marketing mix strategies The main market mix strategies, this market plan will be involved in improving existing strategies. Thus, it will involve maximization and improving of 4Fingers website through the utilization of an e-commerce platform where 4Fingers can be making its sales from. The improvement strategy will be necessary so as to utilize 4Fingers website in doing food sales. In terms of the pricing, this marketing plan will involve utilizing more dynamic pricing strategies, more so segmented pricing whereby 4Fingers will be making sales for its orders based on two segment differentiations. The food that was sold payment confirmation will be given to the customer instantly or within one hour through email or text message. Promotion strategy will not use the website as the only platform but it will also have to incorporate other social media platforms like Instagram, twitter, Facebook and many others.
Shugan,2004) This will help to create awareness and also make a good reputation for the company. The social media platforms will help in the uploading of pictures, the pictures uploaded could be showing the varieties of foods that are prepared and the main media which can be used for this is Facebook and Instagram where clients can be able to see. Shugan, Steven M. There is need to create a blog in the website and also start an ad word campaign. IT department will be liable in working with the web developers so as to build the blog. The sales and marketing team should create an article that will be depicting the company food prices among others. There is need to be observing customer accounts in the website of the company and creating of appropriate contents for each and every segment.
Prahalad,2004) From the above discussion, implementation will depend on the launching of 4Fingers website. Online visitors who will visit and make orders through the use of non-desktop like iPad and smartphone devices versus desktop devices 60: 40 which will be indicating good performance. The investment of $180 for web development will be used in creating of a blog and at least each blog should be viewed by 50 visitors and get at least fifteen comments per blog. An amount of $110/each month for ad words so that it can be clicked by least 200 people per month. Thus, these will help in increasing visitors who visit by at least 20% Bibliography Pride, William M. and O.
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