A Project Lifecycle Proposal

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

This methodology will be used by the organization in order to prevent future hurdles that might face in and in return enhance their chances of succeeding in future (Lecomber, & Tatnall, 2014). This methodology is preferred compared to PMBOK based on the various advantages that PRINCE 2 has over PMBOK. Ideally, the process groups are similar to both methods, however; it is the intensity of the scope covered by PRINCE 2 that makes it more favorable. PRINCE 2 covers more themes, principles and processes important in project management while PMBOK is more focused on the process and standards of the project. In this regard, the analysis of PRINCE 2 will form the wider scope of the project involving the modernization of the factory. Those who choose to use it can construe it to meet the adaptations of the organization.

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The size of the organization is not a factor of influence as the model is not focused on size but on the manner in which the organization uses it. Once the users understand how to use the model, its application is made easy and thus improves the work of the management and the organization overall. The fourth advantage is that its processes are unique and not present elsewhere hence cannot be replicated by other organizations. This unique feature makes it possible for organizations to make the PRINCE 2 process meet the organization’s main goals. Assurance is viewed in terms of the user, specialist, and the business, each of these views put in mind the interests of project board members. The board members interests are important as they make the decisions regarding the projects the organization has to undertake.

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Therefore, it is important that the objectives of the organization are aligned with the process of the PRINCE 2 methodology. In this regard, the assurance serves to ensure that the views of the user, specialist, and the business are embedded in the process used by PRINCE 2. Assurance helps in checking and ensuring that the project remains viable in terms of costs as well as the benefits drawn out of the business. They are very essential for the management of the business because of the insights that they present to the organization and should, therefore, be adopted by this organization. The first theme is a business case and provides the organization with information on whether the organization can bear fruits hence worth for the organization to invest in or do away with the idea of investing in.

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The business case is important in project planning as it sets out the direction of the project. In the event that the business case highlights a negative case, the project is re-evaluated and taken back to the drawing board to be assessed and reorganized. The areas of conflict are predetermined through the business case and thus corrected to meet the necessary objectives. Therefore, with organization, each stakeholder would have their roles and responsibilities duly defined for the consistent flow of work. Additionally, this will ensure that conflicts are minimized and accountability is upheld. Organization facilitates the smooth flow of work and hence enabling the organization to maintain a positive rapport. The quality theme ensures that the project in place meets all the requirements that have been met.

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The intention of upholding quality is to ensure that the products offered to the clients maintain a given standard even with ongoing changes within the organization. Primarily, plans lay out the map to which the organization may use to achieve the projected outcomes of the project. In essence, the absence of plans makes it difficult for organizations to accurately carry out their projects. Plans lay out the blueprint of the project and highlight the necessary organization. Additionally, the plan theme ensures that the project is well developed from the start to the finish. This is consistent with the fourth concern raised by the members of the board. These risks are inclusive of the possibility of losing 1. 0 of the market share and current business.

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This risk can easily be evaded if the organization takes into due consideration proper risk assessment procedures. The waste of resources can be curtailed by ensuring that the required resources are used accordingly. However, these risks can only be identified in the event that the risk theme is applied to the progress of the project. Progress reporting gives the Board of Directors a clear overview of the steps that have been taken with the advancement of the project. The challenges encountered are also included in these reports to enable the BOD to grasp the issues faced in the implementation of the strategies. Progress is the key factor in determining the success or failure of a project that has been initiated. The implementation of the process in the project is therefore reliant on the progress made.

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The BOD thus based on the progress reports can give due direction on the development of the project. Delegation of duties will ease and reduce the time taken to complete tasks that the board is worried about not completing as it will save time that could be wasted if the project was done as a group. Delegating out responsibilities to the members will help in building trust within the organization after the completion of an assigned task and thereby solving the misunderstanding that exists in the organization. It is evident that different members of the organization have specialized skills and different experiences concerning the project, this principle gives the chance of utilizing those skills through delegation of duties to the members and eventually leading to the success of the project in time.

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Manage by Stages This is one of the principles that can be very important for the success of the project, as it ensures that project is divided into phases that will later be controlled accordingly for the project’s success. Each stage of this principle must have a detailed stage called initiation that consists of strategies for dealing with risks, project plan and other developments that are important for the management of the project. This principle will prevent the project from running into losses as each stage of development is observed and scrutinized before moving to the next stage hence preventing losses from occurring to the project. The other advantage of this principle to the project is that it prevents the misuse of funds and resources as it ensures that quality work is done at one stage before moving to the next and where none is done then the project is stopped from proceeding to the next.

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This is more advantageous than other scenarios where work is inspected after the project is complete and funds spend on the whole project and nothing can be done to save cash where work done is not satisfactory. In this project, it is desired by the board members that they adopt technology as well as modernize the factory above other factories. This principle of stages will greatly help the business to achieve this goal by the business adopting different technologies and scrutinizing them at different stages on how they can be beneficial to the project. Also, in other cases, this document provides high-level estimations of costs and time of the project. In starting up a project, six activities are involved (Siegelaub, 2004). One of these activities is appointing the executive and project manager.

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These individuals are charged with the responsibility of ensuring continued business justification on the project as well as representing the interests of the stakeholders of the business on the Project Board. The Executive is also responsible for delegating the management of the project to the project manager. On the other hand, the project brief provides details of the purpose, limitations and the requirements that are meaningful to the project including, the project product description, the outline business case and the project approach. The last activity involves planning the initiation stage. This is where the project manager is required to create an initiation stage plan which is sent with the project brief to the members of the board. The initiation of the project process is allowed to begin once the product managers have obtained an authorization from the Project Board.

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Initiating a project. Controlling a stage When a project utilizes a PRINCE2 method, the Project Board is responsible for ensuring the general success of the project as it delegates the daily management of the project to the project manager (Nesterak, 2012). This is achieved by breaking down the project into practical activities. Eight activities are involved in this process and they include, authorizing the project work, reviewing the status of the work package, reviewing the completed work package, reviewing the stage status, reporting highlights, capturing and examining issues and risks, escalating issues and risks and taking corrective action. Managing product delivery Since the PRINCE2 method operates on the supposition that a project is based on the supplier of customer environment, this process is centered on the control of communication between the project manager and the team manager (Siegelaub, 2004).

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