A scoping study to determine the necessary requirements of developing a business app for company x

Document Type:Dissertation

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Key Facts: 2 1. Objectives 4 Objective 1 4 Analysis of the mobile application development requirements, evaluation, and identification of the product development stages 4 Objective 2 4 The analysis of the company's strength and ability and its respective internal resources 4 This can be attained through; 4 Objective 3 4 Analysis of the gap between the goals of the company and the current situation in order to assess and determine the strength of the company towards the development of the mobile application. Analysis of the mobile application requirements and the product development stages 4 1. Requirement gathering and analysis 6 1. Technical analysis 7 1. The SWOT analysis 18 Chapter 3: Gantt chart 19 Chapter 4: Contributions 23 4. Analysis of the mobile application requirements and the product development stages 23 4. The analysis of the company's strength and ability and its respective internal resources 24 4. Analysis of the gap between the goals of the company and the current situation in order to assess and determine the strength of the company towards the development of the mobile application.

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Chapter 5: Concluding Remarks 26 References 27 List of tables Table 1 Task characteristics 17 List of figures Figure 1 Mobile App development stage 8 Figure 2 Task Technology Fit 14 Chapter 1: Introduction Background and Objectives 1. Companies and corporations have opened up to reach more markets through this trending technology. There are a number of functions that have been amassed together and as well configured in a single unit (app) that acts and commands on behalf of the company. Though a threat to the growing rate of joblessness, technology in many sectors is a necessary tool that has shaped the world market in a peculiar style and a manner that switches off and disregards the aging methods of trade and business practices. In the SME sector, the mobile application has been the order shaping up the current regime of markets and economy (Hazlina Ah, Abdul Hali and Mohamed Za, 2010).

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Being the major dominating level of business, the sector has a liking and a kind of attraction to the current and the emerging issues of trade in the world market. As research indicates below, there are a number of organizations that have taken lead in the developing and coming up of these apps in the 1st world era. Apple Ios has really fought for space in the recent market and has appeared to cover a market share of 53. in developing Ios for the corporate world. According to Acromobile. com (2013), apple's Ios has greatly shown strength and featured uniquely in the market with an astounding market positioning amongst the peers. Being a noble task, developing an app is a process that is lengthy and to a big extent demanding engagements, research, and more inputs depending on the complexity and the target market.

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However, once achieved, it can be a major turnaround for e-business in the long run and before the technology advances more to a greater level. Many Small Microfinance Enterprises have risen and taken up the market at a running phase to outdo the peers through such strategies and reposition in the world economy (Acromobile. com, 2013). Company X has therefore opened up to grab this opportunity in the current economic regime as a way to pick up the recent and the most growing environment in the world. There are a number of stages that are worthy of noting and supportive as a requirement of mobile application development. Mobile app development stages Figure 1 Mobile App development stage Mobile app development stages (Lifecycle) In the making of an app, there are a number of facets involved.

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Different researchers have shown different approaches to the development and logistics involved (Bermotech. com, 2019). This has been well articulated below as a process taking into account of different models and other research approaches in the market and the general economy domain. At this stage, you highlight the achievement due to the app, what it will do and how the user or client will benefit. At the same time, you need to establish the target audience and who the main aim pertinent to the making of the app. It is also important to choose the right platform or host that you can use to launch the products. IOS and Android are the best hosts because of their popularity hence well adaptable (Q. Huynh and Ghimire, 2017). The billing methods and payments are also crucial functions that should be considered in coming up with the app.

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Milestones These are stages that breakdown the development stages of a mobile app. The process has been achieved well through a Gantt chart as described below. The Gantt chart illustrates the structuring of apps and their respective working times. Demonstrated by the Gantt chart below). Technical analysis There a number of areas that need to be analyzed during the technical analysis of the app. Scalability, modular approach, maintainability, version control, usability, portability, and high availability. It is at this stage that the developer determines the data management software feasible to manage the app. SQLite is one of the best data management software that is recommended and well adaptable in achieving this objective (Feng, 2007). At this stage, we also determine whether the mobile app is suited as a dynamic or a static app.

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At this stage, programmers are open to using different coding languages depending on the platform hosting the product. For instance, with android Java is the best to use. Testing This is done in order to examine the apps usability, consistency, and Functionality. It enables tracking of all issues before the app is released to the market. At this stage, risk assessment and environmental analysis and the general market risks are identified in the testing level. In addition, the company's Resource Competence Framework should be kept or maintained at a level allowing professionalism in terms of user-company representative online exchanges. The personnel controlling the app should be equipped in all means to handle conflicts or issues regarding system failures and other technological hitches. A good competence framework is a focal drive to the success of the app in the market.

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An app that is well managed and controlled is maintained with an interface that is color, and need responsive. Therefore, company x should draw a line on the competency required in running and manning the app for the success in penetration of the app as a marketing strategy of the company. Therefore the theory provides a ground to set the Company X application with respect to the applicability of the requirements/needs/problem that app must address. In the application of the theory in order to fit the mobile technology, it is important to understand that mobile applications have various uses and can be extended to cover group support systems. According to Farbey et al. mobile applications fall under infrastructure within Information Systems framework, a thing making it difficult in making an upfront evaluation.

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In as well as understanding the structure of the theory, there are different tasks that must be evaluated and found matching the technology trait in the market. access to guidelines and the procedures • It improves visibility of the company data • It increases speed of access and processing of data • It helps in minimizing errors • It increases productivity. Informational Tasks. They are; • Complex • Semi-structured • Require expert knowledge • They are so much interactive with the customers or clients • With relation to the client or customers, you identify the problem in the market. • Locate and retrieve information in order to solve the problem. • Search for expertise solution • Analysis for results and presentation of the solutions to clients/customers. This is crucial especially where information needed is coded, as of that of a pager short messaging devices.

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Subsequently, the access to Information System functionality usually requires more effort and is majorly dependent on the task that is to be performed. Just like for the case of traditional IS, there are three levels or dimensions that we can use to review technology task as required to match the tasks needed in developing an app for company x. Market Research There should be a clear understanding of the entire process through market research in order to ensure that the product in the trial cannot flop in the market. In addition, any organization will need extensive market research that uncovers all the basic requirements in the development of the app with relation to the dynamism of the market. com report defines and segments this market into a number of sections with considerations of each segment in-depth forecasts and analysis of market sizes.

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According to the report, major factors that are a drive to this extended market, and the opportunities that have impacted the growth alongside countries' civilizations can be largely attributed to technology. Therefore, this report marks the entry point to the company's decision harnessing the necessary requirements that are needed in developing the app. With mobile phones and tablets becoming a daily necessity, businesses in the world have been forced to switch their physical markets due to the facts that; • People are spending more time online today in comparison to any other media • Time spent per day on mobile phones has increased by about 575% in just 3 years • About 62% of the world population can change their mind about the brand if the brand provides opportunities for mobile access, mobile apps or purchase goods and services via smartphone.

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• About 80% of the time spent on mobile phones is spent using apps • Mobile Apps provide a user experience which ‘Responsive Websites' are unable to offer. Knowledge is an important resource in this task since it equips you technically with the expected skills needed to man the project (Hazlina Ah et al , 2010). Gap analysis This methodology helps in defining the current or present state and the anticipated state or the desired goals. This has been demonstrated through the SWOT analysis described below. It is a tool that the company will use to analyze and assess the varying performances between mobile applications so as to determine its strength in meeting the requirements of making the application and the steps required to successfully meet those particular steps. Commonly we use gap analysis as a tool to measure the present state and the anticipated or the desired objective pertinent to the target state (Frost and Kumar, 2009).

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The focus is analysis is usually a quantitative process that is involving user or customer agreement within a specified region at a particular time. On the other hand, the contrast of the matter falls in when the company's future state highlights the conditions targeted as an achievement or a desired goal by Company X. This extends the section details regarding the number of customers, a thing that is deemed crucial and a concrete aim of the business, towards an inclusive. As such, the resultant in between the two affairs of company X will help in determining the factors that are essentially contributing to the gap. The objectives and the reasons bridge the gap through the provision of a solution that in the long run can be put into use in order to fill the gaps.

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In addition, the process and steps are arranged in an orderly manner forming different paths that will have different time duration to accomplish the objective of the project. As such, a critical path shows the critical steps to follow in order to finish the project at the earliest time possible. From the Gantt chart, as pictorially presented from an excel worksheet, the study is scheduled to take 26 weeks which translates to 5 ½ months. The project kicks off at the 1st week with a meeting as shown in the Gantt chart below. Within the 1st 6 weeks, the 1st objective should be accomplished with the task/technology fit model leading the objective in assessing the traits or tasks matching the technology to use in making the app through market research as based on; analysis of the collected data methods.

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The model embraced, and the various analysis tools as used in the study above provides an insight into what developers should take into account in their process and stages of developing the app. The above study generally impacts on the background knowledge in the processes and the techniques that are crucial in determining the app requirements in the current market set up which has embraced the dynamics of technology as explained by Wasserman. in his analysis of software engineering issues in mobile application development. The study equips the client with the necessary information needed to consciously have a picture of the product (app), the environmental factors deriving the viability of the app in the current market and the general process of obtaining or developing one as explained by Schewe, C. D.

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The analysis of the company's strength and ability and its respective internal resources Every company is logically in business to make a profit, as such, cost implications should be controlled at whatever level so as to cut down the expenditures. Therefore, a company needs to carry out a thorough analysis of its ability to meet costs and the assets within which their bargaining power is pegged. This objective has a positive contribution to equipping the company with the facets to measure their financial position, and available resources warranting them a smooth undisrupted process to the completion of the project. Further, we are introduced to the crucial point of the project phases concerning costs, which is a basic necessity amongst the requirements needed in the development of the mobile app. Through the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), the company is able to predict the financial risks ahead and as well come up with a strategy to mitigate or abate the risk.

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Through SWOT Analysis, the company is able to meet the general requirements in terms of the goals set and the resources available in both internal and external environment Chapter 5: Concluding Remarks Developing a mobile application requires a stable company with the necessary resources that meet the requirements and market threshold. In the Forbes Market Allies Report of 2015, there are a number of factors that have mutated the online business that has triggered many companies to turn into the development of mobile applications. As such, many of the SME have switched into online businesses that have claimed a good share of almost 60 % in the modern markets in the world (Whitepages. com, 2019). Therefore the need to understand the market forces and that will help in differentiating the various app interfaces and domains. November).

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