Alzheimers disease Case Study

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

According to the study, the socioeconomic cost of Alzheimer’s disease per person annually was estimated to be US $ 19,144. The total Alzheimer’s disease costs in China in 2015 was US $ 167. billion (Jianping, et al. The research also explained that statistics point out that by 2030, the total annual costs of this disease will be approximately US $ 507. billion. Cuibai, W. Shuogi, C. Fangyu, L. Yi, T. Qin, W. According to this research study, reflection on the landscape of NGO’s in 2017 that involved partnership between private and public sectors promote research and develop support for patients with dementia. The increase in partnerships between private and public sectors, which have a common goal in alleviation of Alzheimer’s disease by promoting research is the best prevention and treatment interventions of the disease (Heather, William, Perlman, & Maria, 2018).

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These partnerships continue to increase among the community Alzheimer’s disease. Collaborations, international efforts, neuroscience research and public policies are among the strategies within the public-private partnerships that would facilitate proper prevention and management of Alzheimer’s disease. Reference Heather, M. org/10. j. jalz. “Dementia prevalence and incidence in a federation of European Electronic Health Record databases: The European Medical Informatics Framework resource” Electronic records for health information have been assembled in form of database by the European Medical Information Framework. These records have been used to calculate and estimate prevalence and incidences of dementia in about 25 million people. Gayan, P. Lars, P. Ansel, D. Alexander, M. Michael, H. A total of 1667 participants from communities with high prevalence of atherosclerosis underwent through poly-somnography where they were studied for dementia, a condition that was described by detailed neurocognitive examinations and hospitalized diagnosis.

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From the study, dementia incidents were related to durations of sleep and OSA. Severe OSA was related to a high risk of dementia, whether Alzheimer’s disease or any other cause. Less sleep of less than 7 hours was found to be a risk factor of dementia. From this study, it is clear that dementia has risk factors that may include sleep deprivation (Pamela, et al. F. Punjabi, N. M. Shahar, E. Alonso, A. From this research, BMI of 30 kg/M2 and above at the age of 50 years was greatly associated with dementia as compared to obesity at 60 years and 70 years (Singh-Manoux, Dugravot, Shipley, & Brunner, 2017). Persons with cases of dementia should different BMI trajectories compare with other participants in this study. The BMI was higher in persons with dementia as from 28 - 16 years, and lower at 8 years prior to diagnosis.

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From the data obtained from this study, it can be deduced that obesity at midlife is a risk factor for dementia in old age. Most patients who presented with dementia after the study were obese or used to be obese in their midlife (Singh-Manoux, Dugravot, Shipley & Brunner, 2017). doi:https://doi. org/10. j. jalz. “Polygenic risk score of sporadic late-onset Alzheimer's disease reveals a shared architecture with the familial and early-onset forms” A study to establish the magnitude of genetic overlap in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease type in the late onset, familial late onset Alzheimer’s disease type, sporadic form (early onset), and Alzheimer’s disease (early onset form) of autosomal dominant was conducted. Del-Aguila, J. L. Sael, B. Black, K. Fernandez, M. “Concomitant vascular and neurodegenerative pathologies double the risk of dementia” Vascular pathology and the degeneration of the vascular systems of the body may contribute to dementia.

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A study conducted to quantify dementia proportions by potentially prevent vascular lesions was done on cohorts that were population-based. The pathological and clinical data for these individuals who some had dementia, while some did not was analyzed and the proportions calculated. The absolute dementia risk of both cohorts with dementia and those without was compared. This study revealed that mixed pathology and vascular pathology rates were thrice and twice respectively higher in patients with dementia than those without dementia. Avan, A. Cipriano, L. E. Munoz, D. G. These two diseases are also linked, to some extent, by significant observation that signaling for insulin sets limits on long life. A research conducted in worms, mice and flies showed that interruptions of insulin signaling lead to increased life span of these creatures and therefore, caloric restrictions, as explained by scientists in this study, may increase human life span (Gunn-Moore, Kaidanovich-Beilin, Iradi, Gunn-Moore, & Lovestone, 2017).

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From the studies, it is speculated that patients with diabetes mellitus are more likely to suffer dementia in their old age. It is explained that long-lived organisms like man, with high post-fertility span of life are exposed to high risk of having diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Evidence for this hypothesis has predictions that are specific for both man and other animals with long post-reproductive life span. September 30). Alzheimer's disease in humans and other animals: A consequence of postreproductive life span and longevity rather than aging. doi:https://doi. org/10. j. About 46. million people in America had Alzheimer’s disease in the preclinical form, either neurodegenerative or amyloidosis, or both (Brookmeyer, Abdalla, Kawas, & Corrada, 2017). These people with preclinical kind of Alzheimer’s disease, according to this study, may or may not develop to clinical Alzheimer’s disease forms in their old age.

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This is dependent on the prevention strategies, either primary or secondary, which have differential impacts of Alzheimer’s disease burden in future. From the research, very many people are living with Alzheimer’s disease in preclinical forms and interventions to prevent progression of this disease to the clinical form are very necessary. Corrada, M. M. December 06). Forecasting the prevalence of preclinical and clinical Alzheimer's disease in the United States. doi:https://doi. Some lifestyle can increase the progression from subjective decline in cognitive ability to mild impairment of cognitive ability, which include late diagnosis of cognitive impairment, genetics, alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and drugs (Snitz, et al. Therefore, persons at high risk of progression to mild impairment of cognitive ability from subjective decline in cognitive ability should avoid behaviors that could worsen the progression to dementia later in life.

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Reference Snitz, E. B. Wang, T. doi:https://doi. org/10. j. jalz.

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