Analysis of Persuasiveness in the Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence
The three main strategies of persuasion are logos, pathos, and ethos. Persuasion is a form of demonstration since people are fully convinced when they consider something to have been demonstrated. Persuasion is achieved by the personal character of the orator when the arguments are presented well to think him credible (Weida and Stolley). Additionally, persuasion is achieved when the speech arouse the emotions of the audience. Logos refers to the logical appeal in speech or presentations and often uses facts and figures to support the arguments of the orator. In the next statement, he clearly states the worries people have concerning artificial intelligence. Lee writes “…they wonder whether instead of our controlling artificial intelligence, it will control us, turning us, in effect, into cyborgs” (Lee). This statement appeals to both feelings and convinces the audience that the writer understand the concerns surrounding inception and development of artificial intelligence.
The author establishes his credibility concerning the subject by first noting the prevalent concerns regarding the subject. Also, it is important to note the metaphor he uses to answer his question. He notes the enhanced development of the sector, a fact that will radically transform the world, with negative consequences associated. However, he continues to assert that artificial intelligence is tools not competing forms of intelligence. He asserts that artificial intelligence will restructure the meaning of work and how wealth is created that may result into inequalities. This appeal to ethos by affirming his knowledge of the industry and prevailing concerns (Lee). He further redirects his audience to the looming challenges within the sector. Also, since much wealth will be in the hand of few people, Lee argues that such wealth needs to be distributed to those jobs that have been displaced, which is only possible through increased taxation of rich companies.
Lee appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos by authoritatively, empathetically, and logically outlining possible solutions to the problem of wealth distribution and joblessness. However, he notes that heavy taxation of companies to fund charity work is implementable in developed nations like China and America while challenges may prevail in underdeveloped nations. China and American have the structures and information to successful implement artificial intelligence and firms from these regions will take over other markets. These arguments continue to assert Lee’s authority and knowledge of the subject. Lee has employed logical reasoning using facts, expert knowledge, and empathy to drive home his claims. He agrees with the position of the audience on possible economic shocks on human progress as a result of artificial intelligence implementation. He does not refute the worries but rather proposes solutions, something that appeals to the pathos and ethos.
With his broad knowledge of the subjects, he presents its current state, its future prospects, and the challenges resulting from implementation of artificial intelligence. Therefore, the writer has effectively presented his through and ideas using all the three strategies of persuasion and succeeded in making the audience take his perspective. com/2017/06/24/opinion/sunday/artificial-intelligence-economic-inequality. html. Weida, Stacy, and Karl Stolley. “Using Rhetorical Strategies for Persuasion. ” Purdue Online Writing Lab, 2013, https://owl.
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