Antitrust law essence Research
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Business
Some of the benefit that the consumer enjoys include the diverse prices for the same goods and also services hence offering them the chance to choose the least price from the offers. And also, they do enjoy some of the after-sale services such as special packaging among other services. Monopoly can be caused by the mergers which can lead to the customer exploitation and also limited competition among the manufacturers. Monopoly and also the merger plays a big role by limiting the consumer's variety of choices from which he or she is to choose. The formation of the antitrust laws was formed to prevent the too large business from blocking of the competition. A move like this shall mean that the small company shall not be in a position to carry out their business and in the long run they might be shut down.
If then the multinational company happen to sell the drugs at a low price this would hurt the generic company which is trying to sell the same drugs. The multinational company usually take another option of merging the smaller company so that they can be in apposition to slow down their work. Through the merger, they mainly lead to the pulling out of the generic company out of business. Dennis Jr, at, al,2011) Through the company merging they shall be in a position compete, with the costs with the non-exclusive organizations be more affordable. In my view is that it would be positive in both ways since the merger is all about doing business. And the main aim of the merger is that the company are merging so that they can be in a position to compete with the generic company and so that they can be in a position to get the generic company consumers so that they can be in a position to sell their product.
The merging of the two company in another angle it would be viewed wrong that why there are some rules which are put in place so that it can check on some of the issues such as these. Example 2 There have been some of the recent development which has seen two telecommunications come together to try to form a merger. This merger by itself would have been the world largest merger. The relationship is lost if the consumers are not liking the new thing that the company is doing differently as they were before the merger. Some of the mergers that are carried out are not to the consumer's interest. The mistake that the company does in mergers is that they do not consider the consumer's interest before the occurrence of the merger.
All the merger assumes that if the company mergers they shall be in a position to do the best without the consideration of the consumers. Lack of consideration of consumer might lead to the downfall of the company. Entrepreneurship, small business, and public policy levers. Journal of Small Business Management, 49(1), 92-106. Economics. Barriers To Entry. Retrieved from Economics Help: http://www.
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