Artificial Intelligence Is It Taking Our Jobs

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Artificial Intelligence

Document 1

This projects or machines created have the characters associated to human beings such as reasoning, problem solving speech recognition, planning, or even learning from past experience (COPELAND). Research however in artificial intelligence has focused on components such as reasoning, learning, using language, perception and problem solving as they are the diverse traits that can possibly be associated with intelligence. Machines like robotics and computers ,barcode scanners used in point of sales and ATMS (colvin) have taken or substituted most human work in many industries and offices but they have also created a great deal of other job. THE SOURCE FUNDING The research proposal will be funded from personal savings. THE PROBLEM (issue addressed) According to a study carried out by a scientist J. Human performing these roles will play a complimentary role through cognitive technology ensuring that the machines are both responsible and effective in its tasks.

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TRAINERS It’s the task of trainers to teach AI systems how to perform their tasks. Trainers help language processors and translators to make as few errors as possible. On another end they are tasked to teach algorithms how to mimic the behaviuor of humans. Chabot’s for customer service is an example that need training to understand the complexities of human communication, for example Yahoo Inc has made efforts to teach its language processing system that human beings do not always mean what they say literally. In recent survey by frontiers magazine shows that less than a third of companies across the world have high level of confidence in the fairness of audit ability of their AI systems and less than a half have the same confidence in the safety of those systems.

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In those statistics it shows a worrying trend that need to be resolved for the continued usage of the AI systems. These bring about the need of the crucial role of sustainers. TRANSITION OF JOBS IN THE WORK PLACE An action plan on how the transition of jobs will take over some jobs and transition released labor to employ others is depicted below; The vision of technology is to enable people in the work place to do more work per hour. That is to mean jobs that provides support to other works will definitely see a decline trend in employment and works that do not need much creativity will eventually see automation. This area requires a lot of interpersonal relation as well as understanding human emotions. Automating some rote parts of the jobs will improve its effectiveness rather than hurt the job.

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Other areas that will see comparative growth include art, design and media, agriculture sector and construction sectors. b. likely transitional areas These are areas that are likely to experience sizeable disruptions but will also experience continued percentage of good employment. We have witnessed self-driving cars and also trucks, this pts drives and motor operators jobs at a decline. There have also been many automated warehouses meaning those who had the job of material moving have seen their jobs slip away. Similarly in the building industry much of the work has been automated and thus been taken away from potential employees. CONCLUSSION So in summary a whole third of employment population will experience a decline in their need for their human labour. This include mostly the low paid jobs where the worker find themselves with less knowledge to align themselves with the changes of technology.

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Artifial intellingence programming (1927 march). T. Dean, J. Allen,Y. Aloimonos. J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 1998. The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, Public Divided on Origins of Life, 2005. R. Poli, W. Collected Works of A. M. Turing: Mechanical Intelligence, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1992. P. H.

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