Attitudes and job satisfaction

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Employees had to choose Hawaiian outfits particularly shirts. They were also required to be highly literate. Regarding work experience trader Joe wanted workers to possess retail experience and also to be ambitious and be people of adventure. They were also needed to be always happy and have very admirable character. Gambacorta and Iannario, 2013) To become a good leader one must be able to control employees and make them understand their expected roles in the firm in order to achieve the firm’s goals and objectives. These techniques include well-qualified crew culture and observing the customer values (Bing. com, 2018) The process of achieving proper management in a firm is faced with many shortcomings. Mostly, the leaders have same characteristics. Emotional intelligence is capability which is leaned by one’s ability to manage emotions.

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Emotional Intelligence (EI) also contains understand, interpret and react to emotions of others. The leadership effectiveness and performance is evaluated by student leadership. Today’s economy requires firms to use a competitive processes in development. Economic development. Leadership also requires that changes are done often I the leadership structure of the firm to suit the operations of the firm. From the carried study, Joe uses a different technique to create a conducive work environment for his workers. A positive attitude is a plus in an organization for it helps employees improve their work and their do this by accomplishing their tasks faster and they do the tasks in a better manner. Bing. com, 2018) In this, therefore, attitude can either affect an organization negatively or positively? A bad attitude makes employees not to perform their tasks to their best capability.

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Delice, 2016). There are the various forms of attitudes which include:- • work satisfaction • work involvement • firm commitment the following table shows the percentage of a company’s performance when the attitude of employees increases in a positive manner Performance Quality 18% Performance Quantity 19% Financial efficiency indicators 25% Customer service indicators 38% Work satisfaction These refer to particular views, either negative or positive that a person holds towards his or her job. Delice, 2016)There are several factors that can increase employee satisfaction. The following are the factors and also how the factors help in the general success of the company. It is not always about a good pay and benefits that make employees satisfied in a company. The following factors contribute also a lot to the satisfaction of employees in an organization. Respect – this is one of the most important factors of job satisfaction and makes treatment of each other in an organization be meaningful and official.

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Employees work hard and are usually satisfied by the fact that there is an option to earn a higher pay and take on massive responsibilities in future. Gambacorta and Iannario, 2013) The more the employees are happy the stronger the organization becomes. This is then an area of concern in so many organizations. Their satisfaction is important in that it helps the company improve in:- Lower Turnover, Higher productivity, Increased profits, Lower Turnover – employee retaining helps to create a better working environment. This helps the organization in recruiting quality talent and saving a lot of cash in general. This way, the firm helps to build very stable and productive future (Pryce-Jones, 2010) Impact of work satisfaction and attitude on motivation and organizational behavior In each and every organization emphasis is put on the enhancement of employee performance.

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This is an issue that constantly causes a lot of dilemma in these organizations. Competitive advantage and pecuniary profit are solely great reasons as to why this is issues to be prioritized. So basically and organization behavior involves the activities of the employees, their performance and all these factors depend on the kind of attitude the employees have and also the quantity of job satisfaction. Employee performance is affected by different psychological and environmental factors and this is the same factors that affect employee attitude and job satisfaction. So I must be liking the job. Application of the theory Attitude Surveys are among the list of applications of the said theory. Eliciting reactions from workers by means of questionnaires about their view on their work, job groups, supervisors, and the firm.

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Pryce-Jones, 2010) The following question can be used to measure the impact of attitude and job satisfaction in an organization. According to Perilaku-Keorganisasian as its stated in the chapters. Theory focus on how to reach the sixth level according to the pyramid. The pyramid shows the hierarchy of Maslow theory. The theory can be used to measure the amount of job satisfaction and attitudes in an organization as whole. Conclusions Attitude refers to the type of statements that are evaluative or are judgmental that usually concerns objects, people, or certain events. The various forms of attitudes are work satisfaction, work involvement, and firm Commitment. This is an issue that constantly causes a lot of dilemma in these organizations. Competitive advantage and pecuniary profit are solely great reasons as to why this is issues to be prioritized.

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  References ANON Your Bibliography: Bing. com. online] Available at: http://www. Journal SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL FOR JOB ATTITUDES, JOB SATISFACTION, AND JOB AFFECT: A CENTURY OF CONTINUITY AND OF CHANGE Your Bibliography: Supplemental Material for Job Attitudes, Job Satisfaction, and Job Affect: A Century of Continuity and of Change. Journal of Applied Psychology. Journal DELICE, M. A Research study on Job Satisfaction and Attitudes towards Ethic Codes: Is There a Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Attitudes towards Ethic Codes? Your Bibliography: Delice, M. A Research study on Job Satisfaction and Attitudes Towards Ethic Codes: Is There a Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Attitudes Towards Ethic Codes?.

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