Avondale Golf Club Competitive Strategies
The golf club radiates a sense of history and tradition in which excellent service delivery has been the key to success. Avondale has one of the most inviting environments, which is warm and strategically aligned to accommodate both members and private events. Its facilities are maintained in excellent condition (Avondale, 2018). The basis for competitive advantage is pegged on several factors. Membership Benefits They are a great source of competitive advantage. The stunning surrounding of the club is an excellent place for any social event whether it is a conference, wedding, school event, special birthday celebration, and cocktail parties among others. The most distinct feature that separates this club from others is its capacity to hold many people at any given event. The spaces at the club can accommodate up to two hundred people (Avondale, 2018).
Notably, every room is exquisite as it looks out on the splendid gardens and course. Intangible Resources Customer Service Avondale has various intangible resources that can be utilised to leverage the competitive advantage of the golf course. Moreover, the quality of services could emanate from the condition of golf course. It is established that the enhancement of golf’s physical environment can have a positive impact on members’ satisfaction as well as revisit intentions (Sulaiman et al. Therefore, through the stunning setting that Avondale has, the management can utilise the aura of the location to leverage on the competitive advantage. If the atmosphere is favourable for a golfer, he or she will benefit due to the satisfaction derived. It is two-way traffic because when members are fully satisfied; the club would also gain from their return visits.
Whereas Avondale Golf Club has established a strong brand name in New Zealand, it can use it to leverage the competitive advantage. People are attracted to stronger brands; hence, using the Avondale’s name as a brand can help the club to market its membership benefits, which are a source of competitive advantage. As a result, more members would join the club as people like being associated with the best brands in the industry. Competition through Superior Service According to Saikkonen (2012), services are the intangible processes and actions that a company offers to its customers. On the other hand, a company in the service industry has a network of other services around the central function (Saikkonen, 2012). Thus, it is essential to improve services in a bid to keep current members and attract new ones.
Different golf courses have varying sizes as well as additional services offered (Saikkonen, 2012). At Avondale Golf Club, there are various services offered besides playing rounds on the golf course. These services include the café and bar facilities as well as hosting of social events. Thus, it can be mentioned that Avondale is a service company as besides the golf course, it has a clubhouse, and it holds private functions. According to Nuzzo (2008), a gently rolling terrain could be ideal for Avondale as the extremes of too flat and steep topography can limit the effectiveness of the course. As for the grass surface, Avondale can compete by ensuring that the grass is ever-green. Besides, it needs to be low-cut grass. What is more, it has to be mentioned that the club can efficiently compete if the equipment used to move around the course are well-maintained.
On the other hand, the service at café and bar can help the club compete effectively. The club caters for men and women full-year subscriptions, and players can go to the golf course any day of the week. Other packages include midweek men and women as well as the 9-hole full and 9-hole midweek (Avondale, 2018). The most exciting aspect of this clubs subscription is that members can decide to pay on a monthly, weekly or fortnight basis using their debit cards (Avondale, 2018). What is more, the club has other affordable options for junior golfers. Given these target marker, Avondale has been doing marketing in New Zealand to keep its members engaged. This marketing capability supports Avondale’s competitive position in the current market. The rationale for the above suggestion is that most of the golfers are active on social media.
According to Kevin (2016), approximately 91% of New Zealanders use the internet, and 70% of New Zealanders can spend up to two hours while 85 % of all users visit social media networks. Thus, with the utilization of digital transformation, Avondale has been able to not only sustain but also improve its competitive position in the current target market. Pricing It is one of the fundamental marketing capabilities. Positioning Strategy Whereas Avondale Golf Club is mainly known for its golf course, it has other services such as holding social events as well as a café and bar. With the combination of these services, the club can be regarded as Service Company. The positioning strategy is based on the social side of the club. Avondale is one of the most social clubs in New Zealand. The social culture of the club entails but it is not limited investing most the time available in volunteering, and the availability of various forms of entertainment.
For instance, some of the events may include full-ladies get together and full-men lunch among others. It is through those gatherings that the attendees, who are generally members of Avondale both new and old, can get an opportunity to interact. Also, members can eat and drink together. Such social events would help the golfers to improve the way they play. It is established that social networks and socialization can play an essential role in nurturing the talents of players (Branton, 2013). avondalegolfclub. co. nz/Membership/MembershipBenefits. aspx Branton, J. A. Theory of flux cutting and flux transport at the critical current of a type-II superconducting cylindrical wire. Physical Review B, 83(21), 214-511. Gomes Pereira, L. R. Golf destinations’ brand personality: the case of the Algarve. NZ internet use: latest stats. Element Digital Consulting.
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