Building Information Modelling use on Project Management in the construction industry
Document Type:Dissertation
Subject Area:Engineering
The purpose of this synopsis is to assess and evaluate the influence and challenges of BIM implementation in Project Management in the Singapore construction industry. BIM provides the benefit of budget savings, as well as time for building and infrastructure program. To understand the influence of the Building Information Model on Project Management, this synopsis analyzes various literature reviews. BIM is the crucial existing player in the architecture and construction industry. Many people have likened BIM with 3D design although it is more than the 3D modeling. In 2002, Autodesk published a research paper known as “Building information Modelling” when some software developers, as well as vendors, were massively attracted and engaged into the field, and therefore, the expression was normalized to mean familiar term for digital depiction concerning building process (Barlish, K.
and Sullivan K. The Context of the Study Singapore has significantly increased BIM integration since the adoption of the initial BIM roadmap by guideline by BCA. Over the last five years from 2010-2015, Building Information Modelling has derived substantial demand in Singapore`s construction sector. BIM adoption in the public sector was introduced with chosen projects from 2010-2012. BIM is viewed as a solution to promote productivity and efficiency of the construction organization entirely. However, while project shareholders recognize the qualitative benefits of using BIM equipment, the relationship between the extent of BIM adoption at different project scales, as well as the benefits to be gained has yet to be established. Also, there is a deficit of stability or methodology in determining the reward earned. Industry observers, as well as regulators, claiming that the need for adoption of BIM in the construction industry is evident.
To this extent, though, quantitative information demonstrating the ROI of BIM has yet to be established (Chien, K. Singapore is a developed nation from the perspective of the BIM environment. For instance, BIM e-submission for the model document is fully enacted by Singaporean laws and regulations. This paper explains the summary of BIM implementation, as well as the challenges involved with BIM in Singapore. Some of the key issues affecting the implementation of BIM in Singapore Construction Industry include; Obstacles to BIM execution in Singapore Issues of Projects in Singapore Singapore is a developed nation from the perspective of the BIM environment. Building Information Modelling e-submission for the model document is fully enacted by Singapore regulations. An estimated one-third of the population in Singapore are immigrants. Foreign employees have performed a crucial function as blue-collar employees in industries since the inception of Singapore.
These workers are trained, as well as certified as skilled or multi-skilled employees in their countries of birth. The foreign workers in Singapore come from countries such as India, Myanmar, as well as China (Korkmaz, S. et al. Singapore BIM Finance The kitty was established in 2012 and upgraded in 2013, as well as 2015. This institution targets to assist the design industry in enhancing BIM cooperation ability by covering a section of the cost incurred during consultancy, training, as well as software or hardware (Ku, K. and Taiebat, M. BIM Modification to Projects in Singapore Singapore government designed a strategy to guide BIM implementation. However, consumers in the private sector are assessing the value, as well as the cost of BIM. In Singapore, consumers always make an agreement with consulting engineers since they are experts of BIM manager (Murphy, M.
Based on this scenario, BIM manager is referred to as the third party to adopt the design information beside architects, as well as conventional contractors. The function of BIM manager in the area of project delivery continues to be the case along case basis. Literature Review According to McKinsey report, the study discovered that about 75% of the firms that have incorporated BIM in their activities had reported profitable returns on their share having reduced project life cycles, as well as savings concerning material costs and paperwork (Murphy, M. As a result of these positive returns, several governments such as Britain, Singapore, as well as Finland, have approved the utilization of BIM for public infrastructure programs and projects. By making a comparison on the functions identified, it is essential to assert that half of the BIM responsibilities were incompatible and can be related with particular professionals, hence, revealing that BIM roles mainly serves the requirement of adopting shareholder specialization, on project and attributes.
Furthermore, BIM implementers can achieve a number of benefits with its integration (Navendren, D. et al. For instance, the integration and implementation of BIM at a corporate level can promote efficiency and minimize errors, as well as de-duplication of assignments due to the ability to enhance greater cooperation between project shareholders and departments, to adopt building systems, settle conflicts, as well as software interoperability. In addition, BIM integration at corporation level can bring positive return involving investment mainly produced via savings minimized project costs. et al. Due to the existence of numerous software firms in the current market, there is a higher chance that majority of the software are mutually exclusive one another unless the same firm has developed them. Furthermore, there are occasions in which loss of data has been encountered during sharing.
The chances of shareholders utilizing various software are also high, given the project setting, industry diversity, as well as shareholder software preference. In addition, there is the probability that project shareholders are not familiar with its importance or are not familiar with the protocols concerning the transfer of information, hence, making software interoperability not usable (Qian, A. Central Research Question The question that will include the main subject of this study is: What influence has BIM contributed to the construction firm`s Project Management in Singapore? The construction industry in Singapore has experienced a massive transformation due to the implementation of BIM in Project Management. Therefore, to understand the impact that BIM has brought to Singapore, we will look at the policies that the Singapore government has introduced to promote the adoption of BIM in Project Management.
This is crucial because it will help us to determine the extent of BIM incorporation in the construction industry in Singapore. The Aims of the Study • Understanding the overall concept of BIM. • Gain an insight into the current state of Singapore`s BIM • Assess and evaluate the influence of BIM and its implementation in Project Management • Assess and evaluate the challenges facing BIM implementation in Project Management in Singapore • Identify strategies to overcome problems facing BIM implementation in Singapore (Shen, L. These assumptions are measured on a large sample size to establish the extent to which the hypothesis is achieved. The purpose of qualitative interviews is to recognize and investigate shortages of known properties. The concept is to identify the aspects which cannot be verified in advance and gain a deeper insight into the implementation of BIM in project management (Smith, D.
In the qualitative study, a substantial quantity of information is gathered from a small sample size. Based on the motive and objective of this dissertation, as well as limited accessibility to the interviewers, a qualitative technique was selected. Six of these interviews will be with people with a project management function while the next six will be with persons that have worked with the incorporation of BIM in various companies or firms. Nevertheless, it will not be disclosed which response any particular interviewee provided, with the reason that the mystery will enable the interviewees to articulate themselves freely and openly (Smith, D. BIM Implementation and Application It is seen from the obtained outcomes that BIM has not obtained widespread recognition and implementation in Singapore, despite the international firms being the significant respondents (52%) revealing that being adopted on fewer than 20% of programs and projects managed by their firm (Smith, D.
Furthermore, an estimated 12% of the respondent firms have adopted BIM on all of their projects. The most familiar utilized BIM software or equipment is Autodesk`s Revit collection of Architecture, MEP, as well as Structure, with an estimated 70% of respondents revealing its application. et al. Benefits Gained from BIM Majority of participants surveyed about 42% are not aware if BIM has either a positive or negative influence concerning the reward of projects in their firm (Volk, R. et al. This is because their firms do not participate actively in tracking the impacts, as well as ROI of BIM adoption. of the participants experienced expansion in profitability because of BIM, 26% revealed insignificant changes, as well as 8%, experienced a decline. Building information modelling (BIM) implementation and remote construction projects: issues, challenges, and critiques. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 17, pp.
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