Change in Digital marketing
The main reason for using the above elements is for consumer engagement purposes, to build a strong brand via digital networks (Yasmin, Tasneem & Fatema, 2015). Armstrong in his book ‘persuasive advertising’, puts forward marketing principles which apply to the interaction of customers with a particular brand. However, in this digital era, some of his policies cannot keep up with the dynamics of the current digital marketing. This paper will, therefore, shed light on how digital marketing has changed the principles of persuasive marketing regarding Armstrong’s persuasive advertising principles, narrowed down to customer engagement and the purchase intentions or the favorability of customers. How to engage with customers in digital marketing. The other reason why the principle is not appropriate in the digital era is that digital marketing is cheap for both customers and marketers (Duch-Brown, Grzybowski, Romahn & Verboven, 2017).
This implies that the customers are likely not to be committed to the products being advertised as compared to the traditional forms of advertising that consume a relatively large amount of their time and money. From the above discussions, it is therefore clear that the above principles are not applicable to digital advertising, but they can still be used as most companies still prefer to use the digital advertising methods in conjunction with traditional forms of marketing. The principle of seeking early commitments for time consuming activities. Still, on customer engagement, the other persuasive principle that could be used is seeking early commitments for time-consuming activities. However, it can still be used with the traditional forms of media advertisings as most companies are still using a combination of both the digital and conventional forms of media advertising.
How to increase purchase intentions or the favorability of customers. The principle of giving something to individuals when they can reciprocate easily. When it comes to increasing purchasing intentions or favorability of customers, the first principle used is the reciprocation principle. According to Armstrong, this principle works with reference to the fact that when a person receives a gift with no strings attached, it invokes their principle of reciprocation hence he or she will feel obligated to reciprocate positively to what that company is selling (Armstrong, 2010, pg 83). The other principle that could be used to persuade customers to purchase is to avoid the invitation of buyers to assess their satisfaction while consuming a product. According to Armstrong, this principle works as he points out that preannounced satisfaction surveys negatively affect the satisfaction of both customers and sellers.
When a satisfaction survey is announced in advance, it elicits some critical attitudes among customers which reduces their satisfaction and also affects the morale of the sellers (Armstrong, 2010, pg 134). Rebuttals to the principles of preannounced satisfaction surveys. When it comes to digital marketing, preannounced satisfaction surveys are just inevitable. Therefore from the above discussions, it is clear that the principle of not inviting buyers to assess their contentment when consuming a product goes against almost all the principles of digital marketing and this makes its application to online advertising difficult. Conclusion. It is clear that there are significant differences between digital marketing and the traditional forms of media advertising. Therefore, theories that are effective in persuasive advertising cannot be directly applied to the current markets of online advertising. For companies and marketers to succeed in the current market, they should apply Armstrong’s theories when using traditional forms of media advertising, and apply the contrary principles when it comes to digital marketing.
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