Coca Cola Company Business intervention

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

This has affected the consumption of the products thus a reduction in sales made by the corporation. One of the goals of the company is to make profits and acquire enough revenue for other business activities including expansion. However, with the changes in tastes and preferences, many customers have opted for healthy drinks including fruit juices and those that contain small amounts of sugars. This is one of the problems that has affected the Coca-Cola Company as it has to design measures and strategies of dealing with it and providing a long-term solution which will have a positive impact in its business operations. The management of the organization has to decide the right measures and strategies that will have a positive impact on its operations and those that will make the customers remain loyal to the brand.

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This kind of interaction with the stakeholders will give them an opportunity to state some of the innovations or creative measures that the company can apply to overcome the challenge (Watt & Piotrowski, 2008). The use of qualitative and quantitative research methods will have a positive impact in determining the way forward for business operations. in this case, the firm will have an opportunity to understand the extent to which the problem will impact the future of its operations. Through the contribution of the different stakeholders, the firm will also align the changes with the organizational goals and objectives. The management should also allow the research and development team to find out the causes as well as the solutions to the problem through engaging the customers in the market. The application of these tools and techniques will make it easy to design the research process as data gathering will take place effectively.

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The use of interviewees and observation will also lead to the acquisition of relevant data which the company will apply in making the right decisions on how to deal with the problem. Different research tools and techniques will apply in the research process and this will focus on having a better way of understanding the problem and implementation of long-term solutions (Birch, Dean, Fazal‐e‐Hasan & Lawley, 2018). The Coca-Cola Company will have to come up with a long-term solution which will facilitate the development of loyal customers thus increasing the sales made by the corporation. On the other hand, through the research tools and techniques, the company will have a better understanding of the problem and the solutions that will lead to broadening of the customer base thus the acquisition of a large market share.

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The support of the management will also play an important role in ensuring that there is the achievement of long-term goals for the corporation. This will include the provision of resources required for the change implementation process including finances and human resources (Watt & Piotrowski, 2008). As a change agent, the contribution of the different stakeholders will also have a positive impact on business operations. In this case, the firm will have an opportunity of utilizing its different resources with the aim of making business activities successful. The provision of the right environment and the contribution by the different stakeholders will positively impact on the process and lead to successful implementation of the solution. Communication skills will facilitate interaction with different groups of people while academic qualifications including degrees and other professional courses make up the successful external consultant the company needs.

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References Birch, D. Dean, D. Fazal‐e‐Hasan, S. M. Watt, J. D. Piotrowski, C. Organizational change cynicism: A review of the literature and intervention strategies.  Organization Development Journal, 26(3).

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