Collaboration interpersonal communication and business etiquette a literature

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

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Companies must be able to evolve and grow with the technology advancements in order to keep up with the growing global market. In order to deliver to the customers’ expectations companies must develop a competitive advantage by creating faster processes that are cost effective in producing high quality products and services. Business collaboration can only be achieved through interpersonal, communication and proper business etiquette. The advancement of technology has transformed the world into a global village, this means a business organization can operate from anywhere in the world while doing business in another part of the world. These advancements have been met with many challenges including communication barriers, cultural and background differences which have hindered the success of many big companies. Teams are big part of running a business and organizations put them under departments and large organizations have smaller teams under the same department.

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Teams are comprised of team members and a team leader who oversees and guides the group while reporting the groups progress to the organizations management. Working in teams has its advantages and disadvantages which include: Advantages: Increases information and knowledge: Information, knowledge and skills of individuals increase when they work together, this is because they have to share their skills and knowledge with the other team members in order to solve a problem and achieve a set objective. Diverse viewpoint When working on solving a problem having more than one perspective of a problem is very important in understanding the problem. Team work gives different perspectives of a problem and helps businesses view a problem in different ways and understand how to solve it better. Team work restricts individuality and thus restricts a person from doing things the way they want to do them.

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High cost Team work and collaborations can be very costly to the business. Members of the group have to arrange for meeting which require facilities and also technology for communication. This would be very costly to the business which reduces profits. Collaboration The greatest resource an organization has is it human resource. When employees and management work together and collaborate in their jobs, the learn more from each other and thus grow as company. Only by working together can employees develop better and more efficient ways of performing their tasks, such as developing better technology and machinery. Organizations are run through decision making and overcoming tough obstacles that challenge their progress. Gajda and Koliba state that collaboration is the making of decisions to overcome complex issues in society to achieve set goals successfully (p 26, 2007).

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Organizations have communities also known as teams that where individuals share and work together to achieve a shared goal. Motivation is also known as the driving force to complete a task or solve a problem. The drive to solve a problem or invent something and to accomplish a predetermined goal and objective. Most businesses motivation is to make as much profit as fast as possible and with the least effort. Self-synchronization All individual employees in a company have individual goals to complete even while working as part of a team. Therefore, each employee must make individual decisions on when each task needs to be completed. The mediation task falls onto the team leaders and organization managers. Reciprocity Reciprocity refers to the act of equal sharing. In the business world information is the key, businesses grow through the sharing of new information.

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While working in teams and employees working with each other they must give information with other members while equally receiving information from others. Through this sharing of information the team is able to complete its objectives efficiently. None verbal communication is passing information through other means other than words such as hand gestures, facial expressions, physical contact, vocal tones, body language, personal grooming and appearance. There are many means of communication known as meetings. Technology has advanced over time to allow people to communicate easily through even long distances and can hold meeting through technological devices such as computers and mobile phones and hold conference calls and video conferences. Meetings are very important during group collaborations because they act as periodical means for members to update each other and access the work progress.

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Meeting must be well planned before the time of the meeting by the team leader and all members must be available to attend the meeting. Opportunity and problem: meeting are held to discuss opportunities that the team can take advantage of to make their work easier. Teams also meet to discuss the problems being faced by individual members of the team or the group as a whole. Action of discussed items: Once the items of the meeting are identified, the team must discuss the best way forward to solve the problem or gain their objectives. Key decisions made: for any progress to be made the team must make decisions, these decisions are made by individuals and the team as a whole. Important announcements: important information is passed from management to team members through meetings.

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Organization etiquette is based on the hierarchical structure of the organization, status and the power of the individuals in the organization (Lazorchak, S. A. p100). Companies employ individuals from various cultures and they have to interact with each other in teams so as to accomplish their goal. There are some common etiquette protocols which people follow in order to be able to work more comfortably with each other. As technology has advanced and become the main part of most communication through mobile phones, computer and the internet, so have the roles of communication etiquette (Agnew, D. S. Hill, K. p3). Technology has made it easier for to communicate and therefore easier to make others uncomfortable while using it. ist. psu. edu/viewdoc/download?doi=10. rep=rep1&type=pdf Singh, K. Mitchell, W.

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ajpe769177 Hudnurkar, M. Jakhar, S. Rathod, U. Factors affecting collaboration in supply chain: a literature review. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 133, 189-202. Business protocol and etiquette: Preparing students for the global business environment. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 92(1), 100. Agnew, D. S. Hill, K.

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