Communication Plan Term Paper

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

It is as such to understand what the whole concept of effective communication entails and this can be described as the transmitting of information from one person or organization to another and ensuring that the information is understandable and on time in order to ensure that there is feedback to the information within the shortest time possible to confirm that the receiver has received it. The transmission of communication from one source to another has always been viewed as a challenge by a majority of people and organizations. In most cases, the information that reaches the receiver is on time and not tampered with. At times, the information is wholly contorted which possess a challenge to the communication process. In an organizational setting, the ineffective delivery of information within an organization can see to it that the operations within the organization are not effectively delivered or performed which affects the performance and other aspects such as organizational relations among others.

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According to Kerzner and Kerzner (2017), it is expected that an organization has a well-defined communication plan that states how the daily communications are supposed to happen. In addition, the document also states that the routine communication ought to entail the status of tasks, communicate issues and also ensure that there is holding of meetings with well-defined agendas. In an article by Walker (2015), most of the reasons as to why projects fail is because of the lack of follow-up meetings and to ensure this does not happen, the stakeholders and the management will have to plan frequent meetings that will be used to discuss important aspects of the project and also the communication plan in general. Budget communication Within this, the most relevant document will be the budget for the project will have the financial estimates that the project will cover.

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Projects require funds and finances to operate in aspects such as the creation of campaigns and acquisition of important resources (Flemming and Koppelman, 2016, December). Defining the target The communication plan will have a particular target and in this case, it is the entire organization and its improvement. The objective of the project is to realize effective ways to enable the communication and make it effective using the communication plan. As such, incorporation the target in its initiation will give it a sense of direction and scope to function on. Making it an organizational effort. Organization’s function as a whole, a group of departments and divisions that are aligned by a single vision and mission statement and when it comes to the initiation of the project on a communication plan, it is effective to approach the organization as a whole and not in accordance to the departments or divisions that are within it.

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The form of communication that will be applicable in this case is mainly the interpersonal communication and organizational communication and as such, the techniques that will be applied include; Awareness-raising campaigns. In this technique of implementation, the project will aim to evaluate certain questions such as the groups that will be impacted most, in which ways they will be impacted and how they can be impacted. With this questions in play, the project will be realizable and a number of aspects will be attainable. In addition, the awareness programs can include social media campaigns, utilization of noticeboards and also meetings. In a study by Salermo (2016), awareness-campaigns creates the required attention and focus for a project and based on how effective the awareness campaign is, it can impact the success of a project.

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Management approaches needed The management will also play an important role in the implementation process as it will be part of the decision making process. Therefore, in order to make sure that it does not interfere with the implementation such that it is part of the project but also does not bring about interference to the operations of the project. The management will as such adopt two forms of approaches which include; A participative approach Within this approach of management, the aim of the management is usually to be part of the functions and operations of the organization. According to Weiss (2014), a participative approach is a form in which the management allows for the subordinates to contribute with their opinions on the processes within the organization and as such, this will be one of the approaches that will be utilized within the project.

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The management will be part of the decision-making process of the project since they are also the key providers in terms of resources that are required and to exclude them will be creating a divide within the organization. The pros of these techniques include that they have evaluative measures to assess whether or not they are effective and also, they are extensively tested and used in other areas and field and as such, they can be relied upon (Bernard, 2016). Additionally, they are easy to set up with regards to their initiation and implementation which would mean that they are effective to utilize within this setting. These techniques can be considered as being appropriate within this setting. On the other hand, the techniques may also be viewed to have one or two disadvantages such as their focus on the creation of awareness when they should be more focused on the success rates of the project.

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As seen above, the techniques can be considered as focusing on generating and making the project aware to the people it will impact most, leaving out what will happen after the impacting or creation of the awareness. On the other hand, they can be considered as being disadvantageous due to the managerial concept that they will bring in in the running of the project. Other than that, the approaches are effective to utilize. Chapter 5: Conclusion Summary of the Communication plan The implementation of the project will highly rely on the presented scenarios, where it will assess the ineffective aspects within the organization and aim to come up with effective and efficient factors that will see to it that the communication plan within the organization is effective. This will entail the definition of the scope of communication and also other aspects such as the channels and communication patterns to ensure that they are well stipulated and followed.

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Additionally, there has to be a form of feedback plan that will make the communication a two-way plan. M. December). Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Heeks, R.  Project management: achieving competitive advantage. Prentice Hall. Salerno, J. P. The effectiveness of Universal School‐Based Mental Health Awareness Programs Among Youth in the United States: A Systematic Review.

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