Comparison of the us and uk healthcare systems
The United States and the UK’s systems of healthcare compare and contrast in many ways (Fry, and Lawrence, 2018). The United Kingdom possesses one of the efficient healthcare systems in the world whereas that of the United States is also quite good but it is ranked position ten worldwide. However, the United States is known for the provision of expensive services and its physicians are highly paid in the world. The question remains why this huge amount of money paid to physician do not match their provision of services. Comparing the healthcare systems in these two nations, the context addresses several factors in terms of access, quality of healthcare, and efficiency. This aspect may be viewed as strict measures or precautionary, however they reduce the system efficiency. With the above elements, it is clear that the United King possesses a more efficient and better system in healthcare.
The UK ability to put up a system that allows treatment of patients at no cost is an aspect which many countries try to imitate (Padula and Pronovost, 2018). In many ways, most Americans find it difficult to comprehend how the UK healthcare system effectively caters for the needs of children, Unemployed, and people who are retired through better access to services. These group of individuals are entitled to healthcare as a right and not as a privilege since The British National Healthcare System which social insurance coordinates the entire healthcare system delivery. There are only some few occasions where both the Federal and state government steps in with safety subsidiaries for those who are unemployed, disable and the poor. Otherwise, many residents in America take care of their own health when it comes to medication coverage without any government assistance.
In the United States, there is an Act on patient protection and Affordable Care (ACA) which was established in 2010. The Act fosters an aspect of shared responsibility between employers, government and individuals in ensuring access to proper healthcare of high quality and affordability by all Americans. Coverage of health insurance is fragmented by alternative options which are public and private with massive gaps in coverage and rates. According to some statistical data, the US spends approximately 6% of gross income on medical bills including costs, premiums, and co-pays that aren’t covered. However, this figure varies because everyone is responsible for his/her own medical costs coverage (Kerkhof et al. In the UK, there are set protocols in asking for specialist treatment through the NHS. First, one will only get a referral depending on what is clinically necessary for a given case as directed by GP.
For instance, to be referred to a specialist of a particular area such as a gynaecologist (a female reproductive system specialist) or a surgeon, one should see the GP under whom they are registered. This is different when it comes to US coverage healthcare services since most of the insurance provision is through a private arrangement of an individual. There is no universal free coverage for the pre-existing conditions to citizens on public funding (Emmanuel, 2018). Medicaid and Medicare systems are more inclined to privatization hence attributing to higher costs of insurance coverage. It is the responsibility of an individual and employers to make insurance coverage arrangements of different conditions depending on personal choices and capability. Therefore, Unlike the UK, insurance coverage for the pre-existing conditions is not a free and universal service.
The Care Act also allows the creation of premium tax credits through subsidies for people who are above the poverty level. The UK healthcare delivery which is free to everyone at any point of need is facilitated through taxation. Hence access to health services at any point in time do not pose serious financial implications to patients since the cost is met through paid tax. Approximately 18% of the income tax from the citizen is channelled to healthcare delivery. On average, this totals to about 4. M. Reviving primary care: a US-UK comparison. CRC Press. Padula, W. V. Hillyer, E. V. Price, D. B. Healthcare resource use and costs of severe, uncontrolled eosinophilic asthma in the UK general population.
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