Criminal Justice Research Proposal

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Juvenile delinquency is an issue that is often talked about problems in the justice system. Since convicted young people sometimes fail to come to terms with the justice system, the need for preventing juvenile delinquency comes in. efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency should start at the community level. Ways of and means of mitigating problems like juvenile delinquency should be brought forward by the community members. The mitigation measures will help curb the problem. The different teenager mentoring bodies as well as public agencies, communities and families are the people the research hopes to target. This is because they are the parties who interact and have the power, influence and resources to drive the change. If the local community joins hands with the government agencies and a bit of help from development partners, juvenile delinquency will significantly reduce.

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Problem Statement. The problem statement of the research is how childhood mistreatment of individuals, the immediate surroundings and lack of guidance in teenagers leads and contributes to teenage delinquency and how best these challenges can be addressed. Studies have been carried out in the past and it was found out that children who were brought up being mistreated ended up as juvenile delinquents (Hawkins & Weis 27). This also included children brought up in homes where there was domestic violence. Other topics that were looked into were how the school, community and parenting methods were connected and how they contributed to violent behavior in students. Academic performance was also included in the study. It was found out that male children who were brought up being mistreated were more likely to end up as delinquents (Hawkins & Weis 27).

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This is because they have the opportunity to be influenced by their peers to join the gangs. Research findings from areas that have gangs proved that indeed this was true. It was found out that young people who grew in neighborhoods with gangs eventually got into the gangs and developed some gang affiliations in the long run (Cicourel 2017). The age bracket was teenagers of between 14-15 years old. Also, it was found out that children from single parent families were prone to juvenile delinquency. The final; problem was guidance during adolescent years. This responsibility falls on everyone, parents, schools and the community. Chapter 3 Methodology. First, the time that was allocated to carrying out the research was 18 months, together with the analysis.

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The methodology focused on the basis of obtaining as much diverse information as possible. Social workers, teachers, parents as well as teenagers were targeted for the research. Works cited Bartol, Anne M. , and Curt R. Bartol.  Criminal behavior: A psychological approach. Routledge, 2017. Hirschi, Travis.  Causes of delinquency. Routledge, 2017. Siegel, Larry J. Do you think childhood mistreatment contributes to juvenile delinquency and what constitutes mistreatment? 2. Does the neighborhood where the teenager comes from contribute in any way to delinquent behavior? What are the characteristics of a bad neighborhood? 3. Does lack of guidance to teenagers contribute to delinquent behavior? For the teenagers, more specific but general information had to be asked. Some of the information included the age range, their social class, what they did during their free time, the biggest problems they thought faced young people, how much time they spent with their parents and how many had single parents.

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