Designing Health Informatics System

Document Type:Dissertation

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

In essence, information and communication technologies remain integrated with healthcare premised on the notion of providing improved efficiency, quality of health care and access (Sahay, Sundararaman & Braa, 2017).   Various medical systems are regarded as prime transformers of healthcare, and perhaps Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems are one of them. Electronic Medical Record essentially is aimed at improving the accuracy of patient information, supporting clinical decision-making, and improving the accessibility of patients’ data for undisturbed continuity over time and space (Sahay, Sundararaman & Braa, 2017).  Security, the abundance of data and quality of data generated from plethora devices should imply severely examined and measures incorporated to mitigate data breach to third parties. It is worth noting, and information systems are present to aid compliance with unpredictable treatment protocols. However, they have rapid development, because of having collaborative and inundated isolated IT applications.

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It is worth noting these systems considerably influence the user regarding the medical professional as well as the patient and the user. The advent in the medical spectrum has led to an increased burden of chronic diseases by increasing treatment options and extension of life expectancies (Sahay, Sundararaman, & Braa, 2017).  Thus in the contemporary world, today patients are placed in awkward situations to make tough decisions in spite of some facing threating illness and time of crisis in their lives. Hence, making final treatment involving complex cases, quality and length of life options remain a challenge to some patients. In-House Server Types Generally, small networks contain one server to manage various services. On the contrary, colossal system has multiple servers, each outputting unique service or services. For instance, large institutions such as healthcare facilities may employ one in-house server to control web hosting as well as requests associated with e-mail, in addition, others are executed as area controller offering data encryption to the entire network, and another for the provision of database to clients, support for print operations and application software.

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Server demand is accomplished by the more services a server manages and the magnitude services its clients create. Sole servers contain shrinking quantity of services, hence is ideal for small companies tasks (In Costello & In Powers, 2018). The intent is to separate data or moving from primary storage media. It has an inclusion of simple file lists ordered under a directory structure. Essentially, it provides a log of activity and help healthcare facilities to track project steps, patient files in order to meet compliance regulations (Yeager, MacGrath, & McGrath, 2013). Seemingly, database servers aid healthcare facilities to house applications that offer database services to other computer programs in relation to the client server model. Hardware Components of In-House Servers Hot-Swap Devices The primary purpose of Servers is providing flowing services having less data loss as well as interruptions experienced.

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In addition, the operating system performs the comprehensive check of software and hardware systems. After ascertaining all hardware and software are working correctly, a final screen serving as user interface pops out. Motherboard Ideally, servers have backplane. Backplane refers to a typical motherboard developed containing few devices. Primarily, is the universal view to principle components. In a situation, one power provision is down; the other power provision manages the entire amount. Various servers are developed having hot-swappable features, to ensure server is running even while changing inadequate power supply. Is worth noting, it is recommended by server manufactures to disconnect the server within a network, when substituting hot-swappable power provisions. Central Processing Unit (CPU) Servers have several CPUs installed. Several CPUs installation aids the server to perform simultaneous processing. Ongoing costs are generally due to it being implicit cost items in the capital expense (CAPEX) statement.

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However, they comprise the majority of the total cost of ownership. To have a cost-effective and easy to manage in-house server healthcare facility In-House Server Development, Originality of Information Systems and Application Packages Essentially phrases such as “in-house” have been widely used to denote a dichotomous situation. According to Sitaram & Dan, (2013) a continuum exists since applications packages require some designs, which form the most critical problem of incorporating application software. In a technical perspective, one can differentiate various forms of designs explaining its difficulty. The worst predicament is the work-in-progress unveiled prematurely. Depending on various circumstances, exposure of the site can seriously jeopardize and cause chaotic problem concerning data safety and confidentiality. Hence, the ideal option is the server to be behind the firewall, residing on an intranet that can be accessed to only those present in a company or from selectively identified Internet protocol addresses.

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Deployment of an In-House Server Top-notch implementation of an in-house server in healthcare is the key aspect for the unexptional functioning of health IT incorporated systems. Poor quality results in minimal work results of the healthcare information systems. Manager server Patient Server Host 168. Patient server IT Admin server Network 92. IT Systems Table 1. Firewall network objects (Larson, & Stephens, 2014).   Firewall intrusion prevention systems and intrusion detection systems form the complementary basis to firewall due to the firewall access-control nature, ideally are ideal to bar host or an application. Notably, the in-house server to be valid, the size of the power systems should be relative to the required capacity details separate room for the power supply. In redundant installations, physical disjointing is evaded by dedicated assigning room to each system. There are various electrical equipment, components and systems incorporated into the servers both inside and outside.

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Typically, the objects are executed in concentrated electrical area and base server room and include automatic switches, load banks, tiebreaks, switchgear of service entrance, unit substation transformers and uninterruptible power supplies. Besides, the power distribution unit need to be located in different areas, but should be adjacent to the server room. Ideally, the build-in security houses amount to discreet protection, since they are opaque when dormant and while on use, view effective physical obstacles are initiated over the doors and windows to block intruders looking to access inside illegally. Categorically, transparent shutters amount to clear visibility around the in-house systems ideal for night guards as well as people on overtime (Sitaram & Dan, 2013).  Surveillance is vital in ensuring safety of the in-house server. Having a combination of both access control systems and intruder enables monitoring of healthcare servers remotely at any particular time of the day.

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Fig 1. Notably, the other notable licensing available in the in-house server set up is Per Core model. Ideally, is when the server is deployed in the physical OSE, and all physical cores of the server are d licensed. The number of core licenses is determined by counting all number of physical bases of the server processor and then multiplied by an appropriate core factor. Environmental monitoring In-house server faces many disasters, however, are preventable. Monitoring the in-server is sole responsibility of the healthcare owner of the server. Before undertaking, the logical upgrades all applications undergoing need to be working correctly. A backup of the database is essential as it ensures successful completion of the upgraded applications. However, is advisable to use remote restore upgrade method while conducting Security Manager Upgrade. Addressing In-House Server Securities To achieve healthcare set targets, a cost-effective means need to be incorporated to ensure the in-house designed systems installed in the healthcare facility produce reliable information.

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This is possible by including source code scanners at initial stages of the development. System security analyzer provides both the technical and non-technical security review concerning in-house developed information systems, to ascertain weakness and provide detailed recommendations for fixing any vulnerability found. This dramatically helps organizations to have accurate information, enhance effective systems performance and hence result to improved productivity. According to Larson & Stephens, (2014) improved productivity is measured concerning minimized cost of organizations research, operations and technology development. Reduced cost is the key goal for well-accessed information and data as well as quality. Further, due to the increasing density of servers, the amount released is high hence led to the innovation of alternate cooling technologies to mitigate this issue. For instance, healthcare can use public cloud architecture to facilitate public to access important health data and retrieval of medical resources.

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In addition, public cloud can be used for remote storage of healthcare facilities and own data. Cloud computing has various models that enhance exceptional data delivery and include Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a service and Platform as a Service. SaaS ideally, offers healthcare on-demand hosted services, by provision of fast access to enterprise applications satisfying customer relationship management. On the other hand, IaaS cloud solutions offer bulky storage of medical facilities. For efficiency to prevail concerning in-house server, the managers as well as the users need to have prior knowledge on handling the devices particularly the in case of an emergency. The end users must frequently be enlightened with the threats concerning careless surfing or sharing information to curb data breaches and ensuring efficiency and security of data. In-house servers need upgrades and updates frequently to eliminate any chance of leaving a leeway to compromise the safety of the data.

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More so, server licensing is vital and requires regular renewals from respective in-house service providers as this greatly aid the servers to be guaranteed of security monitoring and free from any vulnerabilities and cyber espionage. References Carpenter, T. L. IT Watchdogs (Firm).  Server room climate & power monitoring: How to protect computer equipment against damage & downtime using low-cost, Web-based devices. Austin, TX: IT Watchdogs, Inc. Gough, C. In Kastania, A.  Cloud computing applications for quality health care delivery. In Tomar, P. In Kaur, G.  Examining cloud computing technologies through the internet of things. Raisinghani, M. S. Nebel, W. O'Connor, R. V. Braa, J.  Public health informatics: Designing for change - a developing country perspective. Sitaram, D. Dan, A.  Multimedia servers: Applications, environments and design. E.  Web server technology: The advanced guide for World Wide Web information providers.

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