Detlin Resort Case Study
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Management
O of Detlin Resort, I believe that the strategic plan will enable us to position ourselves in the market to achieve our strategic objectives and provide value to the customers. The five-year strategic plan will analyze the market through the porter’s five forces model and also provide the SWOT analysis of the company how it has positioned itself in the face of the competition. Based on the industry and the company analysis, it will outline the milestones that are to be achieved in each of the years. The Mission & Vision of Detlin Resort The vision statement of the organization is to be the best retailer in the minds and hearts of the employees and consumers in the economy. The mission of the company is to provide quality organic foods to the customers.
Hence, Detlin Resort needs to ensure that they price themselves competitively in addition to providing customers with quality organic foods to ensure that they rise above the competition that they are bound to face. The threat of substitution is also very high considering that the customers are exposed to a variety of organic foods offered by different markets. Due to the large number of customers available, the threat of new entrants is also high especially because of technology and innovation, some of the entrants feel that they can revolutionize the organic foods market (Nayagam, 2016). SWOT Analysis of Detlin Resort The SWOT analysis is one of the critical metrics that are used to assess the position of the organization in the industry. One of the key strengths of Detlin Resort is the fact that it has a strong brand position in the organic foods industry (Pratap, 2016).
The competitors are working day and night to increase their market share which can eat into the market share currently held by Detlin Resort. Marketing Section Introduction The hospitality industry is quite volatile and competitive due to various reasons some of which include technological advancements and human resource formations. Demand is the only consistent part of it. Regardless of the situation, hotel managers or owners are tasked with ensuring that they stay ahead of their competition by being innovative, effective and efficient. Also, it is the goal of a hospitality firm to capture the attention of the market in order to make higher revenues as compared to other operators in the market. Therefore, the marketing positioning map is essential in identifying areas of strength and weaknesses that The Deltin Resort needs to improve in for better performance in the next two or more years.
Pricing strategy Deltin Resort’s pricing strategy captures two market segments, that is, international tourists and local business people. From the balanced score card, it is quite evident that the resort is generating relatively low in the sector yet it has a high number of rooms. In order to maximize on revenue, it is essential to establish a pricing strategy that is able to attract customers as well as retain them and cover the business costs. The pricing strategy also includes the following groups; cheap rooms, basic rooms and luxury rooms. Significant accounting policies The financial statement has been prepared in accordance with all indian accounting standards as it is required by the ministry of corporate affairs. The financial statements has been prepared on a historical cost basis, except the section of financial liabilities and financial assets which are measured at the affair value.
All liabilities and assets are classified as current and non-current as per the organization normal operating cycle. According to the financial statement of Deltin resort shows that the organization has been operating at a good profit margin since it has been minimizing the value in liabilities, operation at high value of owners’ equity which leads to good financial position of the organization. The organization during the first year had a total of $1703088 current assets and a total of $16516171 total assets meaning during the year the organization had a high value of fixed assets of $14813083. In the other side the balance scorecard also shows that in the second year there was a reduced operational costs which leads to high profit margin realized by the organization. Deltin resort during the second year made improvement in minimizing the total costs in all items which operations were directed towards and also maximizing the total value of revenue realized from such items.
There is also a good unique thing during the second year, though the organization ended have in a good financial position as compared to the first year. During the second year the organization operated at a negative of current liabilities of ($1319204) but at the same time it had high values of total fixed assets of $21600076 which lead to high amount of total assets of $20280872 as compared to the first year. In the side of t Liabilities there was some improvements where there was a total of $ 2538790 current liabilities and total liabilities and owners’ equity was $20280872. All parts of our resorts have just a single objective: to make our visitors' chance with us as extraordinarily charming as would be prudent. In the event that you visit any of our properties, you will soon perceive how we constantly endeavor to influence the fall back on encounter about you.
Delta Corp Ltd. claims and works gambling clubs and resorts in Goa and is relied upon to begin soon in Daman, all under the 'Deltin' mark. Having entered this dawn segment, Delta Corp Ltd appreciates early-mover points of interest in the high potential Gaming industry (Kavé & Nussbaum, 2012). Deltin Royale additionally offers exclusive VIP Gaming Suites that select visitors can stay and play in. Delta Corp. Ltd. works resorts in Goa and Daman all under the 'Deltin' mark. The Deltin, Deltin Suites and Deltin Palms give unparalleled visitor benefit, a lavish environment and an energizing knowledge with each visit. O of Detlin Resort, I trust that the key arrangement will empower us to position ourselves in the market to accomplish our key destinations and offer some incentive to the clients. The five-year key arrangement will break down the market through the watchman's five powers show and furthermore give the SWOT examination of the organization how it has situated itself notwithstanding the opposition.
In light of the business and the organization examination, it will plot the points of reference that are to be accomplished in each of the years. Regarding the bartering energy of the purchasers, Detlin Resort faces a solid force as far as the dealing energy of the purchasers since they are numerous in the market. Nonetheless, the purchasers are not all that various, and they make little sizes of the individual buys (Sevilla, 2010). Regardless of whether you are thinking about another or existing offer, take after the means beneath to help you to characterize and enhance your advertising blend. Begin by recognizing the item or administration that you need to dissect. Presently experience and answer the 4Ps inquiries – as characterized in detail above. Have a go at asking "why" and "imagine a scenario where" addresses as well, to challenge your offer.
For instance, inquire as to why your intended interest group needs a specific element. References Kavé, G. Nussbaum, S. Characteristics of noun retrieval in picture descriptions across the adult lifespan. Aphasiology, 26(10), 1238-1249. Bhardwaj, R. H. Robert Hartwell Fiske's Dictionary of Unendurable English: A Compendium of Mistakes in Grammar, Usage, and Spelling with commentary on lexicographers and linguists. Simon and Schuster. John, G. Nussbaum, S. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de León. Ballestra, A. Brusa, E. Munteanu, M. G. Faulkner, B. Davidson, M. Australian research and education examined. Tourism Management, 15(5), 390-393. Burkle-Young, F. M. Mechling, G. The importance of operations management problems in service organizations. Omega, 30(2), 77-87. Cacioppe, R. Bowen, J. Ford, R. C. Managing service organizations: does having a “thing” make a difference?. Journal of management, 28(3), 447-469. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23(3), 263-277.
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