Detroit Company marketing essay
The paper will major on philanthropy and corporate social responsibility. Philanthropy is a tool used by business organizations to promote the welfare of their customers. Through philanthropy, Detroit will find it possible to come up with a marketing plan that will help the firm to create a competitive advantage scenario (Cohen, 2016). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is at times referred to as corporate sustainability, and this refers to a situation where a firm comes up with a policy of sustaining themselves in the market niche they operate. CSR should be incorporated into the company’s business to achieve a lot in the market niche the firm is operating. However, this was after the firm ventured into some new markets in some parts of Europe. Detroit smoothie is a firm that offers restaurant services in various parts of the world.
The company has employed workers who are well qualified, and this explains why many customers are always willing to come back at Detroit smoothie restaurants. The firm has organized forums through the HR department where all employees are trained on the importance of hospitality. The firm is targeted people from all walks of life, and this means the right channels should be used if the marketing process will be effective. However, the firm has come up with some services meant for a special group of customers. College students are known to love parties, and the firm has come up with outside catering services especially for individuals who are having wedding or birthday parties (Kotler, 2013). The firm has come up with some soft drinks that are meet the taste and preferences of the youths.
However, the firm has not neglected professionals, and this explains why the firm is said to offer conference rooms where professionals can meet and discuss issues affecting their businesses or place of work. Detroit smoothie Marketing Goals Over the years the firm has been growing in both sales and profit generation. In the coming years, the firm will be consulting the advertising agencies for this will help in coming up with the best tactics of conquering the restaurant market niche. All customers who visit the firm will be requested to issue their emails. Through the emails, the firm will be sending notifications to their customers on the new services being offered by the firm. The marketing budget Budgeting of the marketing plan will be crucial for this will help in achieving the set goals.
Description Cost $ Advertising through TVs 2,00000 Printing of brochures 50,000 Employee training 20,000 Total 270,0000 However, the cost of marketing should be affordable for every firm will be willing to cut the operating cost if they are to achieve their sole goal of profit maximization. However, carrying out the study through social media will be cost effective and more targeted customers will be reached and their views examined. After learning more about what competitors are doing the firm should come up with great ways of improving the quality of services they offer to their customers. Again after developing the marketing plan it will be advisable for the firm to consult advertising agencies on the various advertising methods the firm will use in the marketing process. Again during the survey, Detroit should make sure they learn more on how they have been failing before and be willing to correct any noted mistake.
However, cost-effective methods should be used to carry out the survey failure to which the cost of running the firm will be increased and this in return affect profit generation both in the short and long run. Wiley & Sons. Kotler, P. Marketing. Frenchs Forest, N. S.
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