Digital marketing plan for PepsiCos Lipton tea in Malaysia
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Engineering
Situation analysis………………………………………………………………………5 4. Mission statement………………………………………………………………………6 5. Proposed target audiences, goals and strategies………………………………………. Future growth potential………………………………………………………………. Impact of Amazon /Alibaba……………………………………………………………10 8. percent. It has about 400 different brands in about two hundred countries across the world. On the other hand, Pepsi controls a market share of 20. percent in the soft drinks industry due to its decreasing sales worldwide. The Lipton brand belongs to the Pepsi Company and Unilever and has presence in more than 110 countries globally. It is also important to note that originally Pepsi was consumed as a cough syrup in the United States and it was sold in its pharmacies. Soft drinks industry is dominated by coca-cola and followed by Pepsi. Pepsi has a market share of 20. percent whereas Coca-Cola has 48. percent. The purpose of this marketing strategy is to enhance the sales of Lipton tea brand which has been experiencing deteriorating sales over the past few years in Malaysia and other parts of the south East Asia region (Ryan,2016).
Situation analysis At the moment, the value of the soft drink industry has increased whereas the sales accrued from the carbonated soft beverages have reduced tremendously. All this attributed to the fact that many customers are opting for new products which are healthy substitutes in the functional drink segment, water and bottled juices. The functional market segment is projected to indicate sustained growth and customer interest in the future as consumption swings to sophisticated, trendier and healthier products. Therefore, for PepsiCo to increase its profits, revenues and market share should shift its focus on the new trends particularly in the growing south East Asia region where the Lipton brands has not been made very popular (Omar,et al. Other than the issue of sugar, the real fruit pulp or real fruit juice or drinks fortified with minerals and vitamins dominated the soft drinks industry.
Another factor was convenience, it was vital to the development of new products due to customer’s hectic lifestyles and opting to buy more on the go variations such as drinks in the PET bottles which can be readily opened and closed (Amornpetchkul,2016). SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses • Rich taste and energetic flavors • Exceptional aroma • Attractive packaging • Good advertising and brand visibility • High on minerals and antioxidants • Reasonably priced • Health conscious image • Extensive knowledge of the culture, norms, and tastes. • Affected by moisture hence a storage problem • High cost structure • Inexperience in the Malaysian market • Large variety and format inventory • Numerous brand extensions that can dilute and blur consumer perception Opportunities Threats • Greater awareness of the tea health benefits • New varieties and flavors can be launched • Cheaper tea packets for the rural areas • New ICT technology • Mergers and acquisitions • Increased demand for green products • Rapidly changing needs and tastes • Substitute products • Restrictive legislation and trade barriers • Preference for coffee and other carbonated beverages Mission statement PepsiCo aims to be the leading company in consumer products that focuses on the convenient beverages and foods in the globe.
The company as well seeks to achieve healthy financial rewards to its investors and opportunities for enrichment and growth to its employees, business partners and local communities. PepsiCo could develop other package sizes to make sure that the customers have other alternative options. This will necessitate the tea to be readily available to its consumers. Expansion of the shelf presence will be another viable strategy to improve the sales. The company can make a deal with the retailers to protect the retail shelf space and better positioning for the brand. Even when a customer cannot see the brands that have been placed in noticeable shelves, positioning the products in areas that they can be seen easily acts a good way of products awareness (Khojastehpour,et al. Projected growth rate for tea beverage industry Impact of Amazon /Alibaba According to Brown 2014, Alibaba has a strong impact on the Lipton tea industry across the world.
This is because it is very popular in Asia as compared to Amazon which is largely dominant in the United States of America. The positive impacts of Alibaba are quite more when compared to the negative impacts. For instance, Alibaba offers unique size customization for the brand; it is stable with long-term supplies as well as having the ability to spread brand awareness. However it is not viable for large businesses and has a small reputation globally. References Omar, U. M. Shorbaji, A. M. Arrait, E. B. ICHITAN GROUP AND THE PRICE WAR IN THAILAND'S READY-TO-DRINK TEA MARKET Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 22(3) Khojastehpour, M. Ferdous, A. S. Polonsky, M.
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