Diversity and inclusion at work place analysis based on virtue ethics an ethical framework

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

This research paper starts by giving an introduction which captures the a detailed briefing on key concepts such as diversity at work place, inclusion at work place and a some positive implications of embracing diversity and inclusion at workplace as well as an outline of the adverse effects of not embracing diversity and inclusion in organizations. Further, this research paper has given a detailed discussion of the broad topic diversity and inclusion, its analysis backed up by how ethical framework can be applied in promoting diversity and inclusion at workplace. Virtue ethics is the ethical framework chosen to back the analysis of diversity and inclusion at workplace. The final bit is a conclusion which gives a summary of all what has been discussed throughout the research paper. Key Terms: Diversity, Inclusion, ethical, framework, virtue ethics, Introduction Diversity at workplace refers to the ability to embrace human differences perceived from a range of aspects such as; gender, sexual orientation, social class, age, skin color, ethnicity as well as identity and political affiliation.

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This research paper will be providing a detailed discussion on the subject of diversity and inclusion at workplace guided by virtue ethics as the guiding principle or framework for its analysis, (Nair & Neharika, 2015). Body Ethical frameworks on the other hand are sought to help managers have a better understanding of moral dimensions expected in any give given course of action. Additionally, ethical framework is critical since it also helps management in analyzing their choices in order to arrive at the most appropriate option favorable to all and to the advantage of the organization. Ethical frameworks are used as tools for creating harmonious environment and as a unifying factor between the management, stakeholders, employees and other special interest groups. Informed decisions which attract defense and justification are formed around ethical framework which is used in justifying moral intuitions and clarifying why things are done in organization set up, (Sison, 2015).

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In this light, it worth noting that virtue ethics solves challenges of making biased decisions from inception or upon the conception of the idea in a person`s mind. This is a sure way to enforce the right judgment in decision making since decisions are made based on an accepted moral character of the person making the decision, (Sison, 2015). Application of virtue ethics in the subject of diversity and inclusion in organizations is a sure tool to promote equity, considerate decision making and subjection of all employees to equal chances of accessing organizational opportunities and utilization of the available ever scarce resources. In this light, organizations whose management is guided by virtue ethics in making their decisions end up arriving at the best courses of actions which are neither guided by the set rules and regulations nor the resulting consequences but by morality and uprightness of whichever decision taken, (Sison, 2015).

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Organizations have experienced major inefficiencies, poor productivity, low employee citizenship behavior, lack of commitment to organizational goals, low team spirit, inability to adopt change whenever necessary, high turnover rates and poor setting of organizational courses of actions due to the inability to embrace morality in decision making from an objective perspective. Virtue ethics can be displayed in various aspects in real life scenario. For instance; is a manager at any level makes a mistake, it is good according to virtual ethics that the manager owns their mistake or errors without passing the blame on other employees be it their superiors or juniors. This act symbolizes responsibility in the eyes of colleagues at the same time making the manager more reliable and in a position to be allocated additional responsibilities. It could be at the capacity of paying hand on a particular project, taking care of higher profile clients or even acting as a team leader.

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Another real life case scenario is a situation whereby an employee is required to exude trustworthiness in their roles for instance; It is morally right and acceptable for an employee to go out of their way to stick to their roles even when there surrounding prompts them to use organization`s resources for personal gain without being noticed. This influences their motivation and the ability to deliver their best for organizations they work for leading to low productivity. They lack sense of belonging to the state they genuinely belong and organizations they work for. A CEO of an organization who believes women are weak vessels and in his policies employs men to work for him is a representation of lack of diversity at workforce. This firm would suffer from lack of creativity and innovativeness which is only achieved by engaging employees across all genders.

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Additionally, some human resource managers fail to promote women to higher positions in management fearing that they won’t perform and that most cultures don’t have room for women to exude authority or leadership in presence of men.  Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications, 2016. Nair, Nisha, and Neharika Vohra. Diversity and inclusion at the workplace: a review of research and perspectives. Cunningham, George B.

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