Dynamic leadership Essay

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

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I am a passionate, participative leader who strives to develop solutions and achieve set objectives in a timely manner while maintaining high operational standards. I value team spirit and productive relationship with my followers. As an aspiring dynamic leader, I know innovative decision-making, charismatic approach to driving change and motivating the employees guarantees business continuity, profitability, and efficient performance in the dynamic business setting. I view leadership as a lifelong process that requires consistent and constant display of moral standards and ethics in partnership with my followers to achieve set goals and targets. Therefore, I seek to identify my current leadership traits and personality as a critical focus point on my future leadership journey. The proactive social activities enhanced my perception of various forms of followers and leadership roles. My leadership background laid a strong foundation that has helped me develop strong relationship and connection with my followers on my leadership journey.

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As Muenjohn and Armstrong (2015) demonstrates cultural values and norms influence the leader as well as follower’s behavior, perception and ethics. The contingency theories focus our attention on the need to balance leadership qualities with environment variables such as culture (Van Wart, 2014). I believe that a dynamic leader influences changes in the culture and norms such as embracing diversity within an organization while inhibiting negative culture values that cause stereotyping and judgment errors that harm work processes (Manning & Robertson, 2011). Recognizing the contribution of team members and motivating them to maintain excellent performance is a key leadership trait I have gained over my interaction with my mentor. My mentor encourages me to sharpen my communication skills and creative thinking as means of enhancing my leadership and influence in an organization. From a different point of view, my fellow students think that I need to develop my emotional intelligence in order to better control my emotions and feelings.

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I tend to express authentic especially when operating on tight schedules. Emotional stability is important as the leader’s emotional state and feeling portrayed in the workplace greatly influence the workplace atmosphere and motivation of the followers. This leadership style prioritize employee’s needs thus promoting job satisfaction and high morale workplace staff. These Grid findings corroborated my mentor’s assertions that I am committed and passionate team player. More so, my friends agreed that I possess charismatic and humorous attitude that assists me to integrate with a wide range of people in dynamic environment. Personally, I prefer be attentive to employee needs without developing bias as well as establishing strong social networks as means of enhancing understanding and congruency in my teams. It is useful to note that transformational theories illustrate the need for leaders to develop progressive relationship with their employees (Muenjohn & Armstrong, 2015).

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I strategically tend to plan ahead rather than adopting impulsive behavior to avoid harming reputations a dependable leader. Despite being a social person who tends to draw attention to my thought and ideas during group discussions, I only express empathy and remorse when appropriate thus the” Machiavellianism” by my friends. Moreover, they appreciated my tendency to control the direction of discussions as a good Machiavellianism trait that is advantageous as people occasionally look up at the leader to make the final decision. IPIP-NEO Narrative Report agrees with my assertion that I am an agreeable and popular social extrovert as I scored a 95 in extroversion category. This IPIP report is based on the big five personality dimension; extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience (De Hoogh, Den Hartog & Koopman, 2005). Based on the personality and leadership test as well as trusted feedback from friends and mentor, I comprehensive understand the influence of personality traits on the type of leader I desire to be.

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More so, I gained clearer self-awareness and understanding of the key areas in my leadership trajectory. The reflective assessment showed that I need to improve skills in effective communication as well refine my approach to the problem solving and decision-making. It has helped me adopt a visionary diplomatic approach to leadership. References Colbert, A. N. Koopman, P. L. Linking the Big Five‐Factors of personality to charismatic and transactional leadership; perceived dynamic work environment as a moderator. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(7), 839-865. Personnel psychology, 64(1), 7-52. Eagly, A. H. Chin, J. L. Manning, T. Robertson, B. The dynamic leader revisited 360-degree assessments of leadership behaviors in different leadership situations. Industrial and commercial training, 43(2), 88-97. Marsiglia, A. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(5), 388-399. Sethuraman, K. Suresh, J. Effective leadership styles. International Business Research, 7(9), 165.

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