Ecological Wastewater Case Study

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

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In order to achieve this objective the management has establish a project to curb problems that may result from the wastewater. This project will be crucial because EWS has wider market servicing domestic, society and commercial systems to customers across the world. The project team has set some objectives which must be addressed to achieve the desired results. These include; restructuring its internal structures, investigating the supply chain management, another objective is to ensure that the company meets all legal requirements (Kasprzyk, 2017). This project will play vital role of ensuring sustainability of this company and ensure that its main objective of preventing environmental pollution by wastewater is achieved. They also focus on identifying new objectives rather than the problems that they may come across. This makes the visionary style of leadership to the most effective leadership style compared to transactional.

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Visionary leaders implore the commitment of the team; this will ensure that the goals of these project team are maintained. This style of leadership provides that project leaders establish a creative spirit that is not achievable using other leadership styles. This is the key drive in the management of ecological wastewater solution Pty limited in making sure they establish long-lasting solutions in this company. It is used to show a different time in which various activities will be accomplished during the project. d) Gantt chart-the project managers will use this technique to plan a calendar for different assignments, i. e. days, weeks and months. Project managers should establish good communication with their stakeholders to achieve the desired results of the project. Informational power requires the manager to effectively provide all required and crucial information during project execution.

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Persuasive power occurs when the manager has a high convincing power and influence the project team to specifically perform a certain role. Reward power involves the ability to provide project team members with what they desire to perform certain tasks or an act of reducing undesirable condition in the working environment. The last power is the reward where the project manager provides motivational gifts to the project members after either performing well or as an inducement. Using the right power motivates project team to give the best results. For this management approach to be successful, trust among the groups must be there. Absence of these factors, it’s very hard to get into the root cause of the issue as well as helping the team members grow. For instance, it is ethical and crucial for teams to have trust with each other such that a designer can approach a developer and share out his work frustrations in a constructive manner and a mutual resolution found with ease.

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Humility is so vital since each team member is free to accept his own mistakes and frankly admit where he doesn’t know. Although the self –managed teams lacks managers, it still requires leaders who guide, mentor and give ideas. Therefore in an agile management approach, continuous improvement as well as innovation are fully explored. This approach has many benefits like speed with which decisions are made, its flexibility, quality as well as customer focus since they don’t follow instructions from managers but they focus on the needs and wants of customers, Less time on allocating work, checking ranks as well as confirming that entirety the project is done. Therefore time consumed in tracking and reporting progress is less. Employee satisfaction is also enhanced in agile self – managed teams since each worker has a purpose and understands it better (Rajeev, 2018).

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Instead of being moved by orders, the team personalities are invested, selecting how paramount to achieve a goal as well as then stirring the project onward together. Post project reviews helps the manager to learn from the past experience and learn from the mistakes done. Full adherence to the above steps, will minimize challenges associated with project execution and constrains attached to it. References Laureate International Universities. Organizational Behaviour and People Management. Case study Ecological Wastewater Solutions Pty Ltd.  International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(6), 1368-1386. Kerzner, H. Kerzner, H. R.  Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. Control based management to self - organizing agile teams: a case study. In Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Global Software Engineering (pp. ACM. Scheid, J. Project Management Leadership Styles.

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 Journal of Ecological Engineering, 18(4).

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