Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

The program is open o weekly based at least for one and a half hours. The evaluation describes vital elements shown in Jamie's real-life situations, two management theories, philosophy of management, and focuses on the human resource management practices undertaken by Jamie. The key themes in Jamie's real-life journey include being a leader, liaison and Jamie have faith in his team. The theories highlighted are X and Y Theory, the philosophy of management activities is the culture of management, acknowledging employees and awarding them, treating everyone equally and with the dignity, ensuring that the clients and worker are satisfied and putting trust and respect to everyone. Q. Positive and optimizing coaching methods of identifying things to praise yield fruits. Though at times his team may mess, he continues to motivate them and encourage them that they can make it.

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He continues to delegates duties. Disturbance Handler: Jamie displays considerable concern over the project period both individually, monetary and professionally. Jamie knows that when everything is out of hand, he had to handle it. • Egocentric and doesn’t care about corporates objectives. • Always against change. • Naïve and not intelligent. X-Theory argues or perceived people to be working for security and money and nothing else. Y-Theory The high self-esteem individuals who are never completely satisfied. Jamie shows them that trust and respect is two-way traffic. Acknowledge and Credit: Jamie emphasizes hard work to achieve the target. He acknowledges any worker or trainee who triumphant and continuously accomplish the objectives and rewards them. He provides free working conditions for everyone to meet.

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Associate and available: He is readily available when needed and get personally involved when the students act against the norms, he out-rightly tells them. Jamie’s approaches to activities regarding Human Resource He usually stresses the significance of identifying where things suppliers come from and establishing long-lasting relationships with his supplier and growers (Engler, 2013). Jamie takes initiatives of personally visiting the suppliers, market, and farms and clearly state his vision. Jamie had a clear objective of assisting unskilled and unemployed individuals. Selection and Recruitment: The fifteen-trainee selected and absorbed by Jamie was a good initiative which attracted a huge number of applicants. His selection methods never considered the skills, knowledge, and experience because his goals were to provide equal opportunity for training the youths.

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Q5. Jamie's approaches are a pluralist and not unitary. Jamie's uses pluralist approaches in managing his human resource personnel's since he was recruiting and provides necessary training especially in the field of interest to ensure all trainees and works meet the standard requirements (Short, 2013). Doing what they like motivates and inspire to keep going for the business benefits and financial shape. Conclusion The assessing Jamie's program will provide an alternative option to the expanding the body literature of valuable cooking skill based in the community. Vol. 84, issue no. 2 P. Engler-Stringer R (2013). Food, cooking skills, and health: a literature review. 1 P. 1300/J052v24n01_06. View Article Google Scholar Pomerleau J, Lock K, Knai C, McKee M. (2015) Interventions Designed to Increase Adult Fruit and Vegetable Intake Can Be Effective: a Systematic Review of the Literature.

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