Employee Performance Management

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Economics

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Talent management framework of any organization which includes recruiting, planning, learning, performance, reporting, and measuring. For an organization to be effectively organized, the company has to reconsider the way they hire, train and compensate their employees, and, have to be encouraged to be competitive (Panda, 2011). Nonetheless, there are fundamental factors necessary for organizations, which is to invest in its employees for maximum productivity and customer satisfaction. Organizations are employing various human resource applications to motivate, develop and increase the productivity of their organization. Therefore, performance management is one of the critical aspects of human resource management which influences the performance of the employees and that of the organization. It has to be therefore designed to fit the mission and the objectives of the organization based on the nature of work undertaken by the employees in the organization.

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Therefore, it is imperative that the organization sets the specific and clear performance expectations for each worker in the organization and provide formal and informal feedbacks relative to the performance of the employees to those stated goals. In the United States, most of the organizations, review of employee performance are used to purpose the decisions related to career development and training. It also influences employee termination, transfers, promotions, development and the reductions of those in force (John, 2010). Therefore, at any given time, the organization will rely heavily on the human resource to develop organizational value, and therefore performance management at the employee level is essential to the success of the organization. The value of electronic human resources ensures that employees are satisfied, and there is better customer service within the organization.

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In this case, the inquiries of the employees can be made in real time, quick access to personal files in the systems which enable the managers to see the performance evaluations. Also, integrated assessment is a trend in which computerized systems ensure that employees have met every training requirement after being exposed to various methods (Arh & Schwartz, 2009). In this case, managers can understand the competitiveness of employees by assessing the methods used to train them. Each result from the assessment is accessible in the system where it can review by the management. This is because strategic management is essential for the implementation of the system in that it is a process which involves the top management, and this would include prudent management of resistance (Kim & Kang, 2015). For this part, effective communication would be an indispensable tool in the management of change.

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It is an aspect which would be futile of the leadership is incompetence. Incompetence is a challenge which organizations face in their employee performance management. In this case, it will hinder the smooth implementation of the system and would require some major skills necessary for performance management. It is also imperative for the organization to offer training to the leadership in that they will develop appropriate listening and communications skills, ways of offering feedback, and the pitfalls of employee performance review (John, 2010). Also, technology has been termed as one of the best practices to incorporate in employee performance management. This is because annual employee reviews can generate a lot of papers which need to be analyzed and therefore demand a lot of labor and cost. Deploying technology in employee performance management can streamline the process by making it easier, accurate, cost saving and it is important because it documents everything about the employee performance in their profiles (John, 2010).

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For better performance of employees, it is prudent for the organization to deploy several strategies which can increase the employee productivity, increase retention rates and employee morale (Kuvaas & Dysvik, 2009). When these motivational aspects are implemented in the organization, the employee performance will be positively affected. It will lead to increased productivity, reduce labor turnover, reduce wastage and increase quality, and reduce absenteeism (J. du Plessis, Douangphichit & Dodd, 2015). Motivated employees are far much more likely to accept change than resist it in the organization, which can lead to a better review of employee permanence by the assessment tools. Also, motivated employees take responsivity of their actions and are better at improving employee loyalty (J. doi: 10. pmr1530-9576330204 Gliddon, D. Effective performance management systems current criticisms and new ideas for employee evaluation.  Performance Improvement, 43(9), 27-34.

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doi: 10. Relevance of Employee Development Plans in Employee Performance Management.  SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10. ssrn. Kim, Y. x Panda, S. Performance Management System: Issues and Challenges.  Management And Labour Studies, 36(3), 271-280. doi: 10. x1103600304 Shafiq, F.

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