Employment Law Essay

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

In other simple terms, the employment contract will continue until the employer or the employee decides to end it. In fixed-term contract like that of Johanna, the employer fixes it and has a limited timeframe that is required. When the stipulated time ends, the agreement also is terminated. What can be done is to renew the lease for another agreed period. The specification of a fixed term contract is the fact that there is a purpose to be completed by the party under it. The term of employment Act of 2003 provides that there is no special employee in a company, but even those who are on a fixed term basis are entitled to the same rights. I tend to believe that Angelina could be treated similarly to other employees.

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Now that it was Johanna who was on a fixed-term contract, it turned out to be a series of neglect and not being considered. Regarding the contract, the fixed term usually has provisions that Johanna was supposed to adhere and follow. Since Johanna was replacing Angelina who was on leave, the work she was to do was to continue with all the administrative tasks given and enjoying all the benefits included in the job. In this case, the employee in a superior position was placed in ordinary employee whose status as the holder of a CID and could not doubt. Later, it was reported that the Irish employee Act had been violated. In comparison the protection of employees (Fixed-term) Act of 2003 is applicable for all the employees like Johanna who are on fixed term contract.

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The legal framework does not apply to those employees who are employed temporarily at the disposition of a user or in training and apprentices as well as those who are on community employment. The Act specifically becomes a legal framework for agency workers who have been employed legally by the company and given specific term contract that will either be renewed or terminated when the period ends. Performance is enhanced through the job environment created in the workplace. For Johanna, the work environment was inefficient since there was unequal treatment between her and other employees. The cold food and the sandwich made Johanna not to have a positive feeling and appreciate being one just like other workers. Recognition and acceptance are a motivation for every employee.

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Without such motivation, it becomes very hard for the worker to continue becoming effective in performance. They understood clearly that such employees did not know a lot of issues concerning their rights and will take the time to understand their legal rights4. Through such, they would scheme through and impose such discriminating practices on the employees. In line with this, it is legal for Johanna even after the termination of her contract to seek legal suit against the company. There should be compensation that should be made to ensure that the contract ended as agreed. After Johanna started raising claims concerning the food she was being served, the management had to end his claim at the end of the contract. The contract is justified if there arises a real need for the employee to access equal treatment.

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In the case, Johanna wanted to feel like part of other employees and not to be neglected as was the case. On the other hand, if through the treatment it will make the employee achieve the goals of the company. Equal treatment makes employees improve their performance greatly. It helps them overcome some of the key neglect issues that might cause a lot of work stress. if that is the case, then, it means the company still has some double discrimination charges. If that is not the case, still the company has to be liable to charges claimed by Johanna. The second step is to file a statement concerning the case and the agreement contained in the contract. Johanna states that there was no such agreement in the fixed term contract and thus the company only gave her a statement to defend their position.

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