Equality in the Workplace

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Various efforts have been put in place by the governments and companies to help realize this desired dream of gender equality. Despite the progress mentioned earlier to realize gender equality, Canadian society workplace is still characterized practices, which undermine gender equality. Women still dominate lesser paying administrative ranks while men tend to continue dominating the executive roles in both in the corporate world and government offices. Advertisement industry is one of the critical sectors plunged in gender inequalities issues in Canada. In this paper, I will explore gender inequality experienced by women in the Canadian workplace and identify the possible remedies to the outspoken gender inequality in the advertisement industry Overview of gender inequality in the Canadian economy. Between 1987 and 2009, the Canadian workforce review showed that the proportion of women in the middle management only increased by 4 percent.

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The increase by 4 percent is relatively a slow improvement relative to a time span of over 10 years. According to the Conference Board of Canada, it will take more than 151 decades to realize gender equality in the workforce management if the growth rate remains at 4% after very ten years (Perry, 2010, p. This is a relatively an extended period for the country to realize this goal. As at 2017, only 4 percent of the fortune 500 companies had female CEOs and only 19% of the senior management were being held by women. There is, however, variations in workplace gender inequality across the country, for example, Saskatchewan province is characterized by relatively better workplace gender equality as compared to the neighboring Alberta province. Overview of gender inequality in advertisement. According to international Women Media Foundation only a third of the journalist across the globe are women.

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According to Robinson and Saint-Jean, only 28% of the news editors are women. Only 18% of the executive producers, directors, writers, editors, and cinematographers on the 250 top-grossing 2011 films were women (Canada's Center for Digital and Media Literacy, 2017). Lack of confidence in women. Women often view themselves as equal to their male colleagues and capable of performing the roles and responsibilities performed by their male counterparts. Men on the other consider themselves more capable than their female counterparts. Some women also view themselves as inferior. Men tend to have a stereotypic belief that women are inferior to them (Newman, 2014, p. Besides gender, bias practices are a common practice in various companies in Canada. Despite the fact that the outright discrimination against women has since capsized, there is a generation of gender discrimination, which encompasses unintentional women discrimination that is often invincible.

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Such discriminations have their roots in the cultural beliefs on gender as well as the practices and structures in the workplace. Besides the interaction, patterns in most organizations tend to favor men. One such belief in organization management is that leaders must be assertive, strong and confident, characteristics which are deemed to be absent in women. This will help in doing away with the beliefs that that woman is inferior to men thus promoting gender equality. Encouraging government investment in training programs and initiatives targeting women. According to Barber Kristen and Brunswick (2016), most of the training programs funding primarily aimed at benefiting women is limited in Canada. Application of senior roles in the advertisement industry, salary negotiations, and parental leave arrangements are skills, which can be taught to women in this industry.

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Owing to the fact that the gender salaries and wage gap exist in the distribution of the of the decision making in the media (Barber, Kristen & Brunswick, 2016, p. The advertisement industry should adopt policies, which allow flexibilities in roles and responsibilities. Because the likelihood of women having non-linear career paths is high because they are prone to situations like maternity leave, advertisement industry should be structured such that senior management should be able to comprehend these natural women demands. Creation of all-inclusive work environment. Similar programs aimed at encouraging women to enter male-dominated fields such as engineering and technology should be affected in the advertisement industry. These programs should ensure that the working environment is conducive for women to avert the issue of abandoning these career. Men still dominate the high management positions in this industry while women to tend to dominate the lower paying sections, a common trend in most of the industries in Canada.

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This disparity is attributed to various factors such as traditional organization practices, which view men to be superior to women and workplace perception on the leadership capabilities of women. There are a plethora of possible remedies to this advertisement concern. These possible solutions include creating a gender inclusive working environment, measuring the organization's progress in fighting gender inequality, embracing flexible careers, coaching, encouraging government investments on women training programs and diversity training programs by the advertising industry. References Barber Kristen, & Brunswick. Retrieved from http://mediasmarts. ca/gender-representation/women-and-girls/women-working-media Homewood Health. Gender Inequality in the Workplace. Retrieved from https://www. mvma. Canada and the British Empire, 220-239. Posel, D. Gender inequality. The Oxford Companion to the Economics of South Africa, 303-310. Scala, F. The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration.

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