Essay On Reebok

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

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It has been in the market for quite some time now, and as a result, the company has developed a most strong fan base and enjoyed one of the most significant market shares across the world. Reebok is the official sponsor of Ultimate Fighting CrossFit, Sparta Race and Less Mills. Company History Reebok Company was established in 1958. The headquarters of the company in Canton, Massachusetts. It also has other regional offices in Amsterdam, Montreal, Hong Kong and in Mexico, Mexico City. It is one of the companies with strong ethical standards concerns on both their footwear, clothing and also how they treat their workforce. As a result, due to its uniqueness in upholding the moral standards, it was named as the best in the 2017 Ethical Fashion Report. This helped the company a great deal in both sales and profitability.

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Reebok is one of the countries commented all over the world by how they treat their employees. The employees at the company are treated with respect and dignity. He holds the significant responsibilities in the company, and he is responsible for promoting the brand of Business for Reebok all over the world. Uli has been in the company for quite some time. From 2006 to 2008, Uli was the official Chief Marketing Officer of the Company, and he was responsible for overseeing the Reebok Marketing Global all over the world. He has also headed several other positions in the company including the head of global brand marketing and has also worked as the managing director of Adidas International B. V in the branch’s office in Amsterdam. The controversies that come with popularity is also another weakness that competitors may exploit to damage the reputation of the company.

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On the opportunities sector, Reebok still got some potential through investing on other projects. The opportunities in the company are through investing more and more in the kids wear and also expanding the lifestyle section to be fully accommodative. The threats of Reebok Company are the extensive competition from other international brands which has limited the market and the fluctuating global currencies. Competition has continued to pile over the years. To maintain high-quality service, Reebok continues to implement advanced technologies in order to improve its infrastructure. It is constantly diversifying and investing in new technologies to improve its service and offer new products to its customers. It also focuses on its internal marketing by enhancing the training of its employees so that they can continually provide a better service. Promotion Techniques This constituent of marketing mix describes how an organization promotes its products and services.

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Reebok has developed one of the most updated and well-architected promotion technique aimed at reaching more and more customers. It undertakes social responsibility acts like sponsoring cultural events, entertainment, and sports events. Products and Services This component of the company specifies the products and services that Reebok provides to its customers. The lead products that Reebok has dealt explicitly with are the production of sportswear. The company deals with the production of both the sports shoes and the sports clothes that are worn and used by athletes and other sports people across the globe. It produces both the sportswear for women and men. The future of the company Reebok is now more concerned about the comeback, and it is more concerned about dominating the world market. The company feels that investing more and more in the sports section; it will be able to reclaim the lost glory that it used to enjoy some years ago.

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According to the company, they now want to diversify in their products and services and want to invest in all the field of sports and games. One of the significant undertakings that the company wants to input in place is investing in the martial arts games wear. Martial art industry is one of the most growing games industries in the world. The Company is concerned about its customers and uses its marketing mix to provide optimal experiences to its clients. The company, however, needs to make some adjustments on its prices to maintain the loyalty of consumers and to attract more consumers. References Coles, J. Golden Kicks: The Shoes that Changed Sports. Bloomsbury Publishers Fine, L (2009). Universe Publishers.

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