Ethics Paper on Scandals

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

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More often, an ethical dilemma comprises a person choosing between an immoral and a moral act. This paper will look at the ethical dilemma faced by Case Farms Chicken Processing, Korean Nail Salons and H&M Rana Plaza companies. These companies were involved in scandals. The paper will also compare and contrast the ethical violations and look at whether they took action to correct them and if they were successful. Company/ Industry Overview Case Farms Chicken Processing The Case Farms Company was established in the year 1986 in December. Morganton and Goldsboro became more successful after being purchased by Case Farms. Due to demand for partially prepared poultry products, in the year 2005, Case Farms constructed a par-fry for the Goldsboro plant. In the year 2006, Case Farm built two feed mills for Goldsboro and Morganton divisions.

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Case Farms purchased Canton division in the year 2012 from Park Farms. The facilities purchased have been upgraded and expanded. There were other brands also that included Benetton, Walmart, Monsoon Accessorize, Bonmarche and many more. However, it was revealed by the civil defense and Bangladesh Fire Service head that the last total of four floors on the upper side of the building had not been authorized for construction. In simpler terms, the last four were built without a permit. Furthermore, Reza Massood, the designer, and architect of the building reiterated that it was not constructed to host factories but rather office blocks and shops. There was a public outcry of other architects that warned of the dangers of housing factories in a building that was originally developed for shops and offices.

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This is a fact established by experts in the salon industry. The Koreans have managed to go into the salon businesses because the costs of entry are minimal as entrepreneurs are capable of opening a salon business with just between 50 and 100 thousand US dollars. It has also been established that Koreans have entered into this business in New York as only a little or no English is required. Furthermore, the owner only takes a few weeks to train his or her manuscripts (Oh, 2011). Ethical Scandals Overview Case Farms Chicken Processing It was reported that Case Farm Chicken Processing abused and exploited employees working at their processing plants. It was also reported that Case Farms gave false information to the agency by taking advantage of the gaps that exist in law.

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When employees demand higher pay, the company has used immigration threats to fire them and escape paying for injuries sustained during work. There are laws that mandate jail terms and fines for company’s employing workers that are unauthorized. However weak enforcement and small penalties have permitted employers to avoid responsibility (Michael, 2017). H&M Rana Plaza After people from the lower shops and offices were evacuated in the year 2013 on 23 of April, the following day the Rana Plaza building collapsed. Managers were criticized for threatening employees and forcing them into a building on the verge of collapsing. Sohel Rana was criticized for assuming the building was safe and practicing dubious administrative practices (Manik, Yardley and Dhaka, 2013). Korean Nail Salons According to Walsh (2012), the Korean owners of the nail salons force their manuscripts to work for over 60 hours every week without lunch breaks or overtime payments.

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Over and beyond the time and payment woes for the manuscripts, it has been established that the jobs necessitate the utilization of chemicals that are harmful and often result in allergic reactions. These harmful chemicals also cause rashes and breathing challenges to the employees of the nail salons. Comparison and Contrast of Ethical Challenges There are commonalities between the three ethical challenges discussed on Case Farms, Rana Plaza and Korean Nail Salons. According to Sanjari et al. , 2014, one of the commonality is employer negligence. From the three scandals discussed, the employers neglected the employees. In the Case Farms scandal, the employers forced the workers to go on machine tops and sanitize them. As regards the Korean Nail Salons, it is evident that the employers did not follow the minimum wage laws and the laws governing overtime working of employees.

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The ethical challenges among the three scandals are also different. One of the differences is the motives behind the ethical choices of the employers in the three scandals (Crane and Matten, 2016). For the Case Farms, the employer was motivated by the goal of owning a successful business in the poultry industry after 23 years working at the management level. The founder was trying to chase quick success with quick double purchase of other two farms within the first two years of operation. The only firms that signed the agreement included Loblaw, Primark, and Bonmarche. However, by 2014, 28 brands had contributed towards the compensation which was supported by the International Labour Organization. For the Case Farm scandal, some corrections were attempted such as the installation of cameras and introduction of hotlines for the employees.

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Case Farms also paid fines as requested by the OSHA organization. Besides these attempts, there have not been major changes that can be pointed out as regards correction of violations such as compensation of victims of machine accidents. Conclusion In conclusion, Case Farms Chicken Processing, H&M Rana Plaza, and Korean Nails Salons were indicted in scandals. The scandals involved non-compliance with laws and employer negligence. All of the cases have had commonalities and differences in the ethical challenges that they have faced. However, the redress and violation correction actions that have been taken have been below par and unsuccessful. References Case Farms Chicken (2018). Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Nelson Education. Johnson, C. E. Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow.

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