Ethics stability and transparency

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

According to Kostera & Pirson (2017), organization management plays a key role in shaping and orienting the corporation towards achieving its strategic goals and objectives. Effective optimum utilization of organizational resources is dependent on the management efficacy that strongly influences ethical governance, stability, and transparency. Subsequently, the principal of organization success underlies on the preciseness of vision, strategic plan and execution of a plan which is triggered by organization governance and ethics, stability and transparency emerge. Moreover, corporations are managed by the integrated dynamic system, guidelines, and policies that establish organization climate and drive towards the realization of the corporate goal. Ethical governance Organization ethics is the value-based response of the corporation to external or internal triggers which relies on the culture of the organization. Moreover, ethics is positively correlated to accountability. Efficient accountability aid in the realization and accomplishment of ethical standards in an organization governance system.

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Hence, ethical governance is an ideal platform for all enterprise firm. Ethical leadership. Leadership is critical in reinforcing ethical governance in a corporation. Organization stability According to Waddington (2017), stability entails sustaining the status quo and progressive growth of a firm. Organization aligns with safety-oriented stability strategy without impacting the main alteration in its current operations. Effective stability maximum utilization of organizational resources to attain incremental moderate corporation growth and development. Moreover, stability in a corporation leads to certainty, predictability, attainment of goals, shared meaning, exploitation of resources and efficiencies in the processes of production (Schwartz, 2017). Therefore, primary concentration is on market, function and current product and sustaining the same degree of effort incorporation stability potentiality. Strategic planning will enable the organization to manage transformation successfully and the manager is in a position to project and deliberately prepare potential transformation in the enterprise.

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Planning aid the organization and manager to effect instead of accepting the future. Stability is vital in a wide array of corporate processes and attainment of goals. For competitive advantage, the organization needs to be responsive to environmental changes, adaptive and flexible. Consequently, stability entrenches and establishes organization values. Appreciating novel, the contribution of all organizational members reinforces commitment which in turn increases the corporate stability. Effective communication enforces corporate stability. Communicating effectively and clear definition of roles, objectives, and goals instills collaborative work environment and encourages productivity. In addition, integrity in management leadership through honesty and fairness enforces stability of the corporation. Knowledgeable staff. Corporate transparency Organizational transparency encompasses honest sharing of factual essential information, mutual understanding and eradicating barriers to information access to enhance job performance engrained in effective decision making, innovation, responsibility, and accountability.

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Subsequently, according to Anderson (2017), technological advancement has enabled corporations to get access to new novel information technologies, for instance, social software that adversely increases organizational transparency. Increase in transparency change in prevailing practices and behavior that obstruct honesty and fairness making individuals to be threatened. Nonetheless, there is an increase in internal and external pressure on the organization to instill more transparency not only from employees and customers but also from investors, government, and media. Strategy transparency. Secondly, transparency is key to avoiding unnecessary risk-taking. Lack of transparency leads to meager information on individuals, teams and organizational units. Hidden information inhibits talent, expertise, knowledge, ideas as well as probable risk Finally, transparency makes effective information actionable. Ability to strategically act on information influences success of an organization. Information systems need to avail transparently and credibility of the source of information to provide opportunity and increase trustworthy hence actionable.

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Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc. Kostera, M. Pirson, M. Dignity and the Organization. Schwartz, Mark S.

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