Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

The company has expanded to a great extent since then, opening more than 150 branches in the United Kingdom, wales and Scotland. The main principal governing the company is the provision of top quality produce, and high end produce by refining local British farm products. This have led to significant consistent growth of the company, with the CEO of the company aiming to ensure that they provided products at all times. With the competitive food industry in the UK, most Waitrose have won the trust of most customers, with most customers aware that the company’s products stands for quality. According to Kotler 1999, the basis of any company is the product they offer, it is almost impossible for Waitrose to analyze any product they produce due to the huge number of goods they produce.

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The company must ensure that their goods are of high value and are more compelling to customers. They must compare the price of the Canadian companies with theirs, since most customers are attracted by low priced high quality goods. This gives them a higher competitive advantage. Also they should examine whether there are other food companies in the area that exist in the region. Examining the pros and cons of locations will help the Waitrose identify the best hotspot for opening a food store in Canada. Having hope and believe that the company will work in the new location in Canada is also an important aspect that must be fulfilled. Normally, growing a company in a new region with new environment is terrifying and exciting, with the anxious feeling to see whether the plan will work.

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It is important for the workers to have hope and believe in what they are doing, as this gives them motivation to work hard and more efficiently to ensure they cover any room that may lead to failures. The management should control anxiety on the minor details in the company, as this would make them lose sight and focus of why they are opening a new branch in the first place. They should always follow their guts, and have faith that they will be successful. New competition and unfamiliar market places is among the challenges that the business management is likely to face the management. Well recognizable firms in Canada are likely to have established a strong presence, and breaking through the market to establish a new brand of the Waitrose products will be hard, as it will require regular advertisements, unending offers and customer promotion programs.

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Also, planning on how to survive through the various present risks in the business opportunity in Canada will be tough. After identifying probable risks in the new company, the company is tasked with setting precautions to use in case the business falls in any of these risks. This can be controlled by insuring products against any risk they are prone to, expansion can also have a major financial impact on the company, and may need ample time before recording high profits as they are used to in their main branch in the United Kingdom. This help reduce in production cost, especially in the new growing company. ANALYSIS MODEL. To analyze on the business plan that needs to be followed in order to ensure that the company ends up doubling their income as targeted in 2010, a good analysis model should be adopted.

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The analysis model should include the business environment, people, culture, timeframe, budget, and nature of the expected business analysis outcome. The business analysis plan to be adopted when analyzing this particular case should consider all factors that affect a business environment, such as the political, economic, social and technological aspects in a business plan. Here one is able to break down in to specific tasks, and determine what is required to accomplish each task. One is then able to present a specific business analysis plan to the supermarket stakeholders in order to demonstrate and outline the work involved and the number of business analysis you require to help achieve the expected outcome within the timeframe and budget that will be set.

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The most favorable method to determine where to locate the Waitrose branch is the pest analysis. This is because it is a macro environmental framework that is used to understand the impact of the external factors of the organization and is based on the strategic analytical technique. The analysis is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. Those between 40 and 55 years are extra busy with their projects and will most likely send someone to purchase for them, or request for house deliveries, while those above 55 will visit the supermarket to spend time rather than shop. Having this data will help the management determine the number and type of employees to employ to serve each age group, as customers at various age groups prefer hospitality provided by specific people.

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Gender of the staff is also necessary consideration, as what is needed by men is not necessarily similar to what ladies need. The demographics of the most population is also necessary data to be acquired before identifying the location, this is to ensure that the business is set up in high populated area, to ensure they catch most customers. Positioning of the new Waitrose branch in Canada should be well planned so that customers in the nearby locality are motivated to walk in and out of the market to acquire the things that they require. The evolution from corporate social responsibility to supply chain responsibility: the case of Waitrose.  Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 14(4), pp. Cadle, J. , Paul, D. and Turner, P.

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