Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Engineering

Document 1

According to Molnar & Gair (2012), genetic modification has been in use from the early 1970s where plants, animals, and bacteria has been modified genetically for the purposes of agricultural, medical, industrial, and academic. Being assured that there are no dangers involved in coming up with a designer baby both medical and faith issues, it is preferable to consider developing a baby with traits that are predetermined since there are possibilities of reducing to a greater extent any negative features that would appear in case of natural birth. These negative traits include susceptibility to diseases and unpreferable gender. This decision would only be valid if the partner agrees with such an undertaking and also the society approves it. In case of designing a child, the baby would bear all desirable traits this would not only deal with the health issues but also the child's appearance.

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Any therapy that is aimed at correcting health issues is very much welcome. For instance, somatic cell therapy is used to correct genetic defects within the body cells of a patient, and this is good for any patient. However, any attempt that is made in improving the traits of a human is not ethical. Any gene therapy should be done only in the prevention of any disease, but any enhancement on quality is not welcome. The issue of enhancement is threatening not only to the social equality principle but also in creating a playing ground that is not level in that those individuals with enhanced traits would be better placed while competing for the resources that are scarce. References Ayala, F.

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