How chemical industries affect coffee production

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Engineering

Document 1

Chemical industries also help in determining the usefulness of the byproducts of coffee and later looks at the proper disposal of coffee production waste materials. Chemical industries also aid in the initial growing of coffee by determining the right type of chemicals and fertilizers to be used in its growth. Finally the paper concludes in determining the quality of the final product that is the brewing procedure. Coffee in Chemical Industries Coffee is traced to have been first drunk at a place in Saudi Arabia called Yemen in the fifteenth century and it is of two main types that is, Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta. Chemical industries on the other hand, focuses on the chemical compositions of coffee, its usefulness and its effects.

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There are chemical changes that occur in this stage but most chemical changes occur at the end of the experiment. This is how chemical industries aid in determining the chemical composition during the process of coffee roasting and even end up analyzing the by-products of the process. Roasting of coffee involves combustion and combustion involves the production of gases which are released into the ecosystem. Some of the gases released into the atmosphere are toxic gases which may cause diverse human health problems and so, knowing the specific gases released during the roasting is important. In a study where mass spectrometry was put in place as a mechanism to informationally view markers that show up on coffee seeds in the roasting process, a non-target and a nonvolatile method was put in place with a suitable procedure to inspect the chemical changes that occur during the roasting procedure (Rosa, Silva & Rouws).

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It helps in the music industry for singers by treating voice disorders though recent research has disapproved this but more research is still on about it. In coffee production, chemical industries help in determining the amount of waste which could be a possible environmental pollutant. Therefore, a study was made to determine to determine how useful coffee pulp can be in the making of briquettes and pellets. With approximately nine thousand eight hundred hectares of land put into coffee farming in Costa Rica only twenty percent of the amount of the ripe coffee cherries are put into productive use and the rest of the percentage act like waste (Robert et al). They further argue that, approximately eleven thousand seven hundred and sixty four tons of coffee harvested per day, all the waste residues during the harvest that is the husks, the water and the pulp possibly remain as pollutants of the environment if not put into proper use.

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Californium also reacts with water to produce californium (111) hydroxide and hydrogen. Hendon an assistant professor of Computational Materials and Chemistry, University of Oregon argues that, the coffee beverage contains a large amount of chemicals with almost one thousand compounds. It is the composition of chemicals that give coffee the intended taste and aroma and a lot of other qualities that is contained in the coffee beverage. Some of the chemical compositions in the coffee occur naturally, others get in during the production process and the rest find their way in during the consumption. Among the beverages that involve skilled work, coffee is one of its kind because, the quality of the coffee really depends on the skill of the brewer at the point of its use (Hendon).

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scielo. br/scielo. php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1413-70542014000500005 Useful in finding proper ways of putting coffee by products into use. Internet Drugs Information and side effects database Dugget A 2012 Retrieved from, Drugsdb. com. Abarca, Moya R, Valaret J, & Filho T. M. 2014 http://www. scielo. br/scielo. 98-p. pdf Was useful in determining the chemical behavior of the coffee bean during roasting Academic rigour, journalistic flair Brewing a great cup of coffee depends on chemistry and physics Hendon C. H 2017 https://theconversation. com/brewing-a-great-cup-of-coffee-depends-on-chemistry-and-physics-84473 Was useful in determining the chemical composition of the coffee beverage during consumption US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health The roasting process does not influence the extent of conjugation of coffee chlorogenic and phenolic acids Sanchez-Bridge B, Renouf M, Sauser J,  Beaumont M, &Actis-Goretta L 2016 https://www.

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