Imperial hotel london case study

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

The four-star hotel provides services such as accommodation, conference facilities, and restaurant in addition to leisure centres. Despite being in business for over one hundred years, the hotel has many challenges which have negatively affected productivity. The hotel attracts international guests and tourists. However, there are various challenges Imperial Hotel faces and can easily damage its brand. This paper will focus more on the second problem; high annual staff turnover. On the other hand, consumers will always seek better quality services to feel they have utilized on their money. The new proposal by the incoming manager is essential in turning around the fortunes of the firm and make it the best place for offering services such as food, conferencing and other related amenities.

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Peters Farnsworth thinks the proposal of retaining employees in the supervision areas will be an ideal method of curbing the issue. Moreover, employees will always seek to offer their services in a place where their efforts are appreciated. Therefore, carrying out a survey of how other firms in the hotel industry pay their workers will be essential in setting the required standards. The case is not different with employees at the Imperial Hotel. They resign to seek greener pasture from other hotels that offer better pay packages. Employee turnover rate problematic High staff turnover negatively affects the performance of a firm since it leads to low productivity as a result of attitude from employees Biswakarma (2016, 11). Employees who have low self-esteem in addition to negative attitudes thus perform poorly in their respective duties and responsibilities.

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Additionally, when a firm recruits new workers, the chances of little experience are more likely to affect organizational efficacy. Employees work as a team and when one resigns, it may affect the performance of the others. Furthermore, a firm may fail to tap on the concept of promotion to motivate employees since will have no options, as a result, high turnover rate (Harris et al. , 2002, p. A tainted image of a company may bar talented and experienced workers from seeking employment opportunities. A firm will only get employment applications from inexperienced workers who may take time and also fail to click. The theory claims the number of output declines once mass exodus of employees hit a firm. The duration that a firm takes to advertise, carry out interviews and train new employees negatively affects a firm.

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The administrator uses more resources for separate recruitment and training programmed yet the money could be used in other facets of production or marketing. Harris et al. , (2002, p. The human resource department has a challenge of designing the most suitable recruitment plan to attract the best employees. The hospitality industry is very competitive and without meeting the international standards to lure employees who can transform the fortunes of the organization then it will be tough for the firm to manoeuvre around. Imperial hotel managing team have no option but to standardize on the salary and change of culture for the betterment of the plan. Harris et al. , (2002, p. This theory boosts the morale of employees’ as a result of remuneration and the process leads to higher production.

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This theory also encourages commitment, hard work in addition to the flexibility that employees deploy in their respective duties and responsibilities. Rewarding the best performing employees will be key in ensuring a firm performs as expected. The other concept that the firm can consider to help boost production is the introduction of team management. The concept is essential since it aids firms to get used to each other. Employees who are well motivated are the strengths of a company. The managing director in coordination with other managers in respective departments and also supervisor should create a conducive environment that focuses on motivating and rewarding employees to feel they part of the company and become loyal leading to higher productivity (Biswakarma, 2016, p.

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The recruitment platform should be structured to ensure only talented people who are willing to work for the organization are recruited. Alternatively, the Imperial Hotel should also change its working policies to fit with the demands in the hospitality sector. For instance, the payment should match the international standards to ensure employees are motivated to work extra hard and deliver as structured Biswakarma (2016, p. Conclusion The main challenge Imperial Hotel faces is worker’s high turnover rate. The main reason why the firm faces a high turnover rate is a result of low morale, low pay, poor working conditions and limited promotion opportunities. The management team should adopt managerial theories to reduce the number of workers resigning. Through adoption of effective managerial theories, the organization will meet the demands of the employees and create a conducive working condition leading to higher productivity in addition to minimizing the high cost of recruitment.

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