Kyoto protocol and cargo security policies in maritime transport

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

, 2015) research related to suggest necessary forms of Kyoto protocol, and understand its contribution to international transport and the repercussions cargo security and Kyoto protocol accounts when dealing with anthropogenic economic factors and climate. In recent years an estimate of 73% of cargo vessels have directly attributed to the movement of cargo in and out of developed and developing countries. This percentage has significantly increased over the years and has positively impacted Kyoto protocol and cargo security management in revolutionizing the cargo industry. However, this perception stands up to security analysis and measures evident in supply chain paradigm though cargo security and Kyoto protocol and can also be a fundamental drive for trade facilitation. The first section will mostly focus on Kyoto protocol while exploring some of the goals of the cargo security initiative.

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However, various concerns pose the risk of cargo shipment to the society and cargo security management addresses and mitigate these risks. The risks include theft, emission of chemical, burning fossils fuels and gases that are subsequently consumed by maritime vessels. Statics have shown that 70% of radiation have negatively impacted human health and the environment. An environmental result of climate change, such as the change in precipitation and intense heat waves, though specific health effects can be avoided with human adaptation strategies to climate change which in turn can prevent illness and death. This paper recommends manufacturers and cargo security management must amalgamate with other cargo authorities to protect the supply chain, improve the maritime system and maritime policy coverage. One of the most protracted arguments against maritime fatalities is that control technologies detect and reduces numbers of maritime accident and collisions.

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Wen et al. , (2017) points out in his articles that development of control strategies, acts as sensor and operates as a camera and ultrasonic. I have several issues with this statement: first, the simple fact that many developed countries use maritime cargo sensor first does not mean or conclude that correlation is causality because the latter is not the result of the first. Wen et al. In essence, cargo security management contributes to agile economic and businesses development in both developed and developing countries. The Kyoto protocol will be part of the direct solution of greenhouse gas emission, and cargo security management always respond to cargo fatalities such as cargo theft. Their philosophy is “ensure safety and security of cargo”, meaning that any cargo policy must protect shipping chain from all states equally.

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The methodology used by Kyoto protocol to calculate emission is done through bunker fuel. The banker fuel statically specifies the amount of fuel stored and consumed by marine vessel, though cargo security and policies have reduced the methodology. According to (Ntouskas et al. , 2016) the conspiracy in security management facilitation of cargo measures as improved and reduce cargo infidelities incident. Hence good physical security management will provide a satisfactory exit point to marine cargo controversial. Like the marine shipping process, the responsibilities should be considered to reduce cargo losses and damages. Zhang et al. However, despite the involvement of maritime transport to gas emission, international maritime transport excluded national targets under the Kyoto protocol. This extrapolation is an indication of total greenhouse gas emission linked to New Zealand international maritime.

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