Mapping consumer digital journey

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

This company was previously known as Apple computers but the name ‘computers’ was plunged in 2007 as the organization ventured into operations on producing, designing and distributing consumable electronics and computers together with continuing with the existing business operations in computer software and personal computers. After thirty years of its incorporation, the company became a predominant in the market in manufacturing personal computers. These products included apple I, Apple II, Apple III (this became the conservative computer machine of the time but the other apples remained to fetch large revenue for the company. During 1980, the organization went declared to the public it's an initial public offering. This led to the investors building of confidence in the market as the company fetched a lot of prospects in the IPO since history which was reflected by high capital financing.

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Mac Book industry In any aspect of a business, marketing is a crucial part of a business operation which heavily dictates the success in the client realm. As most of the scholars have described it, marketing is referred to as a group of human operations which are directed towards consummating and facilitating exchanges (Atkinson &Paul. AMA( American marketing association) defined it in a more broad perspective as’ a set of activities of processes and institutions for communicating, creating, exchanging and delivering offerings which are of high importance for partners, clients, customers and the community at large. Nonetheless marketing is not about adverting the available services and products to the end clients or the consumers but also consists of complete channel determination in which a service/product is going to be entered in to the market niche and also how to be introduced to the potential consumers for them to be enticed into buying the service/product.

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Since then the objective of marketing is to create awareness of a product in the market, a strategy of marketing need also to include how to make the consumer urge for the good or service among the existing market segments and also extending the market share thereon. This process will be made easier when the company chooses a retailer near the customer. Need for recognition Before I buy any good from the apple company, and then there is a need to have in mind both the immediate and future business objectives. I therefore foresee firm owners or the purchase departments should be able to analyze IT infrastructural needs in order to buy the goods customer often needs. I prefer frequently technology and media organizations necessitate crucial recommendations. I recommend a need to look for outsourcing IT Company which provides custom IT services.

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I did a RFP (request for proposal) which is a request based on the business needs of an individual. For me, I was able to compare the costs of various suppliers in our region and their delivery criteria (Chaston & Ian 2015). For my case, ordering online and being shipped was good which needed less negotiation on the price of the product. In this case, I was assured of the duration it will take during shipping. Post-Purchase Once I have finished the negotiations and the payments of the product, I needed to know if the product purchased has satisfied my needs. This gave me an idea that indeed Apple Company offers the best web site tailored towards a customer. This means that I have to search through yahoo or Google without necessarily going to their brand stores.

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This has then confirmed the information that I had been reading in newspapers and other information that my friend have been telling me about the products of the apple company. When it comes to the decision making, it was so easier for me because all the information have been detailed in the website for each specific product. This gave me a wide variety of the laptops to choose from and do the comparison of each other in terms of price, hardware, soft ware and the operating system. Recommendations 4. Lowering of prices Apple Company is powerful in place and in promotional methods. For instance, iPhone is largely marketed using retail promotions and online marketing. In the most recent past, Apple did smash the entire market of a mobile phone. For this reason, thus, Apple Company is in continuous efforts to lower the prices of its prices in order to attract more potential customers in the market.

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In addition, the company will automate most of the production processes and also enhance automation of contract producers which in a way to address the increasing labor costs which are involved in producing the good (Sinclair et al 2018). Apple Company will also develop partnerships with a wide range of distributors which in the long run improve the market reach for the company’s production. Reference 1. Atkinson, Paul. Writing the design history of computers. Jackson, Graham, and Vandana Ahuja. Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the marketing mix.  Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice 17, no. Retrieved from: https://link. springer.  E-marketing: Instructor's Review Copy. Routledge, 2016. Retrieved from: http://catalogue. pearsoned. ca/educator/product/Emarketing/9780132953443.  Sustainability 10, no. Retrieved from: https://www. google. com/search?q=7. Sinclair%2C+Matt%2C+Leila+Sheldrick%2C+Mariale+Moreno%2C+and+Emma+Dewberry.

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