Marloca restaurant Business Plan

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

The products have the unique feature as compared to its competitor. The business will be located along Marloca city in Spain Opportunity and entry strategy The entrepreneur ventured into a business to be able to produce and sell products. The business is located in an area located above. The target market The target markets are the people coming in the market and schoolchildren in the nearby. The competitive advantage The business does offer a free glass of fresh juice and some snacks when one buys goods exceeding 1000 euros. The other group involves tourists who are enjoying their holidays. PURCHASING PATTERNS The business has high sales rates every of the week since most of the people go to the town every day and the passerby who travel every day going for there and relaxation.

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The number of customers depends on the weather conditions. On weekdays, the business expects 100-250 customers and during weekends, we expect 300-500 since the premise offers good production in a healthy and hygienic place. Pricing strategy Since the business is in its early development stages, it sells its products at lower prices as compared to its competitors. The business usually organizes special programs of training during the weekends for employees. Invited guests who are professionals in the restaurant conduct the training. As well, when the restaurant intends to change the product line or introduce a new product the employees are trained on the needed skills. Supportive and advisory services For the supporting services will help the business grow and expand for it to run effectively, thereby it is important to have in place services such as; (i) Insurance services The firm has insured all its workers and property in order to ensure they are safe (ii) Postal services Postal services are offered by the Barcelona post office where the business receives and delivers vital information concerning it (iii) Banking services The profits made by the entrepreneur is kept in the bank for future use and gains some interest from the bank.

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Growth plan The business intends to expand its operations and become a top class restaurant, which will be commanding a bigger market share. Storage Stock stored in the storage facility inventory will and controlled by the cashier who will also act as a stock controller. Requisition There is a systematic order request to enhance optimum stock to avoid irregularities. Orders are requested for by of requisition sheet, which is updated regularly. Issuing Stocks are methods of pricing and they are written down to know how much has been used. Operating and Control Systems For the effective management of the business systems, policies and procedures are well developed (Scarborough, 2016). Other forms of system in the business involves the material resources system (Burns & Dewhurst, 2016). This involves the utilization of the business assets. The business owns a number of assets ranging from vehicles, furniture, machines like computers, files, fridges, telephones, televisions, chairs among others.

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In order to make sure the resources are well taken care of the assets have number codes. This code ensures that can easily account for every asset and the business keeps a record of what it owns. Small business activity does not measure entrepreneurship.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(5), 1760-1765. Sahut, J. M. Peris-Ortiz, M. C. Gibson, B.  Entrepreneurship and small business.

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