MBA Company Improving Employee Innovation and Invention

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Ideally, risk management also involves formulating solutions that are implemented to mitigate the risks. According to research, companies in the construction industry that have effective risk management strategies end up being successful in the completion of their projects. It is the responsibility of the experts always to ensure that there is a high level of accountability in the identification and solving of risks (Hou, 2016). Companies that have been identified as using the risk of modern risk management techniques are known to be successful in the completion of their projects. Consequently, others have failed to achieve their set goals and responsibilities due to the failure of the management to set up effective and efficient Risk management techniques. Introduction The architectural industry is involved with the design and construction of both low rise and high rise structures.

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Experts in the field are required to undergo educational training so that they can understand the fundamental principles of design and construction. With the help of other professionals in the construction field, architects can develop designs that according to the requirements of clients. The development of modern technology has made it possible to use computer-generated images so that they can be used for the actual construction of the structures (Dong et al. The introduction of the design software by technology experts has led to the production of high-quality output at different levels. In the situation of MBA company, being small sized, the management may fail to take on new risks due to the fear of losing. Losing finances and human capital may be some of the problems associated with taking on new risks (Hou, 2016).

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For instance, if MBA were to take a new risk in the existing market, then it would not be certain about the financial implications that it would incur in the long run. The management would be afraid of having financial losses which would have negative implications for the performance of the company. Most companies try to maintain the status quo by remaining hooked to a single structure of operation. Introducing new challenges may also be included in the organizational changes so that there is more efficient in service and product delivery. Leadership within an organization should be prioritized at all times. The individuals at the top leadership should have leadership traits that promote innovation and invention. Most leaders in technical companies do not share new ideas with their employees. They tend to fear that if they share their ideas with the employees below their ranks, they may end up overtaking them regarding knowledge and skills (Hou, 2016).

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Any achievement in the introduction of ideas that lead to the success of the company should be accompanied by rewards such as promotions and monetary tokens. If MBA company invests in ensuring that all the employees are fairly rewarded, then the process of achieving innovation and invention would become easy in the long run (Dong et al. It is important to ensure that all the departments of the organization come up with an effective methodology for evaluating the employees so that they can decide on the most effective approach to use in rewarding their employees (Dong et al. Employees that are fairly motivated end up contributing to the high level of innovativeness and innovation. Factors that support creativity and innovativeness Innovativeness within a company is considered as one of the main factors that lead to long-term success.

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This process then leads to the selection of the most appropriate approaches to problem-solving to enhance the process of service and product delivery. Ideally, when the employees meet regularly in teams, they feel more comfortable that they can share their ideas with each other and get support. However, being in a team requires that all the members should be actively involved. A team that has dormant members could face difficulties in coming up with innovative ideas. Additionally, if the team has embers that are not dedicated, then the possibilities of coming up with innovative ideas are also low (Hou, 2016). Also, when employees are airing their opinions or complaints to the top management, it should be done using channels that are effective and efficient. Concerning communication, when the top management has a good close relationship with the employees, then the communication becomes smooth and may lead to innovation (Hou, 2016).

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In such situations, the employees may communicate directly with the employees about ideas that they think might change the effectiveness of the company. This way, if the management views the ideas as innovative, they may support the employees through the implementation of the ideas or provision of support so that they can be implemented. Trust among the employees in many companies is a determinant of their willingness to work together. It is important for companies to constantly adapt existing trends so that they can effectively serve their existing customers. Companies that fail to adapt to changing working environments find it difficult to satisfy the needs of their customers. For innovation and invention to be effective, a company should ensure they are open to new ideas (Dong et al. They should avoid being fixated on the old ideas of operating based on traditional methods of company management.

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Depending on traditional methods only leads to a company being outdated and facing stiff competition from the existing competitors. Understanding clearly would help in streamlining their activities to meet the objectives in the long run. Also, when the employees know what is expected of them, they come up with innovative ideas on how to accomplish the goals in the long run. Project managers who are responsible for managing particular projects should also be included in ensuring that the specific goals of a project are known to all team members. The team members working on a project may then focus on innovating ideas that may be implemented in the successful completion of the project. Teams within an organization should include members who have different skills. Considering this, there are some recommendations that the company should execute to ensure there are more innovations introduced by the employees.

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Rewarding the employees for hard work and innovation ideas is a primary approach sued by companies. Most employees who work hard to introduce innovative ideas that can contribute to the success of a company may end up not being appreciated. The management within a company fails to notice their efforts. This scenario kills the morale of the employees, and they fail to give more innovative ideas in the future. Regular training of employees in the company entails introducing senior personnel that have more advanced skills. They can pass on the skills to the employees of the company through training. Through the mentorship programs, it is possible to ensure that the employees are given the opportunity to be innovative and proactive in decision making. Most companies that organize training and mentorship programs for their employees have a high rate of employees’ innovativeness and creativity.

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Also, the management within MBA can invest resources to invite professionals from other companies to help with the training and mentorship programs. They should be directly involved in discussing issues presented by the employees in their groups. When this happens, the employees feel motivated and supported. The employees also find it necessary to contribute to more innovative and creative ideas to improve service delivery of the company (Wallace et al. There are no limits on how the management can be directly engaged in the group activities. Also, teams should be given challenges where they would be required to find solutions to certain problems within the company. Bartol, K. M. Zhang, Z. X. and Li, C. Chen, A. S. Y. and Hou, Y. H. and Smith, M. B. A multilevel model of employee innovation: Understanding the effects of regulatory focus, thriving, and employee involvement climate.

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Journal of Management, 42(4), pp.

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